Archive for March 6th, 2016

Week 26

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Past Week:

We had a great week of Dr. Seuss reading and activities.  I was able to do a few group lessons, but we really focused on our fun activities!

Group Lessons:

Level 1s: 2D vs 3D through Whoville town building, health with Ms. Julia

Level 2s: drawing angles continued, health with Ms. Julia

Level 3s: area and perimeter continued, health with Ms. Julia

Monday- Cat in the Hat book, Who was Dr. Seuss, and writing activities

Tuesday- The Foot book.  We drew out and measured our right and left feet.  We then combine the class’ feet and measured them as a group.

Wednesday- Oh! The Places You’ll Go book.  We wrote about places we’d like to go and how we would like to see ourselves in the future.  We also read Wacky Wednesday in the afternoon.

Thursday- The Lorax book.  We focused on recycling and how we resources on our earth are so important.

Friday- Bartholemew and the Oobleck.  They built their Whovilles and I made Oobleck for those who wanted to learn how to make it and touch it.  If you want to make it at home it is a 2:1 ratio of cornstarch to water.  2 cups cornstarch and 1 cup water.  Use whatever food dye color you want.  We used 20 drops of green for the oobleck in the book.

In cultural: History

Level 1s: time to hour and half hour review. Quarter hour lesson this upcoming week

Level 2s: Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn

Level 3s: Cretaceous dinosaurs, dinosaur extinction theories


Upcoming Week:

Spelling Stars to Begin!

We had a small handful of kids try out Spelling Stars.  They said it was pretty fun.  To make spelling work, students can login at home and practice their lists and do the few games.  On Thursday, we will have students rotate to take their scored test in class.  The program automatically gives them their score.

Logins: student’s first name letter and entire last name (example: kparsons) (Jayce’s is the only exception because there was a user with jlopez.  His is jlopezrm19)

Password: mskaley 

Happy spelling practice!

Monday we will visit Junior High to see their Invention Convention right after Music is over.

Mr. Will is coming in Thursday to do his monthly art lesson and project with our class.  He will come in around 9am.

Due Dates for this upcoming week!

Tuesday: Persuasive recess writing (done in class)

Wednesday: 3rd graders to have worked on area and perimeter game or task cards, 2nd graders to have their writing from last week reviewed.

Friday: Science hypothesis due


Science Fair!

March 24th is our Science Fair!  Projects will be due on 3/24.  This past Friday, our students had their topics due (what they are going to do for their project)  Only a few students didn’t have their idea.  Those kids will have to have their topic AND their hypothesis for me by this Friday 3/11.  This is so I can make sure their project relates to the Scientific Method.  After this Friday students are on their own to conduct their experiments 3 or more times, record their data, and come to a conclusion.

Objective of project: Students are to choose a topic that can follow the steps of the Scientific Method

– Have a topic (what is your project called)

– What is your hypothesis?  (how do you think your experiment is going to turn out?)

– Experiment (students will conduct their experiment 3 or more times to see if they get the same result or different ones.  Either way, they should record what happens and be able to explain why it stayed the same or why it was different

– Data (students should be take pictures, write notes, have recorded explanations through graphs, pictures, measurements etc. to explain what happened in their experiment)

– Make a conclusion (what were the final results?  Was the hypothesis right or wrong and why?

Board: Students will make a project board that explains their project and experiment.  Help them make the Scientific Method steps into categories on their board

Judging: In Upper Elementary, students are judged on their boards, data, and presentation.  I do judge this project for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons.  Previous students in my class, who are now in Upper El, have won ribbons doing the Upper El science fair.  It is great practice for them since the Upper El science fair project is a heavily tasked home project.

Visuals: Students can bring in parts of their project if it helps them explain and show their experiment results.

Can I come?: Parents and other classes at our school are welcome to come visit!  We will start at 1pm and most likely go until 2:30.



Upcoming field trip: 4/21 to Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum


Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!


Ms. K