Week 7 – In School “Field Trips” and 4th Level AWHC Trip

I can’t believe we are beginning the seventh week of school!

This week we have two in school “field trips” related to 4th and 5th grade science concepts.

  • Wednesday, Rocky Mountain Power will be talking to our 5th level students about conservation and electricity.  To reward them for completing a home energy survey, each 5th level student will receive a night light.   In addition to the night light, our classroom will receive a $50 gift card if all students return their survey.  Please watch for this to come home Wednesday, and return it by Friday so that we will be eligible for the $50!!
  • Thursday, Meteorologist – Dan Guthrie will be presenting to our 4th level students.  Dan has been at KSL since 2013.  He visits nearly 100 elementary schools each year.  We are so excited to have him coming to MMA.

Next week, October 12, our 4th level students will be travel to the American West Heritage Center in Wellsville, Utah.  There they will learn about Utah Native American Heritage, Mountain men and Utah Pioneers.  If you haven’t already signed the permission slip, please do so and return no later than Wednesday, October 4.

Finally, Parent Teacher Conference is coming up October 16-18.  Watch for the We Join In link to sign up for a conference time.