Archive for September, 2014

Important Upcoming Info!

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Field Trips | No Comments »

Hello everyone!

I will be returning to the classroom next Monday, the 6th!



Our first round of conferences are approaching.  Please look to the right of our blog and click the link to sign up for conferences.  Since I have been on maternity leave, Ms. Anna and I will be there and Ms. LaVonna will be there for as many as she can.  These two ladies have done a wonderful job running the class and will be sharing with you:

-DIBELS and/or UURC Reading Score

-Writing sample

-Math Assessment/Sample

-MMA progress report

I will have been with your child for a week before conferences start, so my plan of action is to show you plans I have to track to your child’s progress and hear any goals, concerns, and/or questions from you and/or Ms. Anna.  Fall conferences are mostly about observation and what goals we want your child to work towards until the next time we meet (2nd conference)

If you are my two families who has their child in Ms. Suzie’s class, please sign up on her conference sheet.  I had to create a break for myself so I could take care of some personal things for my baby.  There are 27 spots open, so everyone should get a spot!

Black Island Farms Field Trip!

On October 23rd (a Thursday), our class will be taking its first field trip to Black Island Farms in Syracuse.  Our class and Ms. Jalee’s class will be attending.  If you would like to drive your child, or you are certified driver to take other children, please sign up to drive!  Once I am back, I will make up the permission slips and find out the time.

Click here to Drive!

Please click on this link to make the payment needed for this fun annual trip!

Link for Black Island Farm! 

Black Island Farms Website



Ms. K