
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday.

Please help your child choose clothing that meets the dress code.  Ms. Kari and I understand that many children receive gifts of new clothing, but we strive to follow dress code standards as closely as possible, and children in our class are held to this expectation.   In addition, please be sure your child is packing a healthy lunch and snack.  We encourage fruits and vegetables instead of overly sugary snacks.  An apple or cheese stick will provide your child with more sustained energy than chips or fruit snacks.  Please remember that candy is strictly forbidden.

As we come back to school in 2019,  please make a note of these important dates.

STARBASE – 6th grade students only

It is your responsibility as parents to get your child to and from STARBASE on each of the dates listed above.

Monday January 7, 2019
Tuesday January 15, 2019
Wednesday January 23, 2019
Wednesday January 30, 2019
Wednesday February 6, 2019
STARBASE is on Hill Air Force Base; we have a few plans to get your students on base.
Our first plan is to meet at The Aerospace Museum and STARBASE will send a Hill Air Force Base bus to come pick us up and transport us to and from STARBASE.  The information for this plan is located here. Roy-Gate-Base-Bus   Please do not be lateDrop off time is 9:00.  The bus cannot wait for late arrivals and we could lose this privilege.  Pick up time is 2:45-3:00.  You must pick up your child from STARBASE before picking up other children from MMA.  
The second plan, if  Hill Air Force Base cannot come get us, is to have parents transport their child onto base.  In order for anyone to get onto base they need to provide some information.  All forms were due December 20.  If you did not fill out a form, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with another family who filled out the form.  
These are the instructions for getting to the South Gate.  South-Gate-Contingency-Plan-18


Week of January 14 – STEM Week 

  • 4th – STEM Challenge – This in class project will take place the week of January 7 and require a short write up at home.  We will do the bulk of the work, and write up in class, with the finishing touches to be completed at home.  The at home portion of the assignment will take approximately 30-60 minutes since we are doing the bulk of the work in class.  This will be due Monday, January 14.
  • 5th – Invention Convention – Shortly after Thanksgiving, your students were given a log book for this home project.  The details for this project are laid out in great detail within the log book.  This project is due, Monday, January 14.  If your student needs a new copy, you can download and print one by following this link:  Invention Convention Log Book
  • 6th – Mentor 4th grade students in their STEM challenge


We look forward to seeing your children back in class Thursday, January 3.



Cultural Festival – Home Project

During this season of abundance, it’s important to remain grateful for the things we have.  I want to express my gratitude to the families in our class and the support you give your children each day!

Our next home project is due Thursday, November 15 with the cultural festival taking place Friday, November 16 from 1:00-3:00.  Families are invited to join us during that time to tour the projects with your children.   Each child will have a scheduled time to tour other projects which will be determined later this week.  If you would like to see walk with your child through the school, please watch for their scheduled time.

I am attaching the expectations and rubric for the home project.  This was sent home with your child several weeks ago when they selected their time period.

I look forward to ending this week with your child’s beautiful projects!

Cultural Fair Home Project

Cultural Fair Rubric


Week 7 – Home Project Reminder – 4th grade AWHC Field Trip

Good afternoon!  I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful fall weekend!

A reminder that our first Home Project is due Wednesday, October 3.   Guidelines for the assignment can be found at this blog post.

Our 4th grade students will be attending a grade level field trip this Thursday, October 4.  Please be sure you review the guidelines on the cover letter that accompanied the permission slip.  Weather this time of year can be variable so please check the conditions prior to sending your child to school on Thursday. Students will be taking a bus to and from the field trip and must be on time to school.  Because the bus is on a very strict schedule, we cannot wait for tardy children.

Week 4 – Updates and Home Project

The days are shorter, the evenings crisper and the mornings darker.  It’s hard to believe we are entering our 4th week of school and that autumn is just around the corner.

Classroom Expectation

Planners: Each day your child should be bringing home their planner, an important communication tool between the classroom and home.  Please take a few minutes each evening to review your child’s day with them and sign to acknowledge their plan.  You can write them a note of encouragement, a reminder or questions that you may have for me.   I check planners daily as your child enters the classroom.  Helping your child form good habits now will go a long way in their educational journey.

Weekly Work Evaluations: Each week your child fills out a weekly work evaluation and brings it home for you to review.  The purpose of this evaluation is to check in against the plan they create, set goals for the following week and reflect on their learning.  Student’s who do not complete this evaluation at school are expected to complete it at home.  Please sign your child’s evaluation weekly and return it to school with them on Monday.

Parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning, will avoid surprises during parent teacher conferences.  A simple way to be involved is through daily planner and weekly evaluation checks.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night is this Thursday from 6-8:00 pm.  If you attended the “Sneak – a – Peak” before the start of the school year, there is no need to attend on Thursday.  I will be reviewing the same information.

Home Project – Due Wednesday, October 3

Our first home project assignment has been set.  Your child was given the assignment on Friday.  I am linking the project requirements here in case your child did not bring home their paper, or in the event you need to print an additional copy.  Although there are many theories regarding how the first people came to North America, we have been studying the migration of people from Siberia to North America by way of the Bering Land Bridge.   In order for our students to have a broader understanding of the First Nations, they will be choosing a Native Cultural Region as well as a tribe that inhabits (or once inhabited) this area.

Native American Research Project

Native American Research Project Rubric

Freedom’s Light Festival – Friday, September 21

We rely on parent drivers for our class (and level) field trips.  I understand that some of you are transporting other students in other classes because you have more than one child in upper elementary.  If we do not get enough drivers, we will not be able to participate in this trip.

If you are able to drive students for our first field trip, please contact our Room Mom, Natalie Monsen.


Have a fabulous week!


Last Three Weeks

I can hardly believe we are already approaching summer at this breakneck speed.  It truly feels as if the school year has just begun.

We will continue working hard each day until the end of school.  It becomes increasingly difficult to keep student attention the closer to the end of the school year we get.  Please help your child remain engaged by maintaining a regular sleep schedule, meal schedule and arriving on time each day.

We will be taking our final SAGE exam Tuesday, May 8.

Important Dates 

May 14- Crazy Sock Day

May 15- Crazy Hat or Hair Day

May 16- Pajama Day

May 16- 5th grade meeting for Alliance Redwoods (5:30 pm MMA Library)

May 17- What do you want to be? (Dress up as your future occupation)

May 18- Field Day

May 22-25 – Early Release 1:00pm

May 22-25 – Student Led Teacher Conference (sign up here)

May 23- Upper Elementary Bridging Ceremony (10:30-12:00 MMA Gym)

May 25- Last Day of School