Level 2- Second grade- STEM- project

For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation. We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science. Students will do a project using the scientific method. This science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board. Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

Poster or tri-fold board
Hands-on experiment with write-up
Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
Create a board game
Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
Performance or skit
Create a book
Create a lesson or work

We will be presenting this on Friday- February 7th. As a south-side (of building) the lower elementary teachers will be using this time to share with their classrooms as well. We will have a time to each go and view one another’s presentations in our individual classrooms.

If you have any questions-concerns- please ask.

Thank you

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

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