Archive for November 29th, 2015

Week 14

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Happy almost December.  Crazy, right?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  Thank you to those parents who came to help out Friday for our project afternoon.  It was a squirrely day throughout the school and also busy, so we didn’t get to have 1st graders finish their interviews.  We will have 1st graders finish up tomorrow (Monday) after PE and Music.


December Events!

December is super busy with important things happening:

Permission slips for the ballet are due by December 4th.

The Nutcracker Ballet is Monday December 7th.  Please have your child pack a lunch that day.  We will have an early lunch and recess that day.  The bus comes at 11:00am.  We will be back at MMA by 2:30 for regular pick up.  Since we are going to a nice theater performance, it is asked that students wear something nice.

December 8th– 3rd grade practice Writing Test in the morning.  Have your 3rd grader pack a snack and have their water bottle.

Holiday performance!  Our lower el classrooms attend a once a week Music class.  Ms. Connie, our music teacher is putting on a nice holiday performance on the evening of Thursday December 10th.  If your child’s last name is between A-L- those children will sing at 7:00pm.  Those last names between M-Z will sing at 8:00pm.  Come support your child’s hard work and get a chance to see them sing some holiday songs they have been working hard on!

Cookie Baking and Holiday Store!  On December 14th, our students will get to shop and sell in our classroom store!  We do this activity at the end of the year in May, but our students love it so much that we added another!  Students in our class have been earning money for this store day.  For selling, they may bring gently used books, toys, and games.  Baked goods, flowers, crafts, and small services (painting nails, hair chalking, etc.) also make great store set ups.  This is a great opportunity to have your child shop for their siblings, friends, cousins, themselves or anyone else!  I would love to have a few helpers to help show students how to wrap a present if they are buying for someone.  Let me know if you would like to help that morning.  Holiday store will start at 9am.  Also, on December 14th, I think it would be nice for each level to make cookies for our December 15th Holiday Feast!  After our store morning, each level can take turns making cookies and decorating.  If you want to help students make cookies please let me know as soon as possible.

Class Holiday Feast!  Our classroom would like to invite your family to our annual feast on December 15th.  It will begin at 12:00pm and go until 1:00pm.  Any parents wishing to help with food or set up are welcome to come at 11:15am.  We have the South Kiva reserved.  A link to sign up for food will be posted this week.

MMA’s annual International Festival is December 16th-18th!  This wonderful and festive event is 3 days long.  Upper El’s festival will be on the morning of Wednesday the 16th.  Lower El’s festival will be on the afternoon of Thursday the 17th and Junior High’s will be on the 18th.  Our continent for the festival is Europe!  Students will get to choose what their focus will be on.  This week, I will go over instruction and students will need to pick their focus by Friday.  Students will get chances to work on their report in class, but students should also work on it at home.  If your student needs to work on their poster or board in class, please send them with their board to work on.  If your child would like to put together a PowerPoint together, that works too.  Students who wish to do a PowerPoint will need to bring their own flash drive or external hard drive to save their work.  Parents and families of students are more than welcome to attend the festival!


Volunteering: If anyone would like to help with reading or spelling this week or the upcoming weeks in December, please let me know!  You guys are great!


Ms. K