Parent Teacher Conferences February 15-17

Dear Parents,

Parent teacher conferences are coming up on Feb. 15-17..  Students are invited to attend with their parents this time. Please no younger siblings.

Please Sign up for conferences by February 12th.    After that I will print the schedule and clear the online sign-up. Changes to the sign-up will not be able to be made after that date.


Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spelling words for next week

List 1: belt, melt, film, milk, raft, mask, gift

List 2: peach, stream, read, green, sleep, thief, field, shield

List 3:arch, attention, award, collapse, demolish, excess, outline, sculpture, spade, utensil

List 4: calendar, carnival, experience, govern, gulf, haste, nation, scatter, surrender, thrill



Dear Parents,

There will be no spelling words for next week.  Please have your child practice the spelling words that were sent home for the school-wide spelling bee instead.

Please make sure your child is practicing on, and reading on or other reading material for at least 20 minutes a day. FYI–On the top right side of the blog there is a link for “Sight words” listed by grade/ability level.  You will also find information for this month’s project under  “Home projects” in the same column.

Third grade students should also be using for writing practice and lessons.  They will log on using their student ID number proceeded by 3 zeros.  They all practiced on Thursday afternoon and have each selected their own passwords.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Krista

Next week’s schedule

Dear Parents,

You are invited to next week’s International Festival.

Dec. 19th–International Festival for Jr. High and Upper-elementary from 9-11am.

Dec. 20th–International Festival for Jr. High and Lower-elementary from 1:00-2:30.

Dec. 21-Jan 3:  No school! Enjoy your winter break!!

Country, state, or province presentation schedule

Dear Parents,

Below is the schedule for the upcoming International Festival projects.  If your child is planning on bringing food to accompany their project for the festival they do not need to bring it next week when they present individually to the class.  They can wait to bring it on December 20 when the lower-elementary will have their projects on display for the school. Parents are invited to come the day of the festival from 1:00-2:30.  Thank you for all your help and support in making this a wonderful International Festival!

Monday, Dec. 12: Taylor K.P., Christian

Tuesday, Dec.  13: Taylor K, Halee, Evan, Daxton, Auston, Brighton

Wednesday, Dec. 14: Alejandro, Allie, Marcus, Maddy, Lucas, Emma, Morgan

Thursday, Dec. 15:  Graysha, Denver, Xienna, Jaicee, Christine, Gage

Friday, Dec. 16: Pranet, Luna, Brody, Rigel, Donovan, Kalia



important updates

Here are a few updates:

I have really enjoyed all of the gratitude projects on America.  They have been well thought out and inspiring.  I have decided to make a schedule for the remainder of students who have not yet done their gratitude project so we wouldn’t end up with a whole bunch on the last day and run out of time.

Monday, Nov. 28:  Halee, Maddy, Taylor K, Emma

Tuesday, Nov. 29: Rigel, Gage, Daxton, Christian,

Wednesday, Nov. 30: Cyan, Marcus, Donovan

Friday Dec. 2: Graysha, Xienna, Luna, Kalia

Dec. 5–Field trip to the Nutcracker.  The children are really excited about our next field trip. Several children have mentioned that their mom or dad is hoping to come too.  Unfortunately, we have a limited number of tickets and so this field trip is only available to students and the four chaperones that will be attending with us.  Here is the payment link for students or you may pay in the office.  The tickets are $3.


International Festival updates:

I wanted to remind everyone that Tri-fold posters work best for International Festival since everything must be displayed on individual student desks.  Also, each student needs to include a map and flag of their country, state, etc.,  and at least 10 interesting facts

Spelling words for week of November 28:

List 1: plug, clip, clap, flag, flip, plum, blot

List 2: costume, reptile, inside, sunrise, volume, homeless, lemonade, divide

List 3: aquarium, cage, club, faucet, flood, gift, icicle, imitate, pearl, valley

List 4: attitude, confess, defend, gradual, hint, individual, malice, misery, solution, survey

Just a quick reminder that there is no school next week.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!


International Festival

Dear Parents,

(If you child has not done their November report yet please make sure they do by the end of the month)

The Annual International Festival is approaching. This is the time of year when each student has the opportunity to present a country from the continent we are studying. This semester we have been learning about North America.

The International Festival is a way to explore other cultures from around the world.    Each student will research and explore their chosen country and find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school.  Students will need to have a display of their country.  This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their country.  During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates.  Each student is expected to participate in the festival.  All of the children have a specific country, U.S. state, or Canadian province to present.   I will provide the list below so you know which country your child needs to research..

Here is a link to help with country reports:

The International Festival will be Dec. 19-20..  Lower-Elementary will be presenting their projects to the entire school on Dec. 20.  I would our students to present their projects individually to our class on December 12-16.

  • Antigua and Barbuda–Allie
  • Bahamas–Eli
  • Barbados–Denver
  • Belize–Marcus
  • Costa Rica–Alejandro
  • Cuba–Maddy
  • Dominica–Kalia
  • Dominican Republic–Graysha
  • El Salvador–Halee
  • Grenada–Auston
  • Guatemala–Brody
  • Haiti–Donovan
  • Honduras—Taylor K.
  • Jamaica—Taylor K.P.
  • Mexico–Christine
  • Nicaragua–Evan
  • Panama–Xienna
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis–Christian
  • Saint Lucia–Emma
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines–Jaicee
  • Trinidad and Tobago–Pranet
  • Hawaii–Morgan
  • California–Brighton
  • New York–Lucas
  • Alaska —Cyan
  • Texas–Gage
  • Prince Edward Island–Rigel
  • British Columbia—Daxton
  • Quebec—-Luna

Thanksgiving class party

Dear Parents,

We are having our annual Thanksgiving class party next Wednesday, Nov. 16.  We discussed individual food assignments today with the students and have sent home a card with their specific item on it. Please let me know If your child will not be able to bring their item so we can make other arrangements. You can send it in that morning with your child.  We really appreciate your support with this.  The kids are so excited!

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spelling and November’s home project

Dear Parents,

Due to several interruptions yesterday we were not able to get to the spelling tests. Therefore, there will be no new spelling words this week.  Everyone will just practice their words from this past week and we will have the spelling test as usual on Thursday.  Hopefully with all those extra days to practice everyone will get 100%.

November’s project is going to be very simple.  There will not be a specific schedule this month. Students can just bring their project whenever they are ready to present it.  If they are doing a power point I will need at least 2 days prior notice to reserve a projector.  This month’s theme is gratitude with an emphasis on America.  I would like them to present something they are grateful for that has come about because of the United States of America.

I wanted to give a huge thank you to our wonderful room mother, Tiffany Tuttle, who organized an amazing class party today!  Thank you also to all those who pitched in and helped out.  We sure appreciate all you do!

I also wanted to thank whoever purchased books for our class from the book fair last week!  What a wonderful surprise.  I don’t know who you are, but thank you very much!  We have really enjoyed the books : )

Have a wonderful weekend!

Spelling words and Sage interim test

List 1: bed, hen, jet, leg, net, ten, web, red

List 2:  bike, dime, line, pipe, smile, stripe, vine, bride

List 3: absorb, anchor, brush, bud, center, core, factory, hive, sapling, trunk

List 4: chasm, continent, credit, enable, foul, gust, ordeal, plateau, rig, schedule

The practice SAGE testing period for third graders has now begun. Today, our third graders completed the reading portion of the test.   They will be taking the math test next Monday (Oct. 31), and the writing test the following Monday (Nov. 7).  These are practice tests to help the third grade students understand what to expect on the end-of-year SAGE summative test in the spring.