Spelling words

Level 1:  match, patch, hatch, catch, hitch, latch, pitch,

Level 2: into, without, anyone, doghouse, anything, carport, weekend, barnyard, backyard, sunshine, compound

Level 3: ceiling giraffe, citizen, gem, citrus, circle, cereal, genius, celery, certain,

Spelling Words

Level 1: track, deck, brick, duck, block, clock, black, truck

Level 2: wished, wanted, helpful, playful, useful, fearful, thankful, nearly, friendly, kindly, suffix

Level 3: hungry, hungrier, happy, happiest, heavy, heavier, pretty, prettiest, healthy, healthier


Dr. Seuss Read-a-thon and Spelling words

Dear Parents,

We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Friday afternoon with a “read-a-thon”.  I have told the children that they can bring a favorite Dr. Seuss book, or other favorite book, and a fun Dr. Seuss themed snack to share (Please do not send candy). There are many ideas on Pinterest.  They may also bring an educational game to play (no electronics).

Spelling words:

Level 1: brush, dish, trash, fish, radish, ship, shrimp, splash

Level 2: untie, undo, unkind, unread, unseen, retake, remake, replay, redo, retie, prefix

Level 3: fourth, forth, flour, flower, their, there, they’re, hear, here, foul, fowl, homophone


Spelling lists

I apologize for not posting the spelling words on Friday.

Level 1:  bench, chop, chin, lunch, bunch, branch, chimp, children

Level 2: blue, green, yellow, red, orange, brown, purple, black, white, pink, colorful

Level 3: leaf, leaves, wolf, wolves, wife, wives, shelf, shelves, thief, thieves

Activities and assignments this week

Dear Parents,

There will be no spelling words this week.

Geography projects are due Monday for 1st and 2nd graders, and Tuesday for 3rd graders.

We will be celebrating Valentines day on Thursday, February 11th.  If you would like your child to pass out Valentines please send them with 30 valentines.  They do not need to address the valentines. Just have them write who it is from.  They may bring their own decorated container from home.   We will also be having our annual Valentine’s Day breakfast that morning.  Each child will be asked to bring one specific item to share that morning. We will assign that on Monday.

Thank you again for all of your support!  We look forward to meeting with you and your child for Parent Teacher Conferences next week.

Ms. Krista


Science Fair Volunteers needed urgently

Dear Parents,

Ms. Paula is in charge of the science fair each year.  She is in desperate need of volunteers.  Please read her message below and let her know if you would be able to help out.

Thank you!

Message from Ms. Paula:

Any potential volunteers need to contact me so I can place them in the position that best suits their interests and our needs.  (Her email is pdugan@mariamontessoriacademy.org)

 Here is a little more info about the positions needed. 

 Tue 16th

  Set up – from 3:00 to about 4:30

 Wed 17th Elementary Fair (4-5th)

  Judges – preferably with a science or engineering background  (8:30 – approx. 1200)

  Scorekeepers  (9:00 to approx. 1:30)

  Judge station coordinators  (8:30 – approx. 1200)


 Thurs 18th Jr. High Fair (6-8) –  times needed are the same as the Elementary Fair

   Judges – should have some science, technology or engineering background


   Judging Station coordinators


 We plan on providing the Staff and Student preference awards along with a few other special awards but that will totally depend on the availability of volunteers to help facilitate it.  

Thanks for your support,


Spelling words and Calendar updates

Spelling words for this week:

Level 1: cloth, moth, bath, math, path, sixth, thin

Level 2: pretty, nice, funny, happy, quiet, fuzzy, fluffy, rich, poor, dark, adjective

Level 3: action, picture, nation, creature, motion, failure, mention, nature, caution, furniture

February updates:

February 8–Level 1 and Level 2 geography projects due

February 9–Level 3 geography projects due

February 9-11–Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please sign up if you haven’t yet.  I will keep the link open until Friday, Feb. 5.  After that my schedule will be set and I will not be able to make changes.

Parent Teacher Conference sign up

February 12-15–No school.

February 16–boxtop store is open

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Krista


Parent Teacher Conference sign-up

Dear Parents,

Parent teacher conferences are coming up on Feb. 9,10,11.  Students are invited to attend with their parents this time. Please no younger siblings.

Spelling words for this week:

Level 1: hill, fell, bell, doll, pill, grill, windmill

Level 2: won’t, hasn’t, isn’t, aren’t, can’t, haven’t, didn’t, don’t, doesn’t, wasn’t, contraction

Level 3: calendar, carnival, experience, govern, gulf, haste, nation, scatter, surrender, thrill

See’s candy order forms and money are due Monday, January 25. Please make sure your child’s name AND his/her teacher’s name are on the envelope and order form.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Krista


Spelling words and updates

Spelling words for this week are:

Level 1:  grass, glass, dress, class, kiss, moss, cross

Level 2 :mad, angry, yell, shout, small, little, large, huge, under, below, synonym

Level 3: adopt, arouse, arrange, cell, infection, influence, injure, pattern, series, vision

Calendar updates:

Jan. 12–Jr. High Parent & Student Night 7-8pm

Jan. 15–no school (Professional Development day)

Jan. 18–no school (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Jan 19–Parent Information Night for Early Childhood and 1st-6th 7-8pm

See’s Candy 6th grade fundraiser– Order forms and Money are due Monday, January 25th.  Payment can be in the form of cash or check (checks made payable to MMA).  Please write your child’s name and teacher’s name on the order form and envelope.  Please have item totals filled out completely and money totaled.


Spelling words this week

Level 1–plant, stamp, stand, blimp, stump, twigs, twins

Level 2–her, ever, every, nerve, serve, herd, super, earn, learn, search, vertical

Level 3–diagram, frustrate, graduate, prank, primary, risk, stress, urge, vacant, vigorous