
Valentine Exchange Activity

Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year right in the middle of a 4 day weekend.  Because of this fact, our class will have a small Valentine’s exchange activity on Thursday, February 11.

This year, like last, we will incorporate math with our exchange.  Attached you will find the Valentine project directions (to be made at home), grid paper to create box, and the rubric the students will use to rate their project during class.

Guide lines for participation:

  • Participation is not mandatory, but if your child chooses to participate, they must bring a Valentine for everyone in the class.
  • If your child wants to participate in the exchange, they must follow the guidelines for the Valentine’s Box construction.
  • No candy.
  • Have fun!
  • Class list has been emailed to you.

Reminder: Early out 1:00 pm Tuesday-Thursday, February 9-11.  Please make arrangements to pick up your child at this time each day.  Book fair during PTC

January 23 Updates

Important Reminders for the weeks upcoming:

  • See’s Candy order form and money due Monday, January 25, 2016 – Please make sure your child’s name and my name are on the forms and envelope and they are filled out completely.
  • JA Biztown (5th grade and some 6th grade) Thursday, January 28, 2016 – Separate email will be sent with details about chaperones and departure times.
  • Class Novel study groups begin Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 11:00am – We are in need of two more volunteers to help our class with their novel studies.  If you or a family member (grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin) are available to help during this time, please contact me via email.
  • Class photos Thursday, February 4, 2016 – Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for our class photos on this day.
  • Child led Parent Conferences Tuesday, Feb 9-Thursday Feb 11, 2016 – Please sign up for your conference at the link on the left side-bar.  Children will be presenting this round of conferences.

We Can Do Hard Things

The transition from lower to upper elementary is an exciting, yet daunting one, for our 4th grade students.  Your child might often feel as though he can’t possibly fulfill the requirements in the upper elementary classroom, yet I see it time and again, as soon as he understands the expectations and has time to normalize, he finds he can do hard things.

Fourth grade is a big step.  Not only are students leaving the comfort of their classroom, they are leaving beloved friends, and teachers, behind as well.

As our sixth week of school comes to an end,  our 4th grade students have grown so much.  Unsure what to do when she enters the classroom, she now begins her day by making a plan.   Nervous about making new friends, she confidently explores new games on the playground.  Excited to learn new things, she now shows her progress by helping those who may need an extra lesson.

My third year of teaching brings insight, experience and joy as I see how far my students, your children, have come in three years.  The growth between 4th and 6th grade is phenomenal.  Once timid and unsure, sixth grade students are confident and ready to lead.

The “end of normalization”, by no means, draws a definitive line between not-knowing and knowing, but it is a time when we can stop, take a deep breath, and celebrate how far we have already come.

Please make an appointment to hear your child’s progress, see personal goals, and discuss any questions you might have October 12-14.  You can sign up for a 25 minute conference at the following link.

Happy Autumn Equinox!

May Parent Teacher Conference

Can you believe it is already almost the end of the school year?  Neither can I!

Come see what your child has accomplished during this last trimester of school and learn how you can help your child stay up to date, and prevent the summer slide, at our May parent child conferences.

This last round of conferences are child led.  Please sign up for a 20 minute conference spot May 26-28 at the following link.

The conference link can also be accessed on the sidebar.