Archive for May 14th, 2017

Week 37

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Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

Thank you so so much for another great teacher appreciation week!  Many many thanks to all you wonderful parents.  Anna and I are truly thankful for all your help and thanks.

Everyone is hanging in there!  We continued work cycle this past week and all the 3rd graders finished up their SAGE testing! Yay!  I did UURC reading level tests the whole week in the morning.  I have 1 student to finish Monday morning and I’ll be done!

Book report due next Monday (22nd)!- Book reports are due soon!  Students should be working on a fantasy or science fiction book.  They will then present their book report visual.

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up!  Here is the link that I emailed everyone.  PLEASE BRING YOUR CHILD!


We didn’t have any afternoon math lessons this past week due to celebration of lives and other activities that went on.  We did do cultural lessons and a few more cultural activities will flow into this coming week

in cultural this week: Botany:

Level 1s: what do plants need and parts of a plant review.  End of the year parts of a plants salad

Level 2s: Tree review and adopt a tree activity

Level 3s: parts of a flower review and Georgia O’Keefe (a female artist who painted unclose details of flowers)


Upcoming week:

This coming week we are shaking things up!  We will be doing our end of the year packets for conferences, cleaning up the shelves, and doing group activities.

Store Day might get rescheduled for May 22nd.  I am waiting from Ms. Paula on that final decision.  If the rain is going to hold off for this coming Thursday (May 18th) then form 9am-11am we will be having Store Day outside.  Students will need to bring a blanket or sheet to put their sellable goods on.  If your student is planning on making food/treat to sell, please email me about it.  Nothing with nuts in it as we have a student who has a severe allergy.  Food must be pre-packaged as well.  It would be advisable to have your child bring a bag with  him or her to put his/her bought goods in.

Spirit week:

Monday– crazy hair/hat day.  Dress code applied.

Tuesday– crazy sock day.  Dress code applied

Wednesday– mix and match day.  Students can mix patterns and designs.  No logos or characters please.  Doesn’t have to be in collared shirts this day.

Thursday– PJ day.  Students may bring a blanket and pillow this day if Store Day gets rained out.  If we go forth with Store Day in the morning then blankets and a pillow can be brought Friday.  3d grade PARTY DAY 1:15-2:30.  If you have signed up to help or bring in something for the party then please bring the items in on this day.

Friday– Dress down day.  Please make sure your child is dressed for outside.  They will be running around and doing games.  Sneakers, sunglasses, sunscreen, water bottle, and hats are all highly advisable.  In the afternoon we will do a movie afternoon if we don’t end up doing it Thursday.  Kaulin’s mom was thinking of doing a nacho party Friday afternoon too.


I will email you about store day and if it is going to be on May 18th or May 22nd.  That will tell us when movie time will be scheduled.

Volunteers for next week! Next week the kids talked about wanting to do a pancake/waffle breakfast one morning and doing a pot luck lunch.  Email me if you can help with pancake/waffles and can bring some ingredients.  I have a griddle that can make multiple pancakes, but if we can have multiple then that would be even better.  If someone wants to also make either smoothies or popsicles with the kids then let me know about that too.  I will be putting together a sign up for our pot luck tomorrow.

Snack this coming week– Calvin

Have a great upcoming week and Happy Mother’s Day!!


Ms. K