JA Biztown Chaperone/Volunteer

Happy Tuesday!

Our annual 5th grade field trip to JA Biztown is Wednesday, March 14 and our class needs two chaperones who are also able to transport our group of ten 5th grade students to Discovery Gateway.

I have heard from several parents who are interested in volunteering; however, only parents who are able to drive multiple children, will be able to join us for this trip.  If you are the parent of a 5th grade student AND you would like to volunteer your time, as well as drive a group of students, please contact me ASAP.

Note: It is the policy of JA City to not place parents with their own children in a business.  You will have an opportunity to interact with your child during their break time, but will not be directly placed with them in their business.

There is a $5.00 fee for this field trip.  Your child can bring money to the office, or you can make your payment here.

We also have a smaller walking field trip to America First Credit Union, Wednesday, March 7.

Permission slips for both trips will be coming home with your child today.


Student Directed Conferences

Wednesday, February 14, begins our 2nd *conference of the 2017-2018 school year.  These conferences are student-led.

Student led conferences are an integral part of the learning experience at Maria Montessori Academy.  Students look forward to sharing their learning with you and they work hard to prepare a portfolio that expresses what they feel is most important to them.

During this conference you will have an opportunity to learn how your child feels they are progressing through the school year.  Your child will share with you areas in which they are excelling, as well as areas where they may need more work.  It is through this interaction with your child that you will get a true understanding of the school year so far from their perspective.

Please sign up for your student-led parent conference here, or on the side bar.

*In an effort to reduce the amount of paper used, I will be emailing a digital copy of your child’s progress report.

Jr. High Registration Assembly

Dear Families,

6th grade students will attend a registration assembly on Tuesday February 13th at 8:40 am. Parents are welcome to attend with their students. Students will bring home registration packets and they are due back to the front office by Tuesday February 20th.

If there are any questions about the registration process Ms. Andrea will be available during parent teacher conferences to support you. You can also reach out to her or myself via email if that is preferred.

Thank you!

Ms. Kacee

This entry was posted on February 11, 2018, in General.

Valentine Update

From the MMA Facebook Page:

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! While Candy is not a necessary part of the Valentine’s exchange it is often a part of this and other holiday traditional celebrations. We encourage personalized thoughts and expressions of appreciation and kindness through non-materials things. However, students are welcome to exchange candy at school, additionally no candy is allowed to be eaten in school and parents should continue to have conversations with their children about healthy eating habits, balanced diets and healthy physical activity.


This entry was posted on February 7, 2018, in Holidays.