Archive for March, 2019

Week 28 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Reading, Shared School | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

Upcoming Week:

Reminder that I will be out of town beginning Thursday.  I will return Tuesday of next week.  I will be attending the annual AMS Montessori Conference being held in Washington DC this year.  There will be 2 subs- Ms. Alicia will cover for Thursday and next Monday and Ms. Amber will cover for Friday of this week.  We will follow a pretty normal schedule for the week.  This Friday I have left Misha some South America lessons and art work to do with the kids in the morning.

A Fire Drill will take place on Wednesday

Gala– The school’s Gala is this coming Saturday!  You can still purchase tickets at the door.  It will be up at Snowbasin this year.

Past Week:

This past week was Literacy Week.  The kids enjoyed the Dr. Seuss story of the day in our class and little activities we had throughout the week.  Thanks to a lot of you who came out for Literacy Night!  I had a great time making bookmarks and seeing their familiar faces!  The themed book for the school was called I Am Peace.  It was a book that talked about mindfulness.  We as a class have talked about trying to incorporate more guided mediations to practice mindfulness in our classroom.

We had Botany with Ms. Rachael this past Tuesday and she went over food chains with the kids.  She even showed pond water from Harrisville Park under her projected microscope and the kids go to witness even the simplest of creatures doing their food chain jobs.  They really loved it!

In cultural this week 3r graders wrapped up all 3 periods in the Mesozoic Era and next time we meet we will go over the theories scientists use on how they believe dinosaurs have gone extinct.  1st graders have been working on time and most have done really well knowing time up to the quarter hour.  This is something you can work on and practice at home.  2nd graders are wrapping up fundamental human needs in relation to world culture and being a good citizen.  We talked about communication this past week and have been going over their research about what countries speak what languages.  1st graders went over external parts of a mammal in Zoology and 2nd graders are working at their own pace towards researching and reading about different kinds of animals.  3rd graders have begun studying each part of a flower and began with the stamen (the pollen producing part of the flower).

Upcoming Events:

The Earth Day movie field trip is a go!  It will take place on April 18th and the movie will begin at 9:15am.  Transportation for this field trip will need to have students dropped off at the Megaplex at Ogden’s Junction next to Fly High.  Please have them dropped off at the front by 8:50am.  Please email me and Katie, our room mom ( if your child needs a ride and pick up to and from the movie theater.  I will email certain families to see if they can chaperone as the movie theater only wants each class to provide 3.  The film should run about 70 mins or so we aren’t 100% sure how long the film is, so please be at the Megaplex for pick up at 10:30am.  Cover letters will be sent out soon!

Our Planetarium field trip is now May 1st.  This will be an all day field trip 🙂  More to come


Have a great rest of your week!  I will NOT be making a post this coming weekend due to traveling.

Ms. Kaley and Ms. Misha


Week 27 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Reading, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

This past Tuesday we went to Union Station for our afternoon field trip.  It was nice a history lesson on some of the topics we have discussed this year.  Thank you for picking up in a very timely manner and having everyone who attended to help out.  Thank you thank you!

Upcoming Week:

We have quite a bit of events and things popping up this coming week! Please read carefully!

Literacy Week begins Monday!

  • Please have your child bring in a copy of the cover of their most favorite book.  We will hang them outside of our classroom!  They will get their copy back at the end of the week
  • If you have any old books your child(ren) no longer read or want we are doing a book swap all week long!  Kids may bring books to donate and if they see any books they really want they may pick up a book or 2 during the week for the book swap. There will tables located in both kiva areas.

Monday- Dr. Seuss activities begin in our classroom!  We will be reading the ABC book and then students will also be writing their own classroom ABC book to practice alliteration writing.  We will also be going over Limericks in the afternoon and students will write a Limerick by the end of this week.

Tuesday- An eventful day! Literacy Night will be Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm.  Clean up will begin around 7:00pm.  Come do some fun activities at MMA!  Usborne books will also be there and our class will do the book preview at 8:45am.  We will then read Literacy Week’s themed book for the year when we get back.  Our students will then go see Ms. Rachael for Botany from 9:35am-10:25am.  3rd graders will join in after computers.  Ms. Julia our PE teacher will be out this week and has a sub, however, there will be an assembly for Lower El from 1:00pm-1:30pm.  Out class will plan to be late to PE that afternoon.

Wednesday- Dr. Seuss’ Oh The Places You’ll Go will be read and an activity will take place.

Thursday- Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham.  The Antelopes and Badgers language groups will do a rhyming activity.  Crocs are going to work on some cursive skills and work on learning to read some cursive.

Friday- Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat will be read and activity will take place. It is also the Literacy Week Read-a-thon!  Students may bring a few books to enjoy and a small pillow.  They will read from 10am-11am.  Early Release is also this Friday!  Please plan to pick up your child at 1pm.

Next Monday the 18th will be no school for students. It is a PD day for teachers.

Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week.  Hope to see you during Literacy Night Tuesday!

Ms. Kaley and Ms. Misha

Week 26 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Grace and Courtesy, Peace, Shared School | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

Past Week:

We took a break from our morning Daily Starters and we read books as a class to get to know some famous African Americans that helped change history and were important figures.  The students worked on choosing an important figure for Black History Month.  We have a few students who need to finish up,  so we’ll work on hanging up their person of choice outside our classroom.  This past Monday afternoon I had a Harriet Tubman puzzle to put in order for each kid to do and also a timeline of Rosa Parks.

This past Tuesday was the school’s Spelling Bee!  The Lower El one was quite the nail biter at the end, but it was fun to witness!  It went for an hour and half and our class did a great job sitting.

Wednesday was our afternoon assembly from WSU’s Story Tellers.  Two storytellers came and told verbal stories to all of lower el.  Before we went to the assembly, our 3rd graders got to experience the dinosaur box I checked out for them from Weber State.  It cast models from real fossils that gave our kids some great fun visuals to see and feel regarding the dinosaur periods and dinosaurs we have been discussing.  The kids loved the box!

Friday in the afternoon we went back to review some scientific method skills and I had them do an activity called, The Cat’s in the Bag.  I had 8 bags and split the students up into small groups.  They had to guess the mystery items in their group’s bag and write detailed notes using as many senses as they could use.  The kids loved this activity and we will revisit it in a different way in the next few weeks.


Upcoming Week:

This upcoming week is our field trip to Union Station on Tuesday.  We will have recess at 11am and eat lunch at school at 11:30am.  After lunch we will restore the room and get ready to find rides at 12:30pm.  If you are taking your student or a carpool, please please arrive at the school no later than 12:30pm.  Ms. Misha doesn’t work on Tuesday afternoons, so I will need everyone to pick up their child/carpool at North Shore.  This way I don’t have to hang back with anyone and we can all arrive to Union Station at the same time.  Once you arrive to Union Station, please keep the children in the car until I arrive.  Pick up at Union Station will begin at 2:30pm.  If you have your own child, you don’t have to return back to MMA.  If a student is getting a carpool from you and needs to return to MMA, then they will head back and I will dismiss them from class at regular dismissal time.

We will continue to work on cultural acceptance lessons and skills.  This week we will talk about what does it mean to be a world citizen.

A Message from MAPA:

**Classroom Gala Basket Donations**

Parents, MAPA is in need of assistance for the classroom Gala baskets. We would ask that instead of donating items this year you donate money to MAPA and some of the volunteers will purchase everything for the baskets. We feel that this may alleviate any stress that providing items for the baskets may cause. We would ask you to be as generous as you can with your donation. We also ask that funds be donated by Thursday March 7th.
March at a Glance:
March will be a busy time.  Next week is Literacy Week for MMA.  I will be doing Dr. Seuss activities each day along with their regular work cycle.  Next Thursday is also Literacy night at MMA.  More to come on Literacy Night soon for our blog.
Next Friday will be an early release on the 15th and that coming Monday the 18th will be no school for students.
March 21st-25th- I will be out of town.  I will be attending the AMS Montessori Conference in Washington DC.  We will have 2 subs that will come in.  Ms. Alicia and Ms. Amber both have Montessori experience.  Ms. Alicia will cover Thursday and Monday and Ms. Amber will do Friday.
March 27th- I will be at school in the morning and then will need to leave by 10:45am in the morning.  I will get the morning Math lessons in before I need to leave for an appointment.  Ms. Misha will cover the rest of the day.
Field Trips- We have the Planetarium planned for May 3rd, but we in the works of trying to plan 2 more field trips before the end of the year.  For Earth Day the lower el teachers are trying to see if we can go to Walker Theater to see the annual Earth Day movie.  I’ve been talking with Ms. Leigh, our Junior High class partner to see fi we can do anything together and she mentioned a farm trip to an organic dairy farm over by the Pepsi plant.  The kids would get to know farm life work and get to help out with some tasks.  I’ll keep you posted as those two field trips will both need field trip forms to sign.
Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!
Ms. Kaley and Ms. Misha