Week 16

Posted on Sunday, December 13th, 2015 at 5:22 pm

We had a great time at the ballet on Monday.  Hoping your child enjoyed it too!

We finished up as many individual lessons as possible the rest of the week.  This coming week is so full of holiday activities that there won’t be any regular lessons going on.  Let’s take a look at this week so that everyone who is planning on coming in this week will know what is going on.


Monday:  Holiday Store and Holiday Baking

8:15am- Students will get their store items that they are selling all set up in our room.

8:35am- Circle time to go over store rules and choose jobs for the week

8:50am- Pledges and then Holiday store begins!

 *Please send a bag with your child so they can carry all the things they want to buy from other  students.

9:30am-  *A few 3rd graders will make gingerbread dough with Ms. Kaley.  Ms. Emilee will watch over store.

*A few 2nd graders will make the sugar cookie dough with Jaida, our room mom.

*A few 1st graders will make peanut brittle with Michelle

11:00am- Holiday store ends and cleaning up begins.

11:30am-12:00pm- Recess.  A few students can stay in to help roll out dough and cut out the shapes

12:00pm-12:30pm- Lunch

12:30pm-2:00pm- PE and Music specials.  Cookies can be baked while recess and lunch are going on and  while students are off to specials

1:30pm- Fire Drill!

2:00pm-2:40pm- 2nd and 3rd graders decorate their cookies.  1st graders can help break up the peanut brittle

3:00pm- Dismissal

*Jaida is bringing: mixer, sugar cookie decor and some ingredients, baking supplies

*Ms. Kaley is bringing: mixer, gingerbread ingredients, 1 baking tray, baking supplies

*Michelle is bringing: peanut brittle ingredients and supplies

* please remember to send your child with ingredients/supplies that were signed up for!


Tuesday: Holiday Feast

Morning: Christmas cards for one of our first grader’s family members.

11:15am- Set up for feast starts

12:00pm- Holiday feast!

1:00pm- Holiday feast ends and clean up begins.  If you want or plan on checking out your child after our feast, please just let me or Emilee know if you are taking them.  Hope to see most of you there!  Please sign up for food and attendance if you haven’t!

Afternoon- cultural- Botany


Wednesday: Upper El International Festival

9am-11:00am- Upper El International Festival.  Everyone is welcome to come to see their projects!

Afternoon- cultural- Botany


Thursday: Lower El International Festival

Morning- Go over International Festival project boards for how to present.  Get our room set up.

11:00am-11:30am- Recess

11:30am-12:00pm- Lunch

12:00pm- Clean up from lunch and any food for projects to be set up

12:30pm-2:30pm- Lower El International Festival


Friday: Junior High International Festival and EARLY OUT (1pm dismissal)

9:00am-9:15am- Dance with Ms. Emily

9:15-9:30am-German Silhouettes with Mr. Rob

9:35am- Small art project with Anna’s grandpa, Mr. Will

10:15am-10:30am- Bead making with Ms. Lisa and Me. Casey

10:30am-10:45am-Chinese calligraphy with Ms. Fallon

10:45am-11:00am- African recess game with Ms. Marie

11:00am-11:30am- Work on art project

11:30am-12:00pm- Lunch

12:40pm- Recess

12:40pm-1:00pm- Dismissal- Have a wonderful Christmas holiday, a fabulous New Year’s, and safe traveling to all of our families!






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