Picture Day and other updates

Dear Parents,

  • Monday is school picture day.  Your child should have brought home an order form a couple of days ago.
  • There will be no spelling words next week due to the field trip on Thursday.  Students will just review previous spelling words.
  • U.S Presidents projects are due soon.  If you need the schedule again please look at the post of September 27th.  Also, please let me know if your child is planning on doing a power point presentation so I can make sure to have the projector scheduled ahead of time.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Krista


Parent Teacher Conferences October 17-19

Dear Families,

Our Fall Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon. These conferences are for parents/guardians only.

We look forward to seeing you.

Those dates will also be early-out days.  School will dismiss at 1pm.  Our fall break will go from Oct. 20-21.  School resumes on the 24th.

Spelling Lists

Dear Parents,

I just want to remind you all that the spelling lists are not based on grade level.  They are based on ability.  I have listed each student’s name next to the list they are on at this time.

List 1: bug, bus, cub, cup, sun, rug, hug, nut   (Eli, Graysha, Taylor K, Morgan, Gage, Evan, Daxton, Xienna, Marcus)

List 2: bone, cone, globe, home, mole, rope, stove, smoke (Maddy, Caitlyn, Rigel, Auston, Denver, Halee, Kalia, Brody, Lucas)

List 3: ape, brain, branch, cavern, chimney, dozen, flame, net, spear, torch  (Pranet, Christine, Christian, Alejandro, Karter)

List 4:amaze, arctic, court, elect, interval, league, limit, milestone, recreation, tackle  (Jaicee, Taylor K.P. Emma, Allie, Donovan, Cyan, Brighton)


U.S. Presidents Project

Dear Parents,

I randomly assigned each child a U.S. President to research and present to the class.  Please help them begin researching their president right away so they will have plenty of time to really learn the information and be able to present it with confidence.  I have listed the students’ names next to the president and the date their project is due.

Friday, October 14

Evan—Harry Truman

Daxton—George H.W. Bush

Xienna—John Quincy Adams

Alejandro—William Johnson

Allie—George Washington

Marcus – Dwight Eisenhower


Monday: October 17

Eli—Warren Harding

Caitlyn—Zachary Taylor

Christine—Theodore Roosevelt

Karter—George Buchanan

Jaicee—John F. Kennedy

Auston—James Polk

Maddy—James Madison

Graysha—John Adams

Tuesday: October 18

Denver—John Taylor

Lucas—James Monroe

Brighton—Calvin Coolidge

Donovan –Ronald Reagan

Pranet—Grover Cleveland

Taylor K.  –William Mckinley

Christian—Franklin Pierce

Halee—William Taft


Wednesday:  October 19

Taylor K.P.—Thomas Jefferson

Morgan  Ulysses Grant

Gage—Herbert Hoover

Kalia—Andrew Johnson

Brody—Woodrow Wilson

Cyan—Abraham Lincoln

Rigel—FD. Roosevelt

Emma–Gerald Ford



Black Island Farms field trip

Dear Parents,

I am sending home the permission slip and waiver for our field trip to Black Island Farms. Please make sure each page is properly filled out and signed, and then return it to me as soon as possible to ensure that you child will be going on the field trip.  Below is information regarding the field trip.  This is part of the information going home today on the permission slip. .

On Thursday, October 13, 2016, Ms. Krista’s class will be going on a field trip to Black Island Farms. Parents will need to arrange transportation for their child to and from Black Island Farms. We will meet at North Shore Parking Lot at 8:45 and leave at 9am.  Students will need to be picked up at Black Island Farms by 1:45. A donation of $4.00 would be greatly appreciated to help pay for the cost of this trip.  Parents who will be chaperoning will need to pay $4 directly to Black Island Farms on the day of the field trip. Students will need to bring a sack lunch and disposable water-bottle.  Please do not send any containers (lunchbag, waterbottles, etc.) that are not disposable.  In case of cooler weather please plan on bringing a jacket. 


Spelling Lists for next week

List 1: box, dog, pod, fox, hop, log, mop, tot

List 2: skunk, trunk, bunk, stung, rung, lung, dunk, hung

List 3: antenna, balance, boulder, cliff, joint, machine, motor, muscle, planet, slope

List 4: average, border, cocoon, flutter, moisture, nectar, process, span, suitable, timber

Rumbi Island Wednesdays!

Dear Parents,

MMA is now offering our families the opportunity to purchase a rice bowl from Rumbi Grill every Wednesday for their child’s lunch. All proceeds from the purchases will go towards our 6th and 9th grade end of year fieldtrips. Your choices will consist of:

Teriyaki Chicken & Veggie with White Rice- $4.00

Orange Chicken with White Rice- $4.00

To order a rice bowl on Wednesday’s for your child, please follow the payment link below:


Orders must be submitted by the Monday prior to Rumbi Wednesday. Any orders submitted after Monday, will be added to the following week’s order. For any questions regarding Rumbi Wednesday, please contact Melanie in the front office.

Home project schedule and spelling lists.

Dear Parents,

Our first home project is due on Monday. For information about this project please click the page on the top right column of the blog titled “home projects”.  Below is the schedule of the day your child will be presenting his/her project to the class.

Monday: Eli,Caitlyn, Christine, Karter, Jaicee, Auston,

Tuesday: Maddy, Graysha, Denver, Lucas, Brighton, Donovan

 Wednesday: Pranet, Taylor K, Christian, Halee, Taylor K.P.,

Thursday: Morgan, Gage,Kalia, Brody, Cyan, Rigel

Friday: Evan, Daxton, Xienna, Alejandro, Allie, Marcus

Spelling lists for next week:

List 1:  bib, fin, kid, pig, rib, wig, lid, pin

List 2: lake, plate, rake, flame, grave, snake, tape, wave

List 3: accident, acrobat, alarm, bounce, weigh, enormous, gap, scoop, support, tangle

List 4: ambition, auction, coast, current, frail, intelligent, novel, resident, starve, volunteer

All students should have written their words on a card and brought them home over the weekend.  They should all know what list they are on.