Archive for November, 2014

Items being brought to school/Playground Behavior

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This past Friday, we sat down for our class meeting.  We discussed things being brought to school and playground behavior.

It has been noticed that some students are choosing to bring items to class from home.  The students then share those items and say to students they can have them, but then ask for the item back and the other student or students get mad because it was given to them.  We’ve had issues such as Pokemon cards, tiny magnets, gemstones, erasers etc.  They are causing disruptions and upsets in the classroom.  We talked about it as a class, but please help me enforce this at your home.  Thank you!

At recess, our class likes to play a game called tag/tackle.  Since we are a multiage classroom, some students are older and bigger and when the younger or smaller students are playing, they are getting hurt from the roughness that is occurring.  We discussed as a class that the game of tag/tackle is to no longer be played at recess.  Students are getting hurt physically and emotionally.  The students and I thought taking a break would be beneficial and that later in the year, we would revisit the game and come up with posted rules that would need to be abided by.  Until then, it is no longer a game that can be played.

IXL Homework

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IXL is now up and running for our class!

Please have your child work on IXL a good chunk of the week.  It is imperative that 3rd graders work on it as it will help them with test prep and help solidify classroom learning.

Check your email for your child’s login and password

Week of Nov. 17th

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Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season!


Holiday Feast!


Very soon we will be having our Holiday Feast.  This year it will take place on December 16th at 12:00pm.  A sign up for food, tableware, and drinks will be posted soon.  Mark your calendar!

This week in group lessons:

Level 1s: Geometry: Faces on solids, Money introduction, parts of a fraction, Odd and even review

Level 2s: Geometry: Supplementary angle, Money review

Level 3s: Geometry: Base, altitude, and hypotenuse on triangles, Money review

In cultual: Botany

Level 1s: Food chains: land and aquatic

Level 2s: Pinnate and Palmate margins on leaves, Types of dented margins on leaves

Level 3s: Gamopetalous and Polypetalous petals

Friday- Magnetic or not and Charlie and Chocolate Factory movie


Have a great Thanksgiving!


Ms. K

Week of Nov 10th

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Book Reports:

Are Due tomorrow! Nov. 16th.  We will start sharing them Tuesday.


Don’t forget to have your child practice their spelling at home.  Some students have been repeating the same list for awhile.

Food Truck & Pizza:

Wednesdays a food truck comes to MMA!  Students may purchase food such as hot pockets, goldfish, drinks etc. during lunch time.  Each single item is under 2 dollars.  If your child wants to purchase multiple items, send them with a couple dollars.

Pizza Friday is back!  If you want to order pizza for your child, it is $1.75 per slice.  Please put money in a sealed envelope and write how much is inside and for how many weeks.  Money is due Wednesdays by noon each week.

In group lessons this week:

Level 1s: Solids.  Faces vs curved surfaces.

Level 2s: Complementary angles

Level 3s: Find the triangle (detective adjective

In cultural this week: (Geography, Botany this coming week)

Level 1s: Continents and Oceans: names and locations

Level 2s: Faults and Folds of the Earth

Level 3s: Weather vs climate, 7 weather elements, fronts, breezes

Friday: yoga (thanks Kristy!), author workshop


Have a great week


Ms. K

Week of Nov. 3rd

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We are short some snack sign up!  We don’t have anyone for snack this week or next.  Please check out our snack sign up to the right of this blog.  Thanks!


It’s that time of year where Halloween candy is starting to show up in lunches.  Our school has a no candy policy in lunches.  Please do not pack any treats.  Sorry for any inconvenience.


Remember that your child has a book report due soon! They are due in almost a week!  November 17th is when I would like all of them in.  We will then share as many as we can Tuesday the 18th and then the rest Wednesday (Monday we have PE and Spanish back to back).

The annual International Festival is approaching!  This year, it will take place December 17th and 18th.  Lower El will present their projects on Wednesday the 17th.  Upper El’s will take place the 18th.  For our classroom, we will be doing reports on South America!  Most of our students chose what they want to do this past Friday.  Have your child start doing some basic research and have them find their specific information. Here is who chose so far:

Leyla: rainforest animal

Peyton F: rainforest animal

Bryn: rainforest animal

Kennedy: Brazil

Lucy: the rainforest

Jaycee: the rainforest

Stevie: South America glaciers

Arianna: rainforest animal

Sophia: the rainforest

Tanner: the rainforest

Alexis: A South American mountain

Reagan: rainforest animal

Dustie: the rainforest

Ethan: A South America mountain with many waterfalls

Gabe: The tallest mountain in South America

Amira: Peru

Boen: Amazon River

Payton: Brazil

Nicholas: Argentina

Brenna: Argentina

Jorden: A South America lake

Bridger: A South America mountain

Ashley: A South America lake

Ian: A South America lake

Brook: ?

Aiden: ?

Asher: ?

Tiffany: ?

Materials Night:

This Wednesday, our school will become an open house to our MMA families and to the community!  Join us from 6:30-8:30.  All the teachers will be showing and demonstrating works and giving lessons to those brave enough to try!  If you know anyone who is interested in Montessori or wants to know more, please bring them along!  I will be demonstrating our Word Study program.


This coming Friday is an Early Release!  Students will be dismissed at 1pm.  Kristy, I was wondering if you’d be available to do yoga with the kids this Friday.  Let me know!  I was thinking from 9:00-9:30.  I’ll take attendance and have morning circle, then we can start.


In group lessons this week:

Level 1s: Geometry:  Splitting up squares and rectangles intro fractions introduction

Level 2s: Geometry: Vertical angles and why they are equal

Level 3s: Geometry: Classifying the 3 kinds of triangles by color, shape, size, and angles

In cultural: Zoology!  Geography this coming week!

Level 1s: Fish body parts introduction, fish body parts book, Fish printing and labeling, different kinds of fish

Level 2s: Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises, and Seals

Level 3s: Platyhelminthes introduction, Flatworms, Nematode introduction, roundworms


Have a great rest of your weekend and week!  Hope to see you Wednesday evening!


Ms. K


Week of Oct. 27th

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Hope you all had a great Halloween!

This past week was Red Ribbon Week!  The students learned what it meant to be drug free this past week.  Tuesday we had a speaker come in and motivate our students to never try drugs.  We also decorated out door to represent the theme this year, “Love yourself, be drug free.”

Welcome November!

This Tuesday, the 4th, our 3rd graders will be taking their mid year preliminary SAGE test.  It will last ALL day.  The Language test will be first.  It will be from 9-11:30.  Math will commence from 12-2:30.  This test will allow me to see where they are and how to help them better their scores for Spring.

3rd grade IXL logins will be made this week, so 3rd graders can start doing their IXL homework.

Mr. John’s Class:

Mr. John’s class and my class are buddied up this year.  His students will come in and help our students with reading.  Those volunteer opportunities I posted in last week’s post will be taken on by those Upper El students.  Jaida Ryan has volunteered to come in for a little bit too.  Mr. John’s class will start this coming week.  Once I see how that runs, I will have Jaida come in as a Read to Someone volunteer.  If you are wanting to help us out, please email me 🙂

We hope to do more things such as a field trip with Mr. John’s class.  He mentioned his class might be doing a skiing field trip.  We will see if this can be coordinated with our class too.

Book Report DUE NOVEMBER 17th:

Students will choose a book to read that is appropriate for their reading level.  If you are unsure of your child’s reading level, please email me.  Here are the directions:

Students need a brown lunch bag or any large gift bag.

Outside of the bag needs to include:

  • Decorate outside of the bag: include pictures and artwork relevant to novel.
  • Include title and author of the novel

Inside the bag:

  • 5 items that symbolize: characters, setting, plot, theme, and favorite part.
  • For each item in the bag, students will need to explain the relevance and meaning that item holds in novel. Practice with your child!

*A student may need help/guidance, but this is their report.  Please let them choose their own book and do their own work.

This Past Week:

In group lessons:

Level 1s: 3 kinds of triangles review and kinds of polygons

Level 2s: Kinds of angles review.  What is a reflex angle?

Level 3s: 3 kinds of triangles and what kind of angles are in those triangles (example: an equilateral triangle has 3 angles and they all are acute)

In cultural this past week:


Level 1s: BC and AD timeline and Past, Present, and Future

Level 2s: Constellations

Level 3s: Pre-Cambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian eras



Ms. K