Archive for the Home Projects Category

Summer Book Report/Mini- Challenge #2 Up!

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Hello Everyone!

Summer Book Report and Mini-Challenge #2 are both up!

Book Report #2

Book report #2 is an animal report.  Your child is to login to MyOn and choose an animal under the ANIMALS category.


  1.  Choose an animal under the ANIMALS category on MyOn.  If your child would rather choose a physical book, that is fine too!
  2. Have your child look at Knowledge Map graphic organizer before they read their book.  Read what this organizer is for.
  3. Print out or draw out the Knowledge Map BEFORE your child reads their book.
  4. Child reads animal book and fills out animal Knowledge Map.
  5. Answer the questions in the Writing Task section.
  6. Make sure child submits works on time.  Due JULY 22nd.

Mini-Challenge #2

Mini- Challenge #2 is posted as a contest!  I made a challenge for each student to complete 60 minutes of reading, by July 22nd, through MyOn.  I’ve never made a contest before, but I think if your child completes it, they get a MyOn certificate or some sort of notification that they completed it!  Fun!

Both of these are due July 22nd.  The last report and challenge will be up also on the 22nd and will be due August 5th.

Continue the great work!!  Very proud of all of you!


Ms. K

MMA Back to School Pool Party is August 2nd at North Shore Pool from 7pm-9pm

MyOn glitch on my end fixed

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A few of the graphic organizers weren’t coming through as complete, but they are there now.  These students are complete for Book Report #1.







Jayce- to finish the 2 graphic organizers.  Finished How was your book?

Kailyn- to finish the 2 graphic organizers (Beginning, Middle, and End almost done) and complete the How was your book section.

Book Reports and Mini Challenge #1 Review and Next Reports

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Hello Everyone!

I want to thank Ella, Jayce, Kailyn, Alden, Kennedy, Nicholas, Stevie, and Tae’Lynn for working on their book report!  Remember, there were a few parts to this first assignment: Choose a book (all of those students did), do the graphic organizers on Character and Beginning, Middle, and End (only Ella, Jayce, and Kailyn worked on those), and then the how was your book response? (Only Alden, Stevie, Nicholas, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn).  I gave feedback to Alden, Stevie, Nicholas, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn because they did the writing task response.  Those students need to go back and go the 2 graphic organizers too.  Ella, Jayce, and Kailyn need to go back and do the Writing Task so I can leave feedback for them.

In the mini challenge #1,  Great job to Ella, Alden, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn.  Ella’s wasn’t officially submitted, but I saw her response.  I wasn’t able to leave feedback for her because of that, but I was able to leave feedback to Alden, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn.  Nicholas, I see that you opened the challenge, but didn’t complete it.

Book Report #2 and Mini Challenge #2 will be up on July 8th (a Friday) and will be due 2 weeks from then (July 22nd)

Book Report #3 and Mini Challenge #3 will be up on July 22nd (a Friday) and will also be due 2 weeks from then (August 5th).  

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!  Keep enjoying your summer!

Don’t forget about Khan Academy!


Ms. K



1st book report DUE JULY 3rd- MyOn

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There will be a total of 3 book reports this summer! There will also be mini-assignments too.  Doing MyOn assignments and any home project/assignment now go towards your child’s PTC Progress Report.  Please let me know if you do not have access to MyOn.  I will email the assignment to you and you will have your child choose a physical book in order to complete the assignment.
As a side note, if your child prefers a physical book for any reason, they may.  It must be a book for their level of reading.
This first book report is DUE JULY 3rd, a Sunday.
Graduated 3rd graders are assigned the book report too for summer practice!
If you have any questions, please let me know!  I am going out of town this week (A Wednesday to a Wednesday), so if I don ‘t respond right away, give me a day or two.  I am going home to Maryland for my friend’s wedding and will be spending time with family that I don’t get to see often.
Happy reading!
Please do not forget Khan Academy!  I highly recommend each student to practice this summer.  Only a few have done some practice.  Alden, Ella, and Stevie– Thank you for practicing!  You guys are logging in important minutes that will help you gain a better understanding in math and might even get you towards more challenging lessons when we start back up!  Keep it up!  I now challenge you to do even more minutes than last time!
Ms. K

3rd grade MyOn Assignment!

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Hello 3rd grade parents!

The goodbye letter that our 3rd graders are to write to our class are due by tomorrow evening.  2 have no started, and 6 are incomplete.  Aiden’s is the only one that complete according to directions.  Please have your child check their work.

Kennedy, JayCee, and Tiffany are almost there, just some detail cleaning up.

I put a writing check list for them on there to follow along with what kinds of details they need to include.

They are all excited to be done, but they aren’t done quite yet! 😉

Week 25

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Hello Everyone!

Thank you to all of you for making our field trip a success.  Thank you to those parents who took time out of their day and came with us!  Having that much support made for a smooth trip.  I am happy that everything worked out.  Even though we had to get a different schedule, it really ran smoothly and all the kids had a great time.

Our last field trip will be to the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum on April 21st.  We will be taking the Frontrunner and Trax again.

Past Week:

Due Date Reminders!

-MyOn assignment for Level 1s and 3s- Due tonight (Sunday)

-Favorite food opinion writing due Tuesday.  We had our weekly writing lesson this past Tuesday on opinions again.  The students are writing about their favorite foods and can CHOOSE (not required) to bring in their favorite food to share on Tuesday afternoon.  Some students are making a little paper craft of their food, some just want to bring in their food, and some want to do both.

-Science Fair, for just our class, was talked about on Friday!  We came up with a due date on March 24th.  It will be in our room from 1:00-2:15.  Science Fair topics are due this Friday, March 4th.  The following Friday will be their hypothesis.

3rd Grade Studio Plays!:

* My 3rd graders need to start bringing in costumes, props, etc. for our studio Theater plays!  Ask your 3rd grader what they might need for their theater plays.  We want to start collecting things now.  If you or someone you know is crafty or good at building, we need help making backdrops and scenery for our theater plays.  We know we need a fairly large puppet show stage and a dog house.  Let me know if you or someone would be willing to paint backdrops, help make costumes, props etc.

We are going to perform all 6 plays the last week in March for Literacy Week! Dates TBD.  All props, costumes, etc. should be ready to go by March 25th (Last day of studio).

Group Lessons:

Level 1s: 2D vs 3D for geometry

Level 2s: Grammar/word study story for weekly writing lesson, Drawing angles with protractor for geometry

Level 3s: Grammar/word study story for weekly writing lesson, Area and Perimeter house project

In cultural: Botany and some Geography

Level 1s: Stems of a plant, Scales and Tales

Level 2s: Tree introduction, Geyser experiment, Scales and Tales

Level 3s: Pollination of flowers, Honey Bees, Pollination activity, Scales and Tales


Upcoming Week:

Dr. Seuss week is this week!  March 2nd is the famous author’s birthday and our class will read a Dr. Seuss book every day this week and do an activity or two to go with it!

Our monthly health lesson, with Ms. Julia, will be on Thursday morning.

PE shoes for Monday!  With the weather starting to get warmer, more PE classes will be outside.


That should be everything coming up for this week!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


Ms. K


Week 16

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We had a great time at the ballet on Monday.  Hoping your child enjoyed it too!

We finished up as many individual lessons as possible the rest of the week.  This coming week is so full of holiday activities that there won’t be any regular lessons going on.  Let’s take a look at this week so that everyone who is planning on coming in this week will know what is going on.


Monday:  Holiday Store and Holiday Baking

8:15am- Students will get their store items that they are selling all set up in our room.

8:35am- Circle time to go over store rules and choose jobs for the week

8:50am- Pledges and then Holiday store begins!

 *Please send a bag with your child so they can carry all the things they want to buy from other  students.

9:30am-  *A few 3rd graders will make gingerbread dough with Ms. Kaley.  Ms. Emilee will watch over store.

*A few 2nd graders will make the sugar cookie dough with Jaida, our room mom.

*A few 1st graders will make peanut brittle with Michelle

11:00am- Holiday store ends and cleaning up begins.

11:30am-12:00pm- Recess.  A few students can stay in to help roll out dough and cut out the shapes

12:00pm-12:30pm- Lunch

12:30pm-2:00pm- PE and Music specials.  Cookies can be baked while recess and lunch are going on and  while students are off to specials

1:30pm- Fire Drill!

2:00pm-2:40pm- 2nd and 3rd graders decorate their cookies.  1st graders can help break up the peanut brittle

3:00pm- Dismissal

*Jaida is bringing: mixer, sugar cookie decor and some ingredients, baking supplies

*Ms. Kaley is bringing: mixer, gingerbread ingredients, 1 baking tray, baking supplies

*Michelle is bringing: peanut brittle ingredients and supplies

* please remember to send your child with ingredients/supplies that were signed up for!


Tuesday: Holiday Feast

Morning: Christmas cards for one of our first grader’s family members.

11:15am- Set up for feast starts

12:00pm- Holiday feast!

1:00pm- Holiday feast ends and clean up begins.  If you want or plan on checking out your child after our feast, please just let me or Emilee know if you are taking them.  Hope to see most of you there!  Please sign up for food and attendance if you haven’t!

Afternoon- cultural- Botany


Wednesday: Upper El International Festival

9am-11:00am- Upper El International Festival.  Everyone is welcome to come to see their projects!

Afternoon- cultural- Botany


Thursday: Lower El International Festival

Morning- Go over International Festival project boards for how to present.  Get our room set up.

11:00am-11:30am- Recess

11:30am-12:00pm- Lunch

12:00pm- Clean up from lunch and any food for projects to be set up

12:30pm-2:30pm- Lower El International Festival


Friday: Junior High International Festival and EARLY OUT (1pm dismissal)

9:00am-9:15am- Dance with Ms. Emily

9:15-9:30am-German Silhouettes with Mr. Rob

9:35am- Small art project with Anna’s grandpa, Mr. Will

10:15am-10:30am- Bead making with Ms. Lisa and Me. Casey

10:30am-10:45am-Chinese calligraphy with Ms. Fallon

10:45am-11:00am- African recess game with Ms. Marie

11:00am-11:30am- Work on art project

11:30am-12:00pm- Lunch

12:40pm- Recess

12:40pm-1:00pm- Dismissal- Have a wonderful Christmas holiday, a fabulous New Year’s, and safe traveling to all of our families!







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Hello Everyone!

Every month the teachers meet for a staff meeting.  December’s meeting happened last night. MyOn became a topic of discussion.  Our school signed up for MyOn as a resource for our students to have more access to books in hopes to improve reading outside of school.  There are still students in all of our classes that have not even logged into MyOn.  Please help us out in having your student get onto MyOn a few times a week.  I have made assignments for each level to do, but also to have students enjoy all the thousands of books that are on there.  They have books starting at the PreK level and it goes up to 6th grade.  All of our students are fully capable of having a book being just right for them through MyOn.

Our hope is to have all students be logged in by Friday.  MyOn works with any smart phone/ipad/kindle etc. device.  I’ve been told it doesn’t need a wifi signal to work!  So, if you don’t have internet at home, but your child has a device that can run MyOn, they can still enjoy the program.

If you need your child’s login again, I would be more than happy to help you with that.  Everyone’s password is “books.”

Always feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments.

Happy reading!

International Festival Choices!

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Here are the International Festival Europe choices for our class:

Kennedy- Ukraine

Tiffany- France

Nicholas- Germany

Sophia- Ireland

Peyton- Italy

Aiden B- Switzerland

Romeo- Transylvania

JayCee- The Eiffel Tower

Lucy- Paris

Dustie- Animals of France

Aidan L-Turkey

William- 1 Indian tribe of Europe

Jayce- Greece

Lydia- Iceland

Arianna- Norway

Stevie- Spain

Ashley- Finland

Tae-Lynn- Romania

Cael- London

Ethan- Yugoslavia

Daxton- Oslo


Anna- Estonia

Ella- The United Kingdom

Bridger- Sweden

Naomi- Austria

Kylie- Red Deer in France

Alden- Hungary

Kailyn- Czech Republic

Michael- European main dishes (food)

Week 14

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Happy almost December.  Crazy, right?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  Thank you to those parents who came to help out Friday for our project afternoon.  It was a squirrely day throughout the school and also busy, so we didn’t get to have 1st graders finish their interviews.  We will have 1st graders finish up tomorrow (Monday) after PE and Music.


December Events!

December is super busy with important things happening:

Permission slips for the ballet are due by December 4th.

The Nutcracker Ballet is Monday December 7th.  Please have your child pack a lunch that day.  We will have an early lunch and recess that day.  The bus comes at 11:00am.  We will be back at MMA by 2:30 for regular pick up.  Since we are going to a nice theater performance, it is asked that students wear something nice.

December 8th– 3rd grade practice Writing Test in the morning.  Have your 3rd grader pack a snack and have their water bottle.

Holiday performance!  Our lower el classrooms attend a once a week Music class.  Ms. Connie, our music teacher is putting on a nice holiday performance on the evening of Thursday December 10th.  If your child’s last name is between A-L- those children will sing at 7:00pm.  Those last names between M-Z will sing at 8:00pm.  Come support your child’s hard work and get a chance to see them sing some holiday songs they have been working hard on!

Cookie Baking and Holiday Store!  On December 14th, our students will get to shop and sell in our classroom store!  We do this activity at the end of the year in May, but our students love it so much that we added another!  Students in our class have been earning money for this store day.  For selling, they may bring gently used books, toys, and games.  Baked goods, flowers, crafts, and small services (painting nails, hair chalking, etc.) also make great store set ups.  This is a great opportunity to have your child shop for their siblings, friends, cousins, themselves or anyone else!  I would love to have a few helpers to help show students how to wrap a present if they are buying for someone.  Let me know if you would like to help that morning.  Holiday store will start at 9am.  Also, on December 14th, I think it would be nice for each level to make cookies for our December 15th Holiday Feast!  After our store morning, each level can take turns making cookies and decorating.  If you want to help students make cookies please let me know as soon as possible.

Class Holiday Feast!  Our classroom would like to invite your family to our annual feast on December 15th.  It will begin at 12:00pm and go until 1:00pm.  Any parents wishing to help with food or set up are welcome to come at 11:15am.  We have the South Kiva reserved.  A link to sign up for food will be posted this week.

MMA’s annual International Festival is December 16th-18th!  This wonderful and festive event is 3 days long.  Upper El’s festival will be on the morning of Wednesday the 16th.  Lower El’s festival will be on the afternoon of Thursday the 17th and Junior High’s will be on the 18th.  Our continent for the festival is Europe!  Students will get to choose what their focus will be on.  This week, I will go over instruction and students will need to pick their focus by Friday.  Students will get chances to work on their report in class, but students should also work on it at home.  If your student needs to work on their poster or board in class, please send them with their board to work on.  If your child would like to put together a PowerPoint together, that works too.  Students who wish to do a PowerPoint will need to bring their own flash drive or external hard drive to save their work.  Parents and families of students are more than welcome to attend the festival!


Volunteering: If anyone would like to help with reading or spelling this week or the upcoming weeks in December, please let me know!  You guys are great!


Ms. K