Archive for November 26th, 2017

Week 13 Recap

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Hello Everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and some time off!

Past Week:

Students made decorations for the North Ogden Community Gratitude Feast at our school on Tuesday afternoon.  Our students also did a school survey in the school’s computer lab Thursday morning.

The projects for the fractions family November home projects were FANTASTIC!  The presentations and how they are made made for an excellent focus on your home community and learning about others families.  A lot of the kids liked seeing the similarities and I got to learn some new interests about the kids!

December’s home project is a pretty big one.  Our school does an annual International Festival that focuses on our continent studies throughout the school.  The Junior High will do theirs December 18th, Upper El December 19th and ours will be December 20th.  Lower El usually does theirs in the afternoons, but I will get a confirmation on that soon.  If the plan is still to do Lower El’s International Festival December 20th in the afternoon, the our class Holiday Party will be December 19th in the afternoon since Upper El does their International Festival in the morning.  Our continent is South America.  I will be talking with the students this week about it and will be sending home a project take home sheet this week.  Students are asked to choose an interest about South America.  It can be a city, country, animal, tradition, clothing, landmark…literally anything from South America can be chosen.  Students usually choose to use a project trip-fold board to present their project, but posters and presentations such as PowerPoint or Prezi can also be used.  Some students have done dioramas with a poster, so if your child likes to get crafty, visuals are great for this project.

In cultural this week we did Botany and in group math we did fractions

Level 1s: Food chains both land and water

Level 2s: Pinnate and palmate margins of a leaf’s margin

Level 3s: Kinds of calyx and petals (Gamopetalous/1 single petal and Polypetalous/multiple petals)


Upcoming Week:

This week we will talk about International Festival and begin our December writing prompt: Informational Writing about Holidays around the World.

Ms. Rachel will also be coming Wednesday afternoon for December’s Botany lesson

December Dates to Remember:

December 8th- Early Release 1pm

December 14th- Class Holiday Feast 12pm-1:30 in South Kiva *More info to come 🙂

December 18-20th- International Festival.  Lower El’s projects are due by Dec. 20th.  They may bring them in early, but the presentations are the 20th.

December 19th- Class Holiday Party in the afternoon- 12:45-2:30

*I believe there is a Box Tops those last 3 days before Xmas break.  If I hear other wise I will let you know.

The week is mostly in the 40s, so please make sure students have the attire they need for playing outside.  Tuesday is our day that recess is first thing in the morning and it is colder.  Students might start needing hats and gloves.

Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!

Ms. Kaley