Archive for March 10th, 2019

Week 27 Recap

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Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

This past Tuesday we went to Union Station for our afternoon field trip.  It was nice a history lesson on some of the topics we have discussed this year.  Thank you for picking up in a very timely manner and having everyone who attended to help out.  Thank you thank you!

Upcoming Week:

We have quite a bit of events and things popping up this coming week! Please read carefully!

Literacy Week begins Monday!

  • Please have your child bring in a copy of the cover of their most favorite book.  We will hang them outside of our classroom!  They will get their copy back at the end of the week
  • If you have any old books your child(ren) no longer read or want we are doing a book swap all week long!  Kids may bring books to donate and if they see any books they really want they may pick up a book or 2 during the week for the book swap. There will tables located in both kiva areas.

Monday- Dr. Seuss activities begin in our classroom!  We will be reading the ABC book and then students will also be writing their own classroom ABC book to practice alliteration writing.  We will also be going over Limericks in the afternoon and students will write a Limerick by the end of this week.

Tuesday- An eventful day! Literacy Night will be Tuesday night from 5:30pm-7:30pm.  Clean up will begin around 7:00pm.  Come do some fun activities at MMA!  Usborne books will also be there and our class will do the book preview at 8:45am.  We will then read Literacy Week’s themed book for the year when we get back.  Our students will then go see Ms. Rachael for Botany from 9:35am-10:25am.  3rd graders will join in after computers.  Ms. Julia our PE teacher will be out this week and has a sub, however, there will be an assembly for Lower El from 1:00pm-1:30pm.  Out class will plan to be late to PE that afternoon.

Wednesday- Dr. Seuss’ Oh The Places You’ll Go will be read and an activity will take place.

Thursday- Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham.  The Antelopes and Badgers language groups will do a rhyming activity.  Crocs are going to work on some cursive skills and work on learning to read some cursive.

Friday- Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat will be read and activity will take place. It is also the Literacy Week Read-a-thon!  Students may bring a few books to enjoy and a small pillow.  They will read from 10am-11am.  Early Release is also this Friday!  Please plan to pick up your child at 1pm.

Next Monday the 18th will be no school for students. It is a PD day for teachers.

Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week.  Hope to see you during Literacy Night Tuesday!

Ms. Kaley and Ms. Misha