
Valentine’s Exchange

This Thursday is Valentine’s Day.  Our class will be participating in a small Valentine exchange before lunch, February 14.  A list of all students in our class was sent home last week.  Participating in the exchange is completely optional, but if your child brings a Valentine for one classmate, they must bring one for everyone in the class.  When making or purchasing Valentines, I encourage you to follow our school wellness policy.

If your child would like to make a box, bag or some other type of container to collect their Valentines, please plan on making this at home.

As a reminder, this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is early release for student led conferences.  School will let out at 1:00 pm on each of these days.


Valentine Update

From the MMA Facebook Page:

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! While Candy is not a necessary part of the Valentine’s exchange it is often a part of this and other holiday traditional celebrations. We encourage personalized thoughts and expressions of appreciation and kindness through non-materials things. However, students are welcome to exchange candy at school, additionally no candy is allowed to be eaten in school and parents should continue to have conversations with their children about healthy eating habits, balanced diets and healthy physical activity.


This entry was posted on February 7, 2018, in Holidays.

Valentine Exchange

Valentine’s Day is next Wednesday and our class will be having a Valentine exchange.  I had great plans to have students create simple machine focuses Valentine boxes, but sadly it just isn’t going to happen this year.  This means, your child can create any type of collection vessel they would like.

A reminder that in accordance with school policy, there should be no candy exchanged.  I know that some classes allow it, but our class will maintain the policy of the school.

Please check your child’s backpack for the list of students in our class.  Children do not have to participate, but if they choose to bring something for one student, they must bring something for all students.

If you have any questions regarding Valentine’s Day, please let me know.


Week 26 – Update

Parent Teacher Conferences are next week.  Your child is expected to attend this conference with you, as they will be leading the conversation.  Taking the opportunity to reflect on learning is an important step to really understanding why we come to school each day.   Sharing their success and challenge will help them continue growing in our classroom.  If you haven’t already, please sign up for a conference time at this link.

Beginning this week, we will be adding a weekly Utah Compose assignment to our homework expectations.  You can find the weekly essay expectation under the Utah Compose tab at the top of the blog.  After each mini-lesson, your child will have some time to get started in class, but will need to spend time at home as well.  I have stressed the importance of reading the piece aloud to a parent or older sibling in order to get feedback.  Often, when we read to ourselves, we miss mistakes or errors we have made.  Reading aloud will give your child the opportunity to catch those mistakes with your help.

We will be having a Valentine exchange next Tuesday, February 14.  I have emailed a list of names and guidelines.  If you have any questions, please let me know.




Pancake Breakfast Friday, December 16

Our annual, pre-holiday, pancake breakfast is this Friday, December 16.  Parents should arrive at 10:30 for a small “program” followed by delicious pancakes, fruit and drinks.

A sign-up sheet to donate items, or time, can be found here.    We are still in need of pancake mix, drinks, fruit, butter, electric griddles, and 2 parent volunteers to help cook.  We will begin cooking at 10:00.

Please RSVP by Wednesday to my school email letting me know if you will be joining us, and how many people will come (excluding your child).