Pre-Conference Survey

Next week is our first Parent Teacher Conference of the year.  If you haven’t signed up already, please do so no later than Thursday, October 12 so that I can make preparations to speak with you.  Sign ups are available on the side bar.

To make the most of our 20 minute conference time, I am sending home a pre-conference survey with your child.  Please take a few minutes to fill this out and return it to school with your child.  Having this survey will allow me to address your specific concerns.

As an aside, I want to give a big Thank You to the fifth grade parents for filling out and returning the home energy survey.   We will be purchasing a tripod mount for our Kestrel Weather Meter with the gift card from Rocky Mountain Power.

5th Grade – Home Energy Survey

Today your child attended an assembly presented by the National Energy Foundation and Rocky Mountain Power.  They were given a Home Energy Survey to complete and return to school.  Please help us thank our presenters by returning this survey no later than Friday, October 6, 2017.

Upon returning this survey, your child will receive a nightlight (which they are all super excited about).  If all 5th level students return this survey, our class will receive a $50 gift card to purchase materials for our class.


October Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups

Good evening, parents!

The sign ups for parent teacher conferences are now available here.    You can also find the link on the right hand side of the classroom blog.

Please sign up early for the best scheduling options.  Each conference will last 20 minutes,  and we will discuss your child’s beginning of year assessments, progress so far this year and any concerns or questions you may have.




Week 7 – In School “Field Trips” and 4th Level AWHC Trip

I can’t believe we are beginning the seventh week of school!

This week we have two in school “field trips” related to 4th and 5th grade science concepts.

  • Wednesday, Rocky Mountain Power will be talking to our 5th level students about conservation and electricity.  To reward them for completing a home energy survey, each 5th level student will receive a night light.   In addition to the night light, our classroom will receive a $50 gift card if all students return their survey.  Please watch for this to come home Wednesday, and return it by Friday so that we will be eligible for the $50!!
  • Thursday, Meteorologist – Dan Guthrie will be presenting to our 4th level students.  Dan has been at KSL since 2013.  He visits nearly 100 elementary schools each year.  We are so excited to have him coming to MMA.

Next week, October 12, our 4th level students will be travel to the American West Heritage Center in Wellsville, Utah.  There they will learn about Utah Native American Heritage, Mountain men and Utah Pioneers.  If you haven’t already signed the permission slip, please do so and return no later than Wednesday, October 4.

Finally, Parent Teacher Conference is coming up October 16-18.  Watch for the We Join In link to sign up for a conference time.

Week 5 – Thanks and Things to Remember

I want to give a big shout out to all of the parents who volunteered their time to drive and chaperone in the drizzly cold yesterday!  The experience was great and the kids learned a lot.   We will be going to the Hogle Zoo Tuesday, October 24. We will need parent drivers and chaperones for this trip as well.  As a heads up, chaperones will have an entrance fee into the zoo.  Unfortunately, our field trip funds do not cover chaperones.

Our first home project is due Monday, September 18.  We are presenting these projects to another classroom in small groups.  It is important that your child comes prepared with their project on Monday.  You can find the original post regarding this project here.

Our first IXL assignment was given last week and is due Sunday.  As outlined on the classroom management plan you received, these assignments are mandatory.  Your child is expected to record them each week in their planner and complete this work at home.  If they do not record this work in their planner, you can find it at the top of the homepage under the IXL link.  Students are welcome to practice any IXL they want, as long as the homework assignment is completed first.  I have spoken to the class about making arrangements with me if the resources needed to complete this are not available at home.

Finally, we have early release this Friday, September 22, at 1:00 pm.  Please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your child at this time.