History project schedule

Dear Parents,

Here is the schedule for next week’s history projects:

Monday:  Chloe, Harrison, Haven, Jace, Jordyn, Angel, Mary, Mckenna

Tuesday: Halee, Caleb, Kalia, Brody, Karter, Jaicee, Auston,

Wednesday: Brighton, Donovan, Emma, Taylor, Cyan, Rigel, Allie,

Thursday: Christine, Denver, Tys, Alaina, Lucas, Christian,

Spelling words, history projects, etc.

Dear Parents,

The math SAGE test for level 3s is this Thursday, May 5 from 9-12.  Please make sure they get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast.

This week’s spelling words are:

Level 1: skunk, trunk, bunk, stung, rung, lung

Level 2: body, heart, tongue, mouth, oxygen, digest, vein, blood, circulation, stomach, lungs,

Level 3: No spelling words this week due to SAGE math test.

Last week I sent out emails regarding the history research projects assigned to each level.  I am posting that information on the blog as well.  These projects are due the week of May 9.  I will send out the schedule next week.  Please let me know by Wednesday if your child will be doing a power point presentation so I can reserve a projector.

Level 1s:

Each student will choose and research a famous American hero who has died.  I want them to present interesting facts about this person’s life,  and what makes him/her a hero.

Level 2s:

Each level 2 has chosen a planet or something else in space that interests them to research and present to the class.  Here is the list of students and what they have chosen:

Emma—Mercury, Brighton—Pluto, Jaicee—Moon and the Milky Way, Taylor—Saturn, Allie—Venus, Cyan—the Sun, Rigel—Mars, Donovan—Neptune, Auston–Jupiter

Level 3s:

Each level 3 is to choose a dinosaur or other pre-historic animal to research and present.  They need to know what time period the animal lived, where on the Earth it lived, what it ate, and other interesting facts.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Krista

Spelling Words

Level 1: bank, tank, plank, sank, fang, hang

Level 2: living, grown, alive, plants, animal, vegetable, fruit, healthy, exercise, weight, nutrients

Level 3:  No spelling words this week.  Level 3s will primarily be focusing on math until after the SAGE math test on May 5.


Dear Parents,

There will be no spelling words posted this week.  I want students to be practicing the spelling bee words that I sent home last week.    We will be doing tests in the classroom next week to determine the top three spellers who will move on to the spelling bee on Friday.  Trying out for the spelling bee is optional, but I still want all students to be practicing the words on their level.

Third graders will be taking their SAGE writing test on Tuesday, April 19 from 9-12pm.  Please make sure they are well rested and have had a good breakfast.

Don’t forget to order your child’s yearbook.  Orders must be placed by April 20 –only 5 more days!

Have a great weekend!

Ms. Krista

Thursday’s field trip to Discovery Gateway

Below is the information that was sent home on the field trip waiver.

On Thursday, April 14, 2016, Ms. Krista’s class will be going on a field trip to Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum.  We will be taking the Frontrunner to Salt Lake City.  We will meet at the Ogden front runner station at 8:20. Please be sure to have your child at the station on time.  We will be returning to the Ogden Station about 2:45.    Please be on time to pick-up your child.  They will need to bring a sack lunch and disposable water-bottle.  Please do not send any containers (lunchbag, waterbottles, etc.) that are not disposable.

Thank you,


Literacy Week and Spelling words

Dear Parents,

We will be decorating our classroom door for literacy week on Monday.  I have asked each student to bring a color copy of the cover of their favorite book (about 5′ x 7′).  Please send that with them Monday morning.

Just a reminder that the SAGE language test is Thursday for our 3rd graders.  Please make sure they are well-rested and well-fed : )

Spelling Words:

Level 1: ring, sling, sing, wing, swing, king, bring

Level 2: blew, blue, hour, our, your, you’re, their, there, deer, dear, homophone

Level 3:  bridge, damage, judge, manage, lodge, bandage, badge, garbage, cabbage, package

Have a wonderful Easter!

Ms. Krista

Upcoming events and spelling words

Dear Parents,

We have several important projects and events coming up.

March 21-25–student projects are due.  Please look at the schedule that I posted yesterday to see what day your child will be presenting.

March 28-April 1–Literacy Week.  We will be having a special family literacy night on Thursday, March 31. There will be games, activities, crafts, etc.  Please RSVP at the following link:  Literacy night

March 31--Level 3s will be taking the Sage Language test in the morning from 9-12.  Please make sure they get a good night rest and a healthy breakfast.

April 4-8–Spring Break!  No school!!

April 19--Level 3s will be taking the Sage writing test.  Please have them practice on their typing and Utahcompose

Spelling words:

Level 1:  drink, pink, link, mink, sink, wink, blink, think

Level 2: one, two, three, four, seven, eight, eleven, twelve, twenty, hundred, thousand

Level 3: lively, steadily, lonely, speedily, finally, merrily, harshly, luckily, eagerly, happily

Zoology/physiology project schedule

Monday, March 21: Chloe, Jace,Tys

Tuesday, March 22: Halee, Caleb,Jaicee,Angel,Mary,Karter

Wednesday, March 23: Christian,Brighton,Emma,Taylor,Cyan,Alaina

Thursday, March 24: Rigel,Allie,Harrison,Haven,Lucas,Denver

Friday, March 25: Christine,Jordyn, Kalia, Brody,John, Mckenna, Donovan