Spelling words and yesterday’s assignment

Dear Parents,

We will be having our first spelling test next week.  I will be posting the spelling words each weekend prior to the upcoming test so students can begin practicing. Spelling lists are determined by level of ability.  Your child should know which list they are on since they have all been practicing their spelling words this past week.

Level 1: Bat, cat, mat, sat, hat, fan, can, ran

Level 2:  Pin, pine, kit, kite, mat, mate, cap, cape

Level 3:  Cylinder, examine, fatal, feature, grasp, jet, marine, scar, tentacle, vessel

Weekend assignment:

I gave all of the children the assignment to learn their address and phone number before they return to school on Tuesday.  I will be checking with each of them to see if they have learned it.  Thank you for your help with this.

Have a wonderful labor day weekend!

Ms. Krista


Home projects–year at a glance

Dear Parents,

Since, we do not have traditional homework in Montessori schools, home projects are assigned each month to take the place of homework.  Home projects will be based on a monthly theme which is listed below.  These projects are intended to be interest based and allow students to explore questions, find answers, and share information with their peers.

Please assist your child in finding the information that they need.  They can use books from the library, the internet, interview friends or family who may be knowledgeable on a specific subject, etc. Students will need to provide a final written report, provide a visual aid (poster, mini-book, shadow box, mobile, clay, power-point, etc.), and present this to the class.  Please help them use words they know how to read and understand and not just copy information. (If they are not yet fully reading they may dictate their report and have you write it for them).

Sometimes, students come to class having only prepared the night before and are unable to read the words on their report, or do not really understand their subject.  These projects should take several days to research and complete.  It is so important to help your child understand what they are learning.

I highly encourage your child to practice presenting their report at home.  This helps students know their material well enough to really engage the class and prompts more questions and interaction among students. Please have them practice so they will be fully prepared to present their project on their own.

I will provide further details and a schedule each month for the specific topic.  I have also created a page at the top of the blog for a quick reference.


September:  Book reports—each student will present a favorite book they have read. If they are not yet reading fluently they may choose a book someone has read to them.  They will need to tell about the main characters, a brief summary of the book, and share why they liked it.  As with all home projects, they will need a visual aid to accompany their report.  If possible I would like them to bring the book as well.  This project will be due the week of Sept. 19th.

October: U.S. Presidents

November: A gratitude project.  “Why I am thankful to live in America….”

December: International Festival.  Our continent this semester is North America.  Students will present a country or state found in North America. For this project, students will be required to use a tri-fold poster.

January:  Personal interest project (e.g. dinosaurs, planets, historical event, famous person, science, special place, etc. )

February: Creative writing project.  Students may choose to write a play, poem, short story, song, or any other style of creative writing.

March:  Zoology/physiology project.   First graders will present one of the following: fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, or mammal.  Second graders will present a body system. Third graders will present an invertebrate.

April: South America.  Students will choose from a variety of topics regarding the continent of South America, such as a specific country, historical or geographical landmark, indigenous peoples, cultural aspects, animals, etc.

May:  Botany.  Students will research and present a favorite plant.