Calendar updates and spelling lists

Calendar updates:

Nov. 10th–Early release.  School gets out at 1pm

Nov. 20th-24th–No school.  Thanksgiving break.

Last week I sent home a folder with your child’s art on it. Their art work can be printed on the items in the folder. They can be given as Christmas gifts or anything else you would like to have with your child’s art on it. All orders must be placed no later than November 13th. All the proceeds from the art will be donated to our classroom.

Spelling lists:

List A: plug, clip, clap, flag, flip, plum, blot

List B:bone, cone, globe, home, mole, rope, stove, smoke

List C: aquarium, cage, club, faucet, flood, gift, icicle, imitate, pearl, valley

List D: contain, digest, finicky, habit, hinge, marsh, nursery, rely, spine, thrive

Spelling lists

List A: stop, stem, step, swim, slug, spot, sled, snap

List B: skunk, trunk, bunk, stung, rung, lung, dunk, hung

List C: badge, banner, corner, design, display, fold, parade, rectangle, salute, tread

List D: act, additional, advice, crumple, fan, memorize, mystify, pause, transparent, vanish

Red Ribbon Week projects and spelling words

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to come in and meet with us about your child.  We appreciate your support and concern.  We enjoyed our visits with each of you.

Here is the schedule for next week’s Red Ribbon week presentations:

Monday: Savannah B., Aaron, Lily, Eli, Gage, Christine, Christian, Alejandro

Tuesday: Savannah C., Camdyn, A.J., Evan, Denver, Halee

Wednesday: Axel, Asher, Sam,

Thursday: Luca, Tony, Graysha, Xienna, Daxton, Lucas, Brody, Addison

Friday: Evie, Crystal, Pranet

Spelling words–

List A: bed, hen, jet, leg, net, ten, web, red

List B: lake, plate, rake, flame, grave, snake, tape, wave

List C: cone, cube, earth, fern, fuel, grain, lizard, miner, present, seam

List D: chasm, continent, credit, enable, foul, gust, ordeal, plateau, rig, schedule

Red ribbon week projects

Dear Parents,

There will be no spelling words for next week due to it being a short week.

“Red Ribbon Week” is coming up on October 23-27.  For this month’s home project we are tying in the theme of red ribbon week.  Students need to either write an essay or create an art project that demonstrates how they can keep their bodies healthy. Some ideas could be a mini-book, shadow box, mobile, clay, collage,a play, poem, design an advertisement, power-point, poster, etc.  If your child chooses to do a power-point please notify me the week before so I can reserve the projector.  Projects will be due the same week (Oct. 23-27).  I will send out the schedule next week.

Thank you!

Ms. Krista

School Picture Day and spelling words

School picture day is this Wednesday, Oct. 11.

Spelling words–

List A:  bug, bus, cub, cup, sun, rug, hug, nut

List B: pin,pine, kit, kite, mat, mate, cap, cape

List C: absorb, anchor, brush, bud, center, core, factory, hive, sapling, trunk

List D: amaze, arctic, court, elect, interval, league, limit, milestone, recreation, tackle

Parent Teacher Conferences

Dear Families,

Our Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on October 16-18. These conferences are for parents/guardians only. Please sign-up at the link below.

Please sign up for conferences by Saturday, October, 14.   After that I will print the schedule and clear the online sign-up. Changes to the schedule will not be able to be made after that date. We look forward to meeting with you.

October 16-18 will also be early-out days.  School will dismiss at 1pm.  Our fall break will go from Oct. 19-20.  School resumes on the 23rd.

Spelling words for week of Oct. 2

List A: box, dog, pod, fox, hop, log, mop, tot

List B: mixing, catching, stink, crank, prong, shrunk

List C: ape, brain, branch, cavern, chimney, dozen, flame, net, spear, torch

List D: average, border, cocoon, flutter, moisture, nectar, process, span, suitable, timber

Please help your child study spelling words at home.


Field trip payment link and carpool sign up link

Below is the link to pay for your child’s field trip to Black Island Farms.  Please remember that adults who are attending will need to pay Black Island Farms directly the morning of the field trip.  Thank you!

Also, please sign up on the link below if you can drive your own child and any others to/from the field trip on October 5th.

Field trip info

Dear Parents,

I sent waiver forms home with the children yesterday.  Please sign the waiver and return no later than Friday.  There was one mistake on the waiver.  It should say “Thursday, October 5”,.  Below are the details of the field trip for your reference.:

Maria Montessori Academy

Field Experience on ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Thursday, October 5, 2017

at Black Island Farms

3178 S. 3000 W, Syracuse, UT 84075

What you will do and what you will learn
  • We will be visiting Black Island Farms
  • We will be going on a hayride and picking pumpkins
  • We will be participating in various outdoor activities (slides, corn mazes, etc), and interacting with various animals.
What you will need to wear or bring
  • A sack lunch and disposable water bottle
  • A jacket depending on the weather
  • $4 donation would be appreciated to cover the cost of the field trip (please pay prior to the field trip at the online link or at the office.) Parents attending will need to pay Black Island Farms the morning of the field trip.
Our Schedule
  • We will leave from North Shore parking lot by 10:15. Parents will drive their child to Black Island Farms.
  • Our hayride will begin at 11am.
  • We will have lunch together after the hayride, then groups will be free to explore the farm.
  • Students will need to be picked up no later than 2:30. (Please pick your child up at Black Island Farms before returning to school to pick up other children.)
Who to contact about carpools
  • Dena Stephenson (room mother)