Week 12

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Hi Everyone!

Past Week:

3rd graders took their language and math practice tests this past week.  3rd grade practice writing test will be December 8th.  

Due to the 3rd graders taking their tests, I focused more on individual lessons than group lessons this week.

In cultural: Geography

Level 1s: 7 Continents and 5 Oceans

Level 2s: Faults and Folding patterns

Level 3s: 7 weather elements, breezes, and weather fronts

Friday: Magnetism

Upcoming Week:

Volunteers for reading and spelling: please email me if you can help read or do spelling tests on Thursday morning.

Friday is an Early Out.  Please make arrangements to have your child picked up at 1pm.

I’ll be making up the field trip permission slips for the Ballet on Monday December 7th.  Lori Stewart will be the chaperone for our class.  We will be leaving at 11am on December 7th and will be back in time to be picked up for regular dismissal.  We will be riding by bus.  Since MMA is covering the cost for your child to see the ballet and for their transportation, we are putting up a link for a $3.00 donation towards our class’ field trip funds.  Buses are super expensive and even splitting the costs with other teachers it takes a chunk away.  If you are willing to donate please click on the link below.  Thanks!

Ms. Kaley’s Class’ Field Trip Donation Link 


Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

Week 11

Posted in Classroom, Holidays, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Upcoming Week:

3rd graders take their Language PRACTICE SAGE test Monday morning.  The PRACTICE SAGE Math test will be Wednesday morning.  For tomorrow and Wednesday, please send a water bottle and a snack with your 3rd grade child.  Please help your child that it is just a practice test.  USOE has very strict regulations on what I can do when your child tests.  I can help with technical difficulties to a degree, so if your child gets emotionally upset because they can’t read a word or feel like they can’t do it, please have a talk with them today/tonight that breaks are allowed.  Students are NOT timed.  If a child does take longer, that child may finish up with another class who is finishing up testing.  I will take 3rd graders outside for recess in the morning for a little bit and then we will be in the library on Monday and Wednesday.  If your 3rd grader is absent tomorrow or Wednesday, those students will test with another class.

1st and 2nd graders will do morning work in our classroom with Ms. Emilee.  3rd graders who finish early will go back to class and work on morning work too.  Wednesday morning in our monthly health lesson from Ms. Julia, so 1st and 2nd graders will have that.

Volunteers for this week:  I am not going to push Spelling tests on 3rd graders this week.  It will be optional for 3rd graders to take a break this week from their spelling tests.  We need 1 or more volunteers for spelling tests Thursday morning (9am).  Please email me if you would like to help.  Anyone who wishes to help with reading this week, times open are: Tuesday (morning or afternoon), Wednesday afternoon, or Thursday (morning or afternoon)

Past Week:

Thank you for all the parents who supported and came to our Fall Party.  It was a GREAT success!  For November, a lot of classes do a Thanksgiving feast with their class and invited parents.  Our class does a Holiday Feast in December.  Jaida and Sarah, that will be our next sign up situation 🙂

Lessons this past week:

Level 1s: Money, Partitioning squares into equal pieces, Halloween stories

Level 2s: Halloween stories

Level 3s:  Halloween stories, SAGE practice

Cultural: Zoology

Level 1s: Fish

Level 2s: Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises

Level 3s:  Platyhelminthes and Nematodes (types of flatworms both parasitic and non)


November Project- DUE Nov. 20th

Students will do a home project for November that focuses around family and history.  Projects will be shared on November 20th in the afternoon.  

Level 1 project: Interview a grandparent or great-grandparent about their life.  If no grandparents or great-grandparents exist, have your child interview a neighbor, aunt/uncle, family friend etc. (Just not mom or dad).

Interview Questions *Please choose 10-15 (or more if you would like) This link contains 150 questions.  You are welcome to make your own questions too 🙂

Once your Level 1 interviews their family or family members (Example: both grandparents), make a poster (big or small) about that person (Example: collage of pictures, things that they liked or experienced)

Level 2 project: Ancestor/Genealogy project.  Students will make a family tree poster and present their posters to the class.  Please have your child understand who they are talking about. They don’t have to know everything about that family member, but I would hope they would know their name.

Level 3 project: Family Recipe project.  3rd grade students will need to ask their family members if they have a passed down recipe or special/favorite item that gets made for Thanksgiving or special family events.  Students will learn to make that recipe at home and bring into class to share.  I would like 3rd graders to share the lineage from the recipe (a report on who started the recipe, how many times it has been passed down etc.)  If your family doesn’t have a passed down recipe, find one together and maybe start one for your family!  Example: if your child chooses a green bean casserole recipe, then have him/her write about the history behind the green bean casserole).  Really do involve your child in the cooking process.  Definitely have your child read the recipe, find the measurement tools, do the measuring for you.  You are acting as a safety measure and guide.

3rd graders will bring in the dish they are sharing and share with just our class on Nov. 20th.  If it has to stay hot, you can send it in a crockpot to keep warm until the afternoon.


Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

Week 10

Posted in Classroom, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Upcoming Week:

We have a lot going on this coming week.  It is Red Ribbon Week (Anti-Drug Campaign).  This year’s theme is Respect Yourself: Be Drug Free.  We will have something going on everyday this week.

Monday- Motivational speaker 9:00am-9:30am

Tuesday- Door decoration judging (We are going with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme that says “Drugs are a Nightmare!”  I will take a picture and post it for next week).

Wednesday- Red Ribbon theme poster/picture and judging

Thursday- Planetarium assembly 9:15-10:15.  We will push Spelling Tests until the afternoon.

Friday- Wear Red!  Students are welcome to support Red Ribbon week by wearing red.  Please still be in dress code 🙂  Fall Class Party in the afternoon!

Volunteers for the Week: Let me know if you would like help read this week.  Mondays in the morning (Monday after 9:30 this week), Tuesday (anytime), Wednesday (anytime), Thursday (10:20am-11:15am & afternoon).  Spelling volunteers for Thursday afternoon starting at 12:45pm.

From Our Room Mothers Jaida and Sarah:

Hello parents,

We will be having a class party on the 30th. I am in need of volunteers and supplies. I would love to see as many parents come, but if  you cannot attend you can still assist by donating some items for our activities. If you can volunteer we need you there at 12:15 and plan on being there until about 2:30. If you can donate any of the items listed please e-mail me. Also, each student needs to bring a small pumpkin (sugar pumpkin), and a small container to bring a cupcake home. (a plastic bowl or container.  If not, your child will carry it out of school) Please send those items with your student on the 30th. The following is a list of items that we need. Please keep in mind that we have about 30 students.
-Crayons- roughly 10 boxes of 24 or broken pieces  MS. KALEY HAS A SOME
-Several bottles of tacky glue
-Stick on magnets found in the craft section. Usually one side is sticky.
-Popsicle sticks-small- we need roughly 250 so multiple if multiple parents can donate that would be great. SOME DONATED
-Googly eyes- 30 pair- DONATED
-Bag of play sand-25 pounds- you can find this at Home Depot or Lowes (it is only a few dollars for this amount.  Maybe $5.00 for 25lbs)
-8 containers of corn starch
-30 zip lock bags- DONATED
-Construction paper WE HAVE SOME IN CLASS
-4 bags of candy corn
– prizes for games. We have 30 students
* PLEASE EMAIL JAIDA or SARAH to say you are coming to help: jaidabrown@mail.weber.edu or boudreauxpartyof5@hotmail.com
I know that some of the things on this list are confusing, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you in advance for your help. I cannot pull these fun parties off without the support of our parents.
Past Week:
Thank you SO much for those parents who came on our field trip and to those parents who drove students.  The kids had so much fun!
Group Lessons:
Level 1s: 4 square review, fraction families, Past/Present/Future
Level 2s: 4 square review, angles in constellations, noun parsing assignment
Level 3s: 4 square review, noun parsing assignment, Detective triangle game
In cultural- History
Level 1s: birthday beads, Past/Present/Future tied into Language
Level 2s: Constellations
Level 3s: Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian Eras

Upcoming in November:

Students will do a home project for November that focuses around family and history.  Projects will be shared on November 20th in the afternoon.  

Level 1 project: Interview a grandparent or great-grandparent about their life.  I will post questions to ask, but you are welcome to help your first grader write their own.  If no grandparents or great-grandparents exist, have your child interview a neighbor, aunt/uncle, family friend etc. (Just not mom or dad).

Level 2 project: Ancestor/Genealogy project.  Students will make a family tree poster and present their posters to the class.  Please have your child understand who they are talking about. They don’t have to know everything about that family member, but I would hope they would know their name.

Level 3 project: Family Recipe project.  3rd grade students will need to ask their family members if they have a passed down recipe or special/favorite item that gets made for Thanksgiving or special family events.  Students will learn to make that recipe at home and bring into class to share.  I would like 3rd graders to share the lineage from the recipe (a report on who started the recipe, how many times it has been passed down etc.)  If your family doesn’t have a passed down recipe, find one together and maybe start one for your family!  Example: if your child chooses a green bean casserole recipe, then have him/her write about the history behind the green bean casserole).  Really do involve your child in the cooking process.  Definitely have your child read the recipe, find the measurement tools, do the measuring for you.  You are acting as a safety measure and guide.

Week 9

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

Updates and Coming Week!

Thank you for coming out to PTC!  Everyone signed up and came on time, so it went smoothly on our end 🙂

Please have your child log into MyOn.  There is a 1st grade assignment from me that is due tomorrow.  1st graders are asked to read 2 books on maps.  2nd and 3rd graders are asked to login as well to have the program get to know your child and to get the assessments running.  So far, I see a few students have logged in: Dustie, Kennedy, Alden, Ella, Stevie, William, and Tiffany.

If I gave you the next reading kit at PTC, it is due Friday, Oct. 23rd.  Misha and Katherine, I will email you to let you know if I need help with putting the next round together this week.  Lori, I forgot to give Ella hers at your conference, but I know she will be able to get it finished by Friday if I give it to her Monday.

Wednesday we have our field trip!  Please, please, please be on time.  I will be at the school to make sure those who are getting rides in the North Shore parking lot are finding their rides.  Please read my post below on Black Island Farms for times on drop off and pick up.  The hayride starts at 9am, so please have your child at the farm by 8:45am so I can take attendance.  We don’t need to stay in one big group when we are there.  I have each parent who is going to watch over a few students.  Ms. Emilee and I will have our own groups as well.

Students are allowed to wear jeans, but please have them in an MMA shirt or shirt with a collar.  Hats and sunglasses are also great things to have too in addition to the list I made in the Black Island Farms post.

Friday is MMA’s Fall Festival!  It is free to get into, but if your child wants to do any of the games there is a fee/wristbands.  Starts at 4 and goes until 7.  Come out and support our school!  This is the time for your child to dress up at our school.  Our school does not allow Halloween costumes while at school.

Volunteers this week?:  Anyone want to do spelling or reading this week?  Email me and I will plan accordingly.  Remember we are out Wednesday and on Thursday from 12:45-1:45 the students have a lesson from UMFA in the library.

Past Week:

We took a break from regular work cycle and did some Christopher Columbus activities on Monday, Botany lessons and Scholastic reading on Tuesday, and a Botany art project Wednesday.  We did keep up with Botany for cultural during these half days.

Cultural lessons- Botany

Level 1s:  Plants through the seasons and what are the seasons?

Level 2s: Plant margins intro and Simple/Compound leaves

Level 3s: Solitary/Inflorescence flowers

Level 2 Cultural Project (Level 3s invited too)

Level 2s are well into their leaves lessons in Botany.  Students who wish to collect a variety of leaves from trees can bring them in to identify, iron into wax paper to make a leaf book, measure, and to study their leaf shapes we have been learning about.  If your 2nd grader or 3rd grader is interested, have them collect leaves and bring them in when they are ready.  Not a required project, but most 2nd graders wanted to do it when I asked them about it.


3rd graders will be taking their PRACTICE SAGE tests soon!  November 2nd will be Language and November 4th will be Math.  I oversee these tests as 1st and 2nd graders work in the classroom

Please put on your calendars that our next field trip will be to see The Nutcracker at The Egyptian Theater in Ogden.  It is December 7th at 12:00pm.  A bus will take our class and 2 other lower el classrooms going too.  We will do a mini work cycle in the morning, eat an early lunch/recess and then leave for the ballet.  Students will return to the school when it is over for regular pick up.




Week 8

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Field Trips, Reading | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Updates & Reminders:

READING KITS!  If your 1st or 2nd grader brought home a plastic bag reading kit, they are DUE MONDAY!  I have only received a few.  I have the next books and materials ready to go.  I have now added materials for ALL 1st graders (adding Ella and Ethan).  Please sign the check off list and send the kit back.

Conferences start Monday!  Please sign up, if you haven’t.  I will be taking the link down at 7pm.  If you haven’t signed up and need to and I have taken the link down, or you need to change your time, please email me.  I disable the link so I have everything organized in order of those who signed up.

The book fair opens during conference days!

Our field trip is on Oct. 21st.  Remember to let me know who is driving your child.  Most of you will meet us there at the farm.  Those who arrange someone to take their child at North Shore will be picked up there.  Please see my post below on Black Island Farm info and times for drop off and pick up.  I will be reminding at conferences too 🙂

Fall Festival is Oct. 23rd.  Time is from 4-7.  You can buy wrist bands for $8.00 or separate tickets, 4 for a $1.00.  Tickets and wristbands will be on sale during conferences.

Past Week:

In group lessons:

Level 1s: 4 square writing, alphabetizing, 1 more/1 less/10 more/10 less, triangle review

Level 2s: 4 square writing, 4 kinds of angles review, Common nouns vs Proper nouns

Level 3s: 4 square writing, classifying triangles

In cultural: Geography

Level 1s: Review of continents, Globes vs. maps, Types of maps

Level 2s: Tectonic plates

Level 3s: The Earth’s atmosphere 


Upcoming Week:

With the 3 half days this coming week, I will be focusing on mini projects with the students.  No spelling this week.

Remember Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are 1pm dismissals.  Conferences start at 1:30.  I do my best to keep conferences on time, so please remember your sign up time.


1:30- Dustie

1:50- Alden

2:10- Kennedy

2:30- Tae’Lynn

3:10- Anna

3:30- Cael

5:30- Karsten

6:10- Jayce



1:30- Ella

1:50- Ethan

2:10- Sophia

3:10- Aiden B.

3:30- Arianna

4:30- Peyton?

5:30- Kailyn

5:50- Lydia

6:10- Romeo



1:30- Kylie

1:50- JayCee

2:10- Naomi

2:30- Aidan L.

3:10- Nicholas

3:50- Ashley

4:10- Daxton

4:30- William

5:30- Tae’Lynn

6:10- Stevie


Certified Driver Sign Up!

Posted in Field Trips | No Comments »

Hey Everyone!

If you would like to get the background check for being a certified driver, please sign up on this link.  There probably is a fee for the background check.

Sign Up!

Black Island Farms Information!

Posted in Field Trips | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Here is the important information to know about our first field trip! Black Island Farms

When: October 21st

  • If you are driving JUST your student: Please meet us at Black Island Farms no later than 8:45am
  • If you are taking a student and are meeting them in North Shore’s parking lot: Please be in the North Shore parking lot at 8am to collect your carpool.  We will leave no later than 8:10am.  If your child needs a ride please have them in the North Shore parking lot at 8am.
  • If you are taking a student in a carpool, but are meeting them at their house or elsewhere: Please meet us at Black Island Farms no later than 8:45am
  • Pick up: is between 1 and 1:30pm.  If you are coming and are driving JUST your child or carpool, you may leave after lunch time, but if a child NEEDS TO RETURN to MMA, please leave with all of us between 1-1:30pm.
  • Students will need: sneakers or comfortable shoes for a farm, a water bottle, dressed in layers (rain or shine field trip), a sack lunch, and a backpack to hold their things.
  • Students will get to take home a pumpkin on our trip.  If you are bringing a younger sibling, please pay for them separate.  I will check with Jalee on if any parents get in free, but at this time, please pay for yourself until further notice.
  • Attendance will be taken at the farm.

If you have any questions please let me know 🙂

Picture Day/ Conferences

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Hey Everyone!

  • Picture day is Oct. 7, but that is a Wednesday, not tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • Also, I need 10 of you to sign up for conferences 🙂  The post is a couple of posts down.  See everyone next week!


* Permission slips went out today.  Please return them ASAP!

* Reading kits went out today too.  If you can have your child do it by Friday or Monday at the latest, please have them do their reading 🙂  It is helpful to have them practice those 2 books every day for fluency, especially if they are having a harder time with it.  Feel free to make any notes on my check off list for anything you want me to know.

Week 7

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Updates & Coming Week!

Picture day is Tuesday Oct. 7th.  Students brought home a long form if you know you already want to order pictures.  All students will get their pictures taken.  A proof will be sent home in a few weeks and if you like them then you will get another chance to order pictures.  Some students were absent most of the week and their forms are on their desks.  If your student is not there then there will be a make up day.

Please sign up for our first Parent Teacher Conference!  They begin next week!  I will close the sign ups Sunday the 11th.

I forgot to send home the reading kits on Friday.  I put each kit on certain student’s desks when they come in tomorrow.  When your student gets home, please ask them if they have their Take Home Reading.  It says to return the kit, signed, by Friday.  If you need until Monday the 12th with your child, no problem.

Field Trip forms are being made by Ms. Jalee.  She said she’d have the forms for us Monday.

Volunteers Thursday: If you would like to help with Spelling Test this Thursday, please let us know as soon as possible.

Volunteer Friday: We are at our annual lesson on the 3 states of matter this Friday!   A fun activity is root beer floats!  If anyone would like to help get root beer, cups, and vanilla ice cream please let me know!  Thanks!

Past Week:

Group lessons:

Level 1s: 4 square writing, kinds of triangles

Level 2s: 4 square writing, obtuse & acute angles

Level 3s: 4 square writing, kinds of triangles

In cultural: Zoology/Physiology

Level 1s: 5 classes of vertebrates overview, vertebrates vs. invertebrates

Level 2s: Nutrition and exercise

Level 3s: What are Cnidarians (Jellyfish), Jellyfish information and making a model.

Science: Gravity


Have a great upcoming week!

Ms. K

Fall Conference Sign Up!

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The first conference of the year is upon us!

Conferences start Monday October 12th and go until Wednesday the 14th.  Each conference is 20 mins long and starts at 1:30.