Archive for December 11th, 2016

Week 16

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Hi Everyone!

We had a nice productive week!  Our kids have come up with some great systems to help out our classroom management.  They have come up with 2 solutions, so far, to help everyone out.  Our first problem was a common step by step process for if someone isn’t going to listen to a direction from a teacher.  Here is what they came up with:

Problem 1: Some students won’t listen to a direction from a teacher.  What should happen?

Solution: Students came up with a 3 strike system.  If a teacher has to tell the direction the student then has 3 chances/steps to go through.

Strike/Step 1- You get a strike against your Friday afternoon earned free time.  If you collect 3 strikes by Friday.  You don’t get free time-you do work.  If you strike out early, you go to strike 2

Strike/Step 2- You stay in from recess and work if you are asked in the morning.  You stay after the bell for a few minutes and have a discussion with a teacher.  Your parent might need to pick you up too if you are asked in the afternoon

Strike/Step 3- You get a school behavior report

Problem 2: Tattling is an issue.  What can a STUDENT do first?

Solution: Students came up with another 3 step system to help them feel like they are a powerful person that can help them understand that they need to practice their social skills with someone.

Step 1- Set your boundary with that person.  Another person’s words or thoughts might not be like yours.  Have that discussion with your classmate.

Step 2- If it continues and you begin to get annoyed, irritated etc., but are still in control, count to 10 and take some needed deep breaths.

Step 3- If you are upset and are not able to have step 1 right away, you remove yourself to a safe space of your choice until you are able to be more in control and have step 1’s discussion.

These solutions may change as needed and might need tweaking.  However, this is what your child has come up with and feels comfortable implementing.  As teachers, we feel proud of them for coming up with great solutions and work on how to solve rather than how to blame or not learn to take responsibility for themselves.

Upcoming Week:

We have a busy upcoming week!

Monday- Music/PE.  Please make sure your child has sneakers to run around in.

Tuesday- Level 2 bread making and Level 3 dessert making for our Holiday Luncheon on Wednesday. BOX TOPS MIGHT BE THIS DAY

2nd graders will be making homemade dinner rolls.  They will learn about yeast and measurement

3rd graders will make 2 chocolate pies.  They will learn about measurement in a no-bake pie.  Alicia Thomas will help oversee

Wednesday- Level 1 soup making, Holiday Luncheon 12-1pm

1st graders will make homemade chicken noodle soup.  They will learn simple vegetable cutting skills and measurement.  Alicia Thomas will help assist.

Friday- Christmas Party 12:45-2:30pm.  Alicia Thomas has sent out an email for signing up to help out.

International Festival is NEXT week!  Our lower el presentations will be Tuesday the 20th.  We have ours in the afternoon and will start around 12:30-1pm.  Parents and families are welcome to come and see the projects and tour the school to see what other classrooms did on the morning of the 19th and the afternoon of the 20th.  Please scroll down to Week 14 on International Festival Expectations.  We had a few girls this past week who worked on their project a little bit because they wanted to partner up with another classmate.  Again, your child is welcome to bring in their project and work on it at school if at home doesn’t permit much time.


Past Week:

In group lessons this past week:

Level 1s: Color the fraction according to the numerator

Level 2s: Vertical angles introduction and the 4 kinds of angles review

Level 3s: Equivalency in fractions and different kinds of triangles game called Detective Adjective

Tuesday we had our monthly Botany lesson with Ms. Rachel Bush on stems from kinds of trees


In cultural this past week: Zoology/Physiology

Level 1s: All about our 2nd vertebrate class: Amphibians.  Students also learned the lifecycle of the frog

Level 2s: All about the ear (parts of the ear)

Level 3s: All about the invertebrate class: Annelids.  Our focus was on the earthworm for this class


I look forward to seeing a lot of you on Wednesday at our luncheon and our party on Friday!

Have a great upcoming week and rest of your weekend!


Ms. K