Home project for May and Spelling words

Dear Parents,

We have been studying the continent of Europe this semester. For our last home project of the year students will research and present a country from Europe. This will be similar to the project they did in December for the International Festival.   This project will be due the week of May 14. Below is the list of countries each student has chosen to research.  I have assigned a country to those students who were absent today and had not previously selected one.

Savannah B—Latvia

Savannah C–Belgium


Axel G.–Wales









Aisley—Czech Republic






Daxton—Great Britain






Axel J. -Kosovo





Spelling Words:

List A:mixing, catching, stink, crank, prong, shrunk

List B: sparkler, hornet, shorter, otter, yurt, walnut, strawberry, flower, foil

List C: convince, prepare, observe, enter, support, consider, compare, remain, spoke, exercise, separate, continue, charge, empty, repeat

List D: migrate, hibernate, nocturnal, diurnal, species, reptile, amphibian, mammal, migration, domestic, insects, arachnid, extinct, endangered, wildlife


3rd Grade Party

Our third grade party will be held on Thursday, May 10th from 1:30pm-2:30pm. In order for this party to be successful, we need your help! If you are the parent of a 3rd grader please sign-up to help with donations!

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spring Concert

Dear Parents,

This is to remind you all of the MMA Spring Concert that will be held this Friday, April 20th at the Weber High School Auditorium.  Lower Elementary students should arrive no later than 5:30.

Students must wear black bottoms (pants, skirts), a solid top with no logos or designs, and black shoes and socks.

I am sending home a flier today with all the information.

Thank you,

Ms. Krista

Spelling words and SAGE test

Dear Parents,

The end of year SAGE tests will begin this coming week.  The 3rd graders are the only students in our class who will be tested.  Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest and a nutritious breakfast before each test.  The schedule is as follows:

Language test–April 11th from 9am-12pm

Writing test–May 1st from 12pm-3pm

Math test–May 7th from 12pm-3pm

Spelling words for next week:

List A:  jumping, bending, picking, kicking, fixing, fishing

List B: yawn, hawk, crawl, claw, ball, salt, small, wall

List C: cloud, found, round, sound, loud, proud, shout, mouse, house, count, south, thousand, amount, pronoun, outrageous

List D: among, being, edge, against, between, center, beside, forward, backward, throughout, onto, beneath, attached, located, location


Zoology Project schedule

Wednesday, March 28: AJ (morning), Savannah B, Savannah C., Evie, Axel G., Luca, Aaron, Camdyn, Asher, Tony

Thursday, March 29:  Alora, Crystal, Lily, Eli, Pranet, Gage, Evan, Daxton, Xienna

Friday, March 30: Christine, Denver, Lucas, Christian, Axel J., Halee, Addison, Brody, Alejandro

Important Message from Heidi Bradley

Dear Parents,

Did you know the Gala’s in the past have made the school money so they could purchase computers, bike rack, P.E. equipment, crosswalk flashing lights, etc…? This year the school is in need of a new playground and we are hoping to get enough money to make a big difference in the playground bill. In comes the GALA:) Our ticket sales for the Gala so far are looking a little sad. We are asking MMA parents to step up and come support MMA. If you can’t come to the Gala but would still like to contribute to the school. The following link has some donation choices:) https://squareup.com/store/mapa-9

OR we will be at the Northeast Corner of North Shore parking lot taking donations and selling Gala tickets this Wednesday and Thursday from 3-4 (drive thru style)!! Hope to see you there:)


Heidi Bradley

March’s home project and spelling words

Dear Parents,

The theme for this month’s home project will be zoology.  I have provided a description of each level’s assigned project. These will be due the week of March 26.

Level 1s–  Each student will need to research their category of animal. I have provided the list of animals that each student has been assigned.  The following are things I want them to cover in their presentation:

  1. Describe the general characteristics of the type of animal (e.g. Feathers, warm blooded, lays eggs, etc.).
  2. Describe the habitat it lives in. (e.g. water, land, both, etc.)
  3. Provide an example of a specific animal in the category they have chosen (e.g. salmon, seagull, frog, llama, etc.) Provide interesting facts about their specific animal.

Fish—Savannah B., Aaron,

Amphibian—Savannah C., Camdyn

Reptile—Luca, Asher,

Bird—Evie, Tony, Crystal

Mammal—Axel G. , Alora, Lily

Level 2s–  Each student will research and present a specific body system.  I have provided the list of topics that each student has been assigned to research.  The following are things I want them to cover in their presentation:

  1. Explain what this system does for your body? (What is its job?)
  2. Explain how the system works.
  3. List the main organs found in the body system.
  4. Provide any other interesting facts about the body system.



Nervous– Pranet

Digestive– Daxton



Lymphathic– Xienna

Level 3s–  Each student will need to research the category of invertebrate animal that they have been assigned. The following are things I want them to cover in their presentation:

  1. How it looks
  2. Where it lives
  3. How it moves
  4. How and what it eats
  5. Other interesting facts

Poriferans (sponges)–Alejandro

Cnidaria (jellyfish, hydras)–Christine

Platyhelminthes (flatworms)–Lucas

Nematodes (roundworms)—Axel J

Annelids (earthworms)–Halee

Mollusca (snails, clams)–Addison

Echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins),–Christian

Arthropods (insects)–Brody

Arthropods (spiders)–Denver


Spelling words:

List A: drink, pink, link, mink, sink, wink

List B: cork, corn, fork, horn, tractor, orbit, thorn, forest

List C:leader, alert, verb, adverb, herd, nerve, person, liberty, germ, herself, serve, verse, perfect, clerk, thermometer

List D:  share, dare, care, scare, aware, beware, spare, area, compare, blare, library, flare, stare, hare, fare




Spelling words and Calendar updates

Spelling Words:

List A: match, scratch, stretch, hatchet, kitchen, catch, hitch, latch

List B:farm, carpet, market, garden, harp, park, bark

List C:circle, birthday, girl, squirt, shirt, first, third, stir, dirty, swirl, thirty, thirsty, skirt, circus, thirteen

List D:anybody, lunchtime, classroom, playground, underground, cardboard, campfire, rainbow, raincoat, somebody, footprint, footstep, spotlight, stoplight

March 16–Early-out.  School dismissed at 1pm

March 17–School Gala at the Ogden Union Station–6pm

March 19–No school. Professional Development


Spelling words

Congratulations to our spelling bee finalists: Christine Aparicio, Pranet Huilgol, and Xienna Watson. They will be competing in the lower elementary spelling bee on Tuesday at 9am.  Parents are welcome to attend.

Spelling words:

List A: track, deck, brick, duck, block, clock, black, truck

List B: baby, tulip, microscope, relax, robot, crocodile, tomato, violin, volcano

List C: fur, Saturday, Thursday, nurse, purse, curve, surf, turn, burn, purple, church, hurt, curb, jury, hurry

List D:straw, fault, applaud, awful, fawn, claw, audio, awesome, drawn, faucet, autograph, fraud, exhausted, cause, tawny