Week 10

Posted on Sunday, October 25th, 2015 at 5:21 pm

Hello Everyone!

Upcoming Week:

We have a lot going on this coming week.  It is Red Ribbon Week (Anti-Drug Campaign).  This year’s theme is Respect Yourself: Be Drug Free.  We will have something going on everyday this week.

Monday- Motivational speaker 9:00am-9:30am

Tuesday- Door decoration judging (We are going with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme that says “Drugs are a Nightmare!”  I will take a picture and post it for next week).

Wednesday- Red Ribbon theme poster/picture and judging

Thursday- Planetarium assembly 9:15-10:15.  We will push Spelling Tests until the afternoon.

Friday- Wear Red!  Students are welcome to support Red Ribbon week by wearing red.  Please still be in dress code 🙂  Fall Class Party in the afternoon!

Volunteers for the Week: Let me know if you would like help read this week.  Mondays in the morning (Monday after 9:30 this week), Tuesday (anytime), Wednesday (anytime), Thursday (10:20am-11:15am & afternoon).  Spelling volunteers for Thursday afternoon starting at 12:45pm.

From Our Room Mothers Jaida and Sarah:

Hello parents,

We will be having a class party on the 30th. I am in need of volunteers and supplies. I would love to see as many parents come, but if  you cannot attend you can still assist by donating some items for our activities. If you can volunteer we need you there at 12:15 and plan on being there until about 2:30. If you can donate any of the items listed please e-mail me. Also, each student needs to bring a small pumpkin (sugar pumpkin), and a small container to bring a cupcake home. (a plastic bowl or container.  If not, your child will carry it out of school) Please send those items with your student on the 30th. The following is a list of items that we need. Please keep in mind that we have about 30 students.
-Crayons- roughly 10 boxes of 24 or broken pieces  MS. KALEY HAS A SOME
-Several bottles of tacky glue
-Stick on magnets found in the craft section. Usually one side is sticky.
-Popsicle sticks-small- we need roughly 250 so multiple if multiple parents can donate that would be great. SOME DONATED
-Googly eyes- 30 pair- DONATED
-Bag of play sand-25 pounds- you can find this at Home Depot or Lowes (it is only a few dollars for this amount.  Maybe $5.00 for 25lbs)
-8 containers of corn starch
-30 zip lock bags- DONATED
-Construction paper WE HAVE SOME IN CLASS
-4 bags of candy corn
– prizes for games. We have 30 students
* PLEASE EMAIL JAIDA or SARAH to say you are coming to help: jaidabrown@mail.weber.edu or boudreauxpartyof5@hotmail.com
I know that some of the things on this list are confusing, so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you in advance for your help. I cannot pull these fun parties off without the support of our parents.
Past Week:
Thank you SO much for those parents who came on our field trip and to those parents who drove students.  The kids had so much fun!
Group Lessons:
Level 1s: 4 square review, fraction families, Past/Present/Future
Level 2s: 4 square review, angles in constellations, noun parsing assignment
Level 3s: 4 square review, noun parsing assignment, Detective triangle game
In cultural- History
Level 1s: birthday beads, Past/Present/Future tied into Language
Level 2s: Constellations
Level 3s: Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian Eras

Upcoming in November:

Students will do a home project for November that focuses around family and history.  Projects will be shared on November 20th in the afternoon.  

Level 1 project: Interview a grandparent or great-grandparent about their life.  I will post questions to ask, but you are welcome to help your first grader write their own.  If no grandparents or great-grandparents exist, have your child interview a neighbor, aunt/uncle, family friend etc. (Just not mom or dad).

Level 2 project: Ancestor/Genealogy project.  Students will make a family tree poster and present their posters to the class.  Please have your child understand who they are talking about. They don’t have to know everything about that family member, but I would hope they would know their name.

Level 3 project: Family Recipe project.  3rd grade students will need to ask their family members if they have a passed down recipe or special/favorite item that gets made for Thanksgiving or special family events.  Students will learn to make that recipe at home and bring into class to share.  I would like 3rd graders to share the lineage from the recipe (a report on who started the recipe, how many times it has been passed down etc.)  If your family doesn’t have a passed down recipe, find one together and maybe start one for your family!  Example: if your child chooses a green bean casserole recipe, then have him/her write about the history behind the green bean casserole).  Really do involve your child in the cooking process.  Definitely have your child read the recipe, find the measurement tools, do the measuring for you.  You are acting as a safety measure and guide.

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