Week 35 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Grace and Courtesy, Shared School | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

It is crazy to think that there are 10 more school days left.  This past week I have completed the student’s reading level assessments and the students have worked on their end of the year Math U See assessments.  Some students may be asked to take more Math U See because their score was high enough to move on to the next level.  It will be a very busy upcoming week with a very modified schedule here on out.  Please help me by reminding your student to use their best grace and courtesy while at school and work on what is asked of them.

This upcoming week we will work on preparing the end of the year folders for each child’s PTC.  This upcoming PTC is student led.  Your child will be giving you a few lessons on shelf works and also sharing writing, and work samples.  If you haven’t already, please visit www.trackitforward.com and sign up for PTC.  I have blocked off a time to do my daughter’s conference right before dinner on Thursday.

This week the students also be catching up on some cultural lessons.  They might be doing Zoology one day and Geography the next so that I can give as much as the cultural curriculum to them as possible.

May Spirit Week Events! May 14th- May 18th

Monday Store Day AND Crazy Sock Day.  We will be outside with Ms. Stef’s Class for Store Day (please provide sunblock!).  It works like a yard sale!  Students will be earning classroom dollars to use towards buying things from others during Store Day.  Students may bring in things to sell:

-Sell books and toys they no longer want, but think someone else may want to enjoy

-Sell a treat: Otter Pops, muffins, cookie, etc.  Must be wrapped up to take home

-Sell a service/craft: origami, play a game, make a craft, sell a craft etc.

Students should bring their own blanket to be able to set up their own store items and also bring a bag to do their shopping with.  We plan on being outside if it is nice out.  It could be hot so please allow them to bring sunblock, sunglasses, and hats.

Tuesday Crazy hat or Hair Day!

Wednesday PJ and Movie Day.  Pillows and blankets allowed.  We will be watching a move in the afternoon.  If anyone has Wonder on DVD, please let me know I’d like to borrow it for the class to watch.

Thursday- Occupation Day!  Dress like the occupation you want to be when you grow up or any occupation! Ms. Kaley out of town

Friday- FIELD DAY! It is also dress down day.  We have ours in the morning.  It is outside too and will be in the parking lot.  Please prepare your child for running around outside and for the weather. Ms. Kaley out of town

Game afternoon on Friday!– Our students have worked hard on their grace and courtesy points and may bring a board game or card game for the afternoon.  Please nothing electronic or toy wise.  If you board game is electronic like Operation, for example, that is perfectly fine.

Out of Town-I will be going out of town back to Maryland for my stepbrother’s wedding.  I leave early Thursday morning and will be flying back to UT on Monday.  We will have the same substitute schedule as before.

Last Week of School:

Monday– Ms Kaley out of town.  Last Full Day of school 8:30-3:00pm.  I’d love to have an end of the year breakfast for our class.  If anyone would like to come in and help do a pancake breakfast.  It is going to be a very busy few days for me this coming week and I don’t think I’ll be able to get around to creating a sign up sheet for the pancake breakfast.  I sure will try though!  Monday is also Early Childhood Bridging.  The ceremony will begin at 11am.  After the ceremony the Kindergarteners and any pre schoolers are welcome to have a picnic outside with their Early Childhood class from 11:45am-12:30pm.  There will not be a regular early childhood day this day just come for the ceremony.  The only role our class has with Kinder bridging is welcoming them.  Since our school is under construction with the Junior High, all ceremonies this year are being held in the gym.

Tuesday– Early out at 1pm.  PTCs begin.  3rd Grade Bridging Ceremony from 11am-12pm.  Families of 3rd graders are invited to come to see their child bridge onto the next level!  After the ceremony, parents may take their 3rd graders and siblings.

Wednesday– Early Out at 1pm- PTC. Upper El’s Bridging ceremony is you have an older child at MMA.

Thursday– 3rd grade multiplication official test.  Early Out at 1pm- PTC end this night

Friday– Yearbook distribution and signing.  Early Out at 1pm

3rd grade Upper El placement– The list of where your 3rd grader will be going next year is still in the works.  I have seen a tentative placement of where the students are going.  If I feel like I need your opinion on the matter I may ask you a question so that I can relay it the office.  The potential teacher will not be mentioned, but just the question I have.

Thank You– I want to thank you all for being part of our classroom and for choosing MMA for your child.  I cannot describe the amount of love and care I have for the school and for our students.  Thank you to all of you for the loving amount of kindness and appreciation Misha and I received during Teacher Appreciation week.  Thank you to Katie James, our room mom, for being amazing and for all the work you have done for me and for the class this year.  To all my 3rd grade parents, thank you for our journey together and you all are amazing with amazing children.

Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day!  Enjoy your upcoming week!

Ms. Kaley

Week 33 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Reading, Shared School | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!


I have made sign ups through Track It Forward!  You will probably be seeing a few emails come through inviting you to sign up!

I have made both 3rd grade breakfast sign ups for May 1st and May 7th.  The 3rd grade parents received those email notifications that they have been posted!  For the breakfasts, the school provides me the eggs from our MMA chickens and I make the 3rd grade students scrambled eggs.  The rest of the breakfast is up to you guys! Please sign up to contribute to our breakfast if you can.  Thanks!

May PTC sign ups are ready!  Please sign up through Track It Forward.  Once you are into the program you will click on Event Sign-Up and you will see a calendar.  Be careful to find our classroom sign up as ALL of the school will be posting their sign up sheets on these 3 days.  So far, it is just Ms. Marleen and myself already to rock and roll for sign ups.  During the dinner times there is a date where they make us a nice end of the year dinner.  I might have to adjust one of the spots once I know the date!

May Spirit Week Events! May 14th- May 18th

Monday- Store Day AND Crazy Sock Day.  We will be outside with Ms. Stef’s Class for Store Day (please provide sunblock!).  It works like a yard sale!  Students will be earning classroom dollars to use towards buying things from others during Store Day.  Students may bring in things to sell:

-Sell books and toys they no longer want, but think someone else may want to enjoy

-Sell a treat: Otter Pops, muffins, cookie, etc.  Must be wrapped up to take home

-Sell a service/craft: origami, play a game, make a craft, sell a craft etc.

Students should bring their own blanket to be able to set up their own store items and also bring a bag to do their shopping with.  We plan on being outside if it is nice out.  It could be hot so please allow them to bring sunblock, sunglasses, and hats.

Tuesday- Crazy hat or Hair Day!

Wednesday- PJ and Movie Day.  Pillows and blankets allowed

Thursday- Occupation Day!  Dress like the occupation you want to be when you grow up or any occupation!

Friday- FIELD DAY! It is also dress down day.  We have ours in the morning.  It is outside too and will be in the parking lot.  Please prepare your child for running around outside and for the weather.

Upcoming Week:

The 6th and and 9th graders are on their big field trips.  Some teachers and SPED teachers are helping chaperone and will be out of the building.  We will have Ms. Nikki’s assistant, Ms. Missy, on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

I will be leaving for Charlottesville, VA on Thursday and will be out Thursday, Friday, and the following Monday (May 7th).  Ms. Lori will be subbing for me.  Our schedule will run as it normally does.

Volunteers needed!- Friday the students will be doing Cinco de Mayo learning and activities.  I would love to have a parent or 2 come in and help make homemade salsa for snack.  If would like to help out in the morning and help the kids prepare salsa, please email me ASAP! We will also need tortilla chips donated too.  If you can’t make it, but want to help donate chips, please let me know and send them in with your child this week.  Please email me at kparsons@mariamontessoriacademy.org if you can help out on Friday or help donate food supplies!  Thanks!

DIBLES- Our end of the year reading testing has begun!  Monday (tomorrow) and Tuesday the reading teachers will be testing our students on end of the year DIBELS testing

SAGE Writing- 3rd graders will take their SAGE Writing test Tuesday May 1st.  They will have their special breakfast in the morning and then begin testing at 9am.  They will miss PE and Music this day.

I will be doing 3rd grade end of the year UURC reading level testing this week.  UURC states what reading level your child is reading at.

There will not be any Geometry/Fractions/Measurement lessons this week as each level will work on Problem of the Month with me instead.

No blog post will be posted over next weekend.  Here are some May dates to be aware of:

May 7th- 3rd grade Breakfast and SAGE Math 9am.

May 8th-May 10th- 3 3d grade students will shadow in Ms. Stef’s Upper El class for the day to see what Upper El is like.

May 10th- 3d grade party 1:30-2:30


Past Week:

Thank you to a lot of you who attended the field trip with us Thursday.  We had beautiful weather and everyone had a great time!

Every language group this week continued to work on their parts of speech with me.

1st graders worked on learning pictographs this week, 2nd graders continued to work on their graphing skills too, and 3rd graders used Tanagrams to solve fraction problems to help their equivalent fraction practice.

In cultural this week: Zoology/Physiology

Level 1s: Endangered Animals

Level 2s: The Nervous System and the Brain

Level 3s: Arthropods and Spiders

Friday- Boat building STEM project.  They loved it!


Have a great rest of your weekend, upcoming week, and next week!

Ms. Kaley

Week 32 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!


Clark Planetarium/Discovery Gateway Field Trip- April 26th

I’m going to start with important field trip information that has been recently updated!

Jalee and I met and UTA has recently updated their train schedules.  Please read carefully as to what time your child needs to be at the UTA Train station on Wall Ave next to Union Station.

Arriving to train station in AM- Please plan on having your child arrive at 8:10/8:15am.  This will give children time to get their wristbands from their teacher and so we can make sure we have everyone.  If you are planning to come and help chaperone, this will give you the opportunity to get your ticket on time.  I will have extra wristbands for a few chaperones.  Those who plan on coming, please email me to let me know you are coming.  I will see how many extra wrist bands I have.  First come, first serve!

Train LEAVE Wall Ave at exactly 8:37am.  We do not wait for anyone who is late.  If you are late, you can drive your child to The Gateway in SLC.  We get off at the North Temple Station and we walk to the Gateway.  It is a short walk and we’ve never had a problem doing this walk.  This eliminate the need to catch the light rail.

Lunch- There are a few options for your child.  We are at The Gateway in Salt Lake City.  There are limited food buying option, but there will be 3 food trucks by the fountain.  Last year, the whole food court was under construction.  I am waiting to hear back from one of our parents to see if it is rebuilt and accessible.  We still were able to eat outside last year at other restaurants, but the students who brought money to buy food had to eat at the bigger restaurants.

Ms. Kaley’s class will begin at The Clark Planetarium.  It normally opens at 10am, but they will allow us inside a little early when we get there.  The Planetarium is free to go in.  We are not seeing an IMAX movie.  Students are free to explore the exhibits until 11:30 or a little earlier if a chaperone’s group is ready to eat sooner (recommended).  There is a fantastic gift shop at the Planetarium if you decide to give your child money for this field trip.

Our whole class will need to be at Discovery Gateway at 12:00pm.  We will be attending the roller coaster workshop from 12:00-12:30.  Please be on time back from lunch!

Students may have some limited time to explore the rest of Discovery Gateway after the workshop.  We will need to gather and leave by 1:10pm.  It is a short walk back to the train station, but it does take a few minutes to get there.  Our train back to Union Station on Wall Ave in Ogden will leave to head home at 1:31pm.  

Arrival back from SLC to Ogden-  Our train gets back home at 2:24pm.  Please pick your child up at the train station or arrange a carpool to pick your child up.  Please remember to pick your child up on time or have your carpool pick up your child on time.  Jalee and I will have our assistants with us for this field trip, but we do not leave until every child is picked up.  This makes it important to be on time and for us to see that your child gets their ride safely.


Past Week:

This past week in mixed group lessons we had the Antelopes language group work on learning homonyms and creating sentences with a few of them.  The Badgers language group did a great job learning about similes and metaphors.  The Crocs worked on their parts of speech review.  We will continue revisiting each part of speech for review for a few more weeks.

In leveled math groups the 1st graders revisited money.  I showed them some new money works I picked up at the Denver conference I attended.  They are working coin naming and amounts, but also learning to add up coin amounts.  The 2nd graders are continuing to practice graphing skills and learning how to solve differences in amounts with items graphed.  We will spend some more time on graphs for a little bit more practice.  The 3rd graders are working on a mini project for area and perimeter.  I am having them design their own house using graphing paper and they have to solve the area and perimeter for each part of the house (ie: door, windows, roof etc.).  There in class project is due to me on Wednesday.

In cultural this week:

Level 1s: Time to the 10 minute, 5 minute, and 1 minute mark.  Many first graders need practice with these last minute marks

Level 2s: Saturn and Uranus planets

Level 3s: What is a fossil and Paleontologist

We had Scales and Tale come by Thursday afternoon to present the bird show.  It was a great in school field trip to see the different kinds birds and learn what each does!

Friday- our class had music practice for the concert this past Friday and we also snuck in some Earth Day activities


Upcoming Week:

We will complete the Problem of the Month this week and also plant our plants for the April/May in class project.

Thursday is our all day field trip!  Please see above info for details

It looks like beautiful weather this week, so I’m going to do a STEM boat building challenge Friday.  We can test the built boats outside in a bucket.  The kids will learn about water displacement, sink and float review, and learn how/why large ships float and not sink.  They will then build their own boat in small groups to see whose can hold the most amount of weight.  They will only be allowed limited provided building materials and I will use fake class money too for money/budgeting skills as each material has to be “bought.”

Looking ahead:

I am out of town May 3rd-7th and also May 17th-21st.

3rd grade SAGE Writing is May 1st.  Breakfast will be made that morning.

May 7th is SAGE Math.  Breakfast will be made that morning.  I will not be there for this test, but Mr. James and Ms. Megan are proctoring the tests.  I will need more help in the morning to have the 3rd grade breakfast made and served.

I will be getting together the food items wanted for 3rd grade testing breakfast.  Ms. Leigh in the Jr. High provides us with fresh eggs from our MMA chickens.  We have scrambled eggs for every breakfast, but we will need fruit, plates, cups, drinks, and some other breakfast food(s) item.

The Last PTC will be on Track It Forward- not We Join In.  Please make sure that you get yourself signed up for Track It Forward when I get the sign up ready.  It will be new (as it is for me) and I know we are used to We Join In, so if you have any questions once I have the sign up ready, I will try to answer your questions the best I can.  Once you sign up for Track It forward it may take 24 hours, I believe, to be accepted before you can sign up.  I want to have the sign up sheet ready by the 1st week of May.


Thanks to everyone who came and attended the Spring Concert.  There will be 3 more classes of Music for this year.

Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week.  See some of you on Thursday!

Ms. Kaley

Week 31 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Shared School | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

Past Week:

Thank you to those who came with us on our Spring Trash Pick up.  We got lucky with the weather not pouring or snowing on us!  Friday went great!  That was our first field trip on a Friday that Jalee and I have ever done.  The students enjoyed the scavenger hunts around the museum and had a blast doing the helicopter workshop.

In group leveled lessons this week the 1st graders reviewed the lines they are working on in Geometry.  The lines they are learning are horizontal, vertical, parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting.  These types of lines will then be built upon when they turn second graders and we talk about different angles.  2nd graders are working on graphing skills with bar graphs and pie graphs.  They will continue their practice this upcoming week too.  3rd graders are deciphering whether to use their area or perimeter solving skills to word problems.  This is still tough for them, so we are going to review more skills on area vs perimeter by having them “build” a 2D house on graphing paper and they have to answer what is the perimeter and area for a door, windows, a roof, grass, and the house structure they create.

For the mixed language groups this past week, the Antelopes are worked on creating their own sentences and identifying sentences’ parts of speech.  This group is working on sentences having an article, noun, verb, and adjective.  The Badgers and Crocs both worked on Homophones with knowing when to use to vs two vs too and there, their, and they’re.

In cultural this past week: Botany

Level 1s: Photosynthesis introduction and reviewed all parts of a plant

Level 2s: Photosynthesis of a plant

Level 3s: What are carnivorous plants and kinds of carnivorous plants

Friday- Those students who were with me in the morning had class meeting and we went over kind words and did a compliment circle.  This upcoming Friday we will plant the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade bean seed and go over how to record our April in class project

Upcoming Week:

This week we will have a Fire Drill at some time on Tuesday

Wednesday we will have the COW and also Ms. Rachel will be in for her monthly Botany lesson from 1:50-2:50

Thursday Scales and Tales are back!  They will bring their bird show and teach about different kinds of birds.

Friday is an early release.  Please remember that students eat lunch on early outs and pick up is at 1pm.


April 26th is our last field trip.  We take UTA’s TRACKS train and ride it all right to our destination.  Lunch will be eaten at The Gateway at their food court.  Last year it was under construction, so hopefully this year we won’t run into that problem!  Students may bring money to buy lunch at the surrounding places to eat.  This is a split field trip.  We are with Jalee’s class and both classes will take turns doing each place.  We will be going to Clark Planetarium and Children’s Discovery Gateway.  The classes will then switch.  These places are right next to each other in the Gateway’s vicinity.  We do meet at Union Station on Wall Ave to catch TRACKs.  The train platform we take is right behind the little diner.  Parents who come will buy their own ticket to ride, but I will have wristbands for the kids to ride the train for free that day.  I will check with Jalee this week on which class is starting where and to confirm our meeting time at the train station.


Parent Night Opportunity!

Helping Your Child with Handwriting Skills Parent Workshop

You are invited to attend a free handwriting training provided by our occupational therapist. This training will provide ways to improve your child’s handwriting skills this summer. Join us on May 10th in the MMA Library from 4:30 until 6:30pm.


Thanks everyone!  Have a great upcoming week and rest of your weekend!

Ms. Kaley

Week 30 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!  There is important field trip and SAGE information below!  Please read carefully and mark your calendars!

Happy April!  Hope you all had a great Easter and Spring Break!  I’m going to start with all the important updates and reminders as we will have an eventful week back from Spring Break.

Upcoming Week:

*Please return all white colored permission slips for the Hill Aerospace Museum by Wednesday at the latest.  I have extras if your child misplaced it.

Tuesday- Class pictures and Spring pictures.  If your child wasn’t here at the beginning of the year they need to get their picture done for the yearbook.  If you wish to purchase your child’s school picture that is up to you.  Also, if you want to your child to get Spring pictures taken this is also that opportunity.  At 2:20pm our class will get their class picture done.  This is a picture that won’t need to be purchased it is for the yearbook.

Wednesday- 3rd grade parents!  This is our first SAGE testing day.  It will be the ELA test and it will be in the Library from 12:00pm-3:00pm.  Students are not timed on their tests.  Please help me by helping them understand that they can take their time and if they need breaks or don’t finish they can pause their test and pick back up on another day.  This is true if your student happens to be absent on this day.  There will be makeup dates.  The nice thing about this year is that I don’t have to proctor the tests.  Ms. Megan and Mr. James will be monitoring most of the tests so the teachers can stay back with the 1st and 2nd graders.

SAGE testing dates are as scheduled for our class:

  1. SAGE ELA- April 11th 12pm-3:00pm Library
  2. SAGE Writing- May 1st 9:00-12:00pm Computer Lab
  3. SAGE Math- May 7th 9:00-12:00pm Library.  *I will not be here on this day.

Our class has a 3rd grade privilege and that is to have breakfast on the day of testing.  Since our first one isn’t until noon, we will focus on the other 2 tests that are in the morning.  If any of the 3rd grade parents  (or even 1st and 2nd grade parents too!) would like to help contribute to the breakfasts and help cook on those mornings, please let me know.  I make scrambled eggs for the 3rd graders, but the other items are needed for donation.  As we get closer to the May dates I will get “menu ideas” from the 3rd graders and we’ll get a sign up ready!

Please make sure you 3d grader gets a good night’s sleep Tuesday night and has a good breakfast.  Students may pack a snack to have during testing and they may bring their water bottles.

Thursday- Spring Trash Pick Up Outing!  I need a few parents to help chaperone students (email me and let me know) around the school property and nearby neighborhoods.  The Fall pick up was a great success and rain or shine we will do our Spring pick up Thursday afternoon.  If you are looking to help chaperone please be at our classroom at 12:45 at the latest.  This will give us the time to make sure both our class and Ms Steph’s class are divided and ready to go.  Groups will return back to MMA at 2:30 and put their trash bags away and restore their classrooms.

*Please pack weather permitting attire just in case!  Umbrellas, rain boots, sweaters, gloves, hats, and a waterproof jacket may be needed!

Friday- Hill Aerospace Museum day!  Please let Katie James (misskt2558@yahoo.com), our room mother, know if your child needs a ride.  We are meeting at the Aerospace Museum at 9:30am.  Those who have made carpools or are driving their own child can meet us there at the museum, but please let me know if you are choosing this option and who you have with you so I know who not to wait around for at MMA.  If your child does need a ride, please let Katie know if you have an extra seat and can take a child.  Carpools made through our room mom who need to meet at MMA need to be in the North Shore parking lot at 9:15am at the latest.  We will be out at 9:30am to make sure everyone can find their ride.  Parents, please let Katie James know your child’s ride situation by Wednesday 5pm at the latest.  This will give me the time to look over who is going with who.  Students who choose to come back to MMA after the field trip is over will be leaving the Museum at 1pm.

*Please pack weather permitting attire just in case!  Umbrellas, rain boots, sweaters, gloves, hats, and a waterproof jacket may be needed!  A sack lunch is also needed as we will be eating lunch at the Museum.


April’s Project: This project is an in class project on a seed experiment.  We will be talking about kindness and again and how there is power is kind words and negative words.  We will be testing out how a plant can grow when it receives kind words vs a control plant that won’t receive any kindness at all.  The students will be watching their level’s plant over April and partly into May.  Students will log observations and do a writing piece in the end.  This is the last project of the year!  Students who don’t keep up with their in class work on this project will have to finish up at home.


Looking at April and May calendaring: 3rd grade Upper El shadowing dates TBA.

*May Spirit week and end of school activities TBA

April 10th- Class pictures 2:20pm

April 11th- SAGE ELA 12:00-3:00

April 12th- Spring trash pick up 1:00-2:30

April 13th- Hill Aerospace Museum 9:30-1:00

April 19th- In school presentation: Scales and Tales bird show after lunch

April 20th- Early Release 1pm

April 26th- Discovery Gateway Museum and Planetarium Field Trip.  UTA train will be rode.

May 1st- SAGE Writing 9:00-12:00 and 3rd grade breakfast. Breakfast from 8:20-8:50

May 3-7- Ms. Kaley out of town

May 7th- SAGE Math 9:00-12:00 and 3rd grade breakfast. Breakfast from 8:20-8:50

May 10th- 3rd Grade Party 1:30

May 11th- Eat lunch with Steph’s class

May 17th-21st- Ms. Kaley out of town

May 18th- Eat lunch with Steph’s class

May 22nd-24th- PTC 1pm Early Outs

May 25th- Last day of school for students Early release 1pm


Have a great rest of your Sunday and upcoming week!

Ms. Kaley

Week 28 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

This past week we had the Utah Opera come by to do an assembly on the different kinds of voices one would hear at an opera.  The kids loved it.  We hope to have them back next year.

Level 2s and 3s focused on Geometry this past week while Level 1s went over a review with pennies, nickels, and dimes and I introduced the quarter to them.  Level 2s focused on partitioning shapes and Level 3s struggled with how to connect the dot draw area or perimeter in the way the questions asked.  We will be reviewing this skill until they feel comfortable with it.

Our first graders are working at their level to add up change.  This is a great home practice activity or while you find you are out and about.  They are doing really well with staying on track with telling time.  Please have your child continue to practice time at home and begin to count change. The first graders have all had lessons in every area of addition and subtraction.  We will be constantly reviewing and giving extra help and attention to any that may need it, however they have all their stamp games open to them!  They have the option to practice their addition one day and subtraction the next.  Some still want to go in order and that’s fine as they will still get that mixed operation practice in their small math groups.

We have been working on our March prompt little by little.  This coming week we hope to finish up our drafts and then begin rewriting the final draft the last week of March.

This past week in cultural we did History:

Level 1s: Telling time to the quarter after/of hour

Level 2s: Mars and Jupiter

Level 3s: Cretaceous Period and Dinosaurs.  Theories on how the dinosaurs became extinct

Wednesday we had the COW.  3rd graders looked over a practice SAGE ELA test to see the layout and kinds of questions they will ask and how they need to answer them.  Ms. Rachel came in towards the end of the day and did her monthly Botany lesson.

Thank you to Katie, our awesome room mom, for putting together the golf basket for the Gala this past Saturday.  Thank you to anyone who donated to it and for anyone who came.

March Project– I talked to the kids about the March home project (Life in Utah vs. another country).  I will have a hand out for them tomorrow.  I told them I’d like them to discuss with you their country of choice and to let me know by Wednesday so I can write it down.  It will be a compare and contrast assignment for the written research part.  The visual presentation will up to them how they want to show their research.  I think a poster split into 3rds might be best.  Then they can write and put pictures into each 3rd what is similar between life in Utah and that country of choice and what is different in each.  This project will be due Friday March 30th.

Upcoming Week:

I am leaving for the AMS Montessori conference on Thursday.  I will be back on March 27th.  Ms. Misha will cover for me the Friday that I am out.  They will focus on Spring activities and learn about Holi and Spring and then pick a craft from the choices given.  The afternoon will remain the same with classroom meeting and then earned Friday time may begin.

I will not hold Language groups this week, but will still get in everyone’s leveled math lesson.

Those who need their planners planned for them are already ready to go for this week and next week.

There will not be another blog post until Sunday night or Monday.  Have a great week!

Spring Concert in April: There will be a spring concert on April 20th at Weber High School in their Auditorium.  Lower Elementary’s performance will begin at 6:00pm.  Please arrive no later than 5:30pm.  Students should wear black bottoms pants, a solid color top with no logo or designs, and black shoes and socks.  Ms. Clarissa is looking for 2 volunteers from each class to help organize students backstage before the concert.  Sign up for volunteering can be submitted at https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/event/406808

Any questions can be directed to Ms. Clarissa Lunt at clunt@mariamontessoriacademy.org 


Ms. Kaley



Week 27 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Fractions, Geometry | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!


March Calendar Addition:

I didn’t realize there wasn’t any school for student’s on March 19th.  Please add to your calendars that there is also no school on March 19th.

Reminder that I will be going out of town for the AMS Annual Montessori Conference.  I am excited to go as it one of, if not the largest conference for Montessori teachers in the USA.  Thousands of teachers come from all over the world and I always get to experience new tips and confidence.  I love meeting and hearing other Public/Charter Montessori teachers talk since we are own special breed amongst the Montessori world. I will be out March 22nd, 23rd, and 26th.  Other teachers from our school and administration will also be attending.

If your child is sensitive to routines and consistency please help reinforce that we will be sticking to our routine as much as possible.  Ms. Misha and Ms. Nikki will continuing their lessons and helping check off on Thursday and Monday.  Ms. Lori, a parent in our class, will be our sub for all 3 days I am out.  For Friday, I am normally there with the students as the only teacher.  Now that studio has ended, Ms. Nikki will be in the classroom on Friday with Ms. Lori.

Past Week:

This past week in group lessons Geometry was worked on by 2nd and 3rd graders.  1st graders worked on learning how to write fractions.

Level 1s: writing fractions

Level 2s: Drawing right angles with a protractor

Level 3s: SAGE geometry, data, and measurement questions

In cultural this past week: Botany

Level 1s: Stems (parts of, kinds of, stems we eat)

Level 2s: Parts of a tree and tree rings; why trees are important to humans

Level 3s: About honey bees, plant pollination, kinds of pollinators, Cheetos pollination simulation

In language groups the Antelopes worked on expanding sentences.  Taking a simple sentence such as ‘The girl walked.’ to adding more details using our who, what, where, when, whys, an hows to give more details.  The Badgers and Crocs worked on figurative language.  Badgers did an introduction to Onomatopoeia and Personification.  Crocs did Onomatopoeia and Personification, but also went over Similes and Metaphors.

We also had Scales and Tales stop by Thursday afternoon to show us some reptiles and then on Friday, the Planetarium van came!

Upcoming Week:

This upcoming week we have the COW and Ms. Rachel coming for monthly Botany

Tuesday- The Opera is coming to perform.  Assembly at 9:30-10:15.  No Music, just PE.

Wednesday- COW (12:30-1:45) and Ms. Rachel (1:50-2:50)

Friday- Early Release.  We will be going over St. Patrick’s Day and do activities

Language groups will go over Poetry this week and learn how to write Limericks and rhyming poetry

Saturday- School Gala


Supply needs/Reminders:

If anyone would like to donate any forks, we still have spoons, but are in need of forks.  If you are sending your child with a lunch that requires a fork or spoon, please pack them their own.

Remember that slippers and water bottles are an essential need for the classroom.

Pants with holes in them do need to be repaired or not worn at all.


Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!

Ms. Kaley

Week 26 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Home Projects, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello Everyone and Happy March!

This past week was very busy!

Past Week:

We had Literacy Week this past week and our week was filled with book activities and events!  On Tuesday we watched as our 3 top spellers participated in the school’s annual Spelling Bee!  Jax, Makiah, and Ella all did very well.  Ella even was in the top 3!  I am so very proud of them in what they accomplished.

We read the book Ishi, a book about a rock having a tough time, but then finds a way to bring its happiness back.  Our classroom made our own Ishi book as well as a 2 page spread of our own Ishi experience for the school’s “Ishi book.”

Thursday we had our Literacy Night!  I had a blast running the Harry Potter Trivia with Ms. Kirsten.  If you got to come and see, the floating candles and witch hats were made by our class 🙂

On Friday we had studio and then did Dr. Seuss activities in the afternoon until the school wide Read-a-thon.

Since our week was busy with new activities and events we were unable to do cultural lessons this week.  We will make up Botany this coming week.

In group lessons this week I had the Antelopes and Badgers language group work on expanding their sentences to be able to add more details and sound more interesting.  The Crocs worked on how to write a letter and learned the set up.

In math, everyone worked on their Geometry:

Level 1s: Kinds of lines in polygons

Level 2s: How to use a protractor and identify acute and obtuse angles

Level 3s: Area practice


March Events:

This coming week we have Scales and Tales coming on March 8th.  The Clark Planetarium will also be stopping by on Friday for a presentation at 2pm

March 9th is the last studio class for the year

March 13th we have the Opera coming to do a performance

March 16th is an Early Release at 1pm

March 17th is the school’s annual Gala.  Each class needs donations for the silent auction.  Our class has the Golf Basket.  If you know anyone who can donate golf supplies or has connections to courses, please send in supplies and/or contact our room mother- Katie James: misskt2558@yahoo.com

Tickets for the Gala are available.  Join us for food, drinks, auctions from classroom baskets and leveled art work.  This year’s Gala is at Union Station

Tickets can be bought online at https://squareup.com/store/mapa-9

Tickets are on sale at the school on March 9th from 3-4 at a sale price (get the sale price if bought before March 10th)

Tickets at regular price can be purchased at the school March 14th and 15th from 3-4

March 22nd I will be leaving to travel to Denver, CO for the annual AMS Montessori Conference.  I will be out Thursday, Friday, and Monday.  Ms. Lori Stewart is subbing.  Our students will follow as much of their regular schedule as possible without me there and on Friday they will do an art activity in the morning and their normal Friday routine since studio will be over.

March’s Home Project– Students will compared their Utah life to the lifestyles of another country. A compare and contrast project will be assigned to complete.  DUE Mar. 30th.  We will begin talking about this project and help the students understand the expectations.  Student should be researching and thinking about what country they want to focus on to compare/contrast their life in Utah to

Upcoming Week:

This coming week we have Scales and Tales coming on March 8th.  The Clark Planetarium will also be stopping by on Friday for a presentation at 2pm

Group lessons will also include Botany lessons for cultural, more Geometry for Level 2s and 3s, and Fractions for Level 1s

We will also work on March’s problem of the month and begin our March writing prompt


Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week

Ms. Kaley

Week 25 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Home Projects, Reading, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

I’m going to start with the Upcoming Week because there are a lot of things to bring up!

Spelling Bee!  This past week I tested the students who wanted to participate.  Our annual Spelling Bee is Tuesday February 27th at 9am for the Lower Elementary Bee.  It lasts about an hour, so on Tuesday we will go to the Bee and then head to PE which will be outside.  PLEASE make sure your child has outside attire for PE and also for recess this coming week!

Our Spelling Bee’ers will be:




*If any of our 3 Bee’ers are absent, Joseph is our alternate

Congrats to our students!  Parents of these students are especially welcome to come see the Bee!


Upcoming Week:

This week is going to be Literacy Week!  It is a busy week filled with activities!  The theme this year is “Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are.”

Book Swap: If you have any kid books you no longer want or your child(ren) are growing out of bring them in to donate for our book swap!  In each kiva there will be a table where students who bring in books to donate get to leave them to other children to take.  Your child can pick out a new book or two too while at the book swap!

Writing Contest:  Does your child enjoy writing songs, comics, short story, memoir, or book review?  If so, they may submit one of these genres for a writing contest!  Writing pieces must be submitted to the office by Thursday at noon!

Monday: This year’s school wide read and activity is the book Ishi by Akiko Yabuki.  Each student in the whole school will get to an activity based on the book and make their own classroom Ishi book.  We will also begin our door decorating for a contest.

Tuesday: Recess in the morning, Spelling Bee at 9am, specials, work cycle in the afternoon

Wednesday: We have the COW back in the afternoon.  Reading volunteers will be in this day to read with classes.

Thursday: Literacy Night!  Join us from 6-8 and dress up as your favorite book character!  I will be with Ms. Kirsten running Harry Potter Trivia!  I hope to see all young wizards and witches attend! Lots of games and activities will be at Literacy Night.  This is a great event and one of our most attended after school events.  Join in on the fun!

Friday: Your child may bring some of their favorite books to read for our afternoon read-a-thon! I told the kids they may bring 1 pillow (no blankets or stuffed animals).  Bring a few good books and they will be reading from 2:15- until around 3:00 dismissal.  It is also Dr. Seuss’ birthday!  Wear your Dr. Seuss hats if you have them!  Dress in red, white, black, and blue (school clothes)!  I would love a great class pic of those who do! We will be doing a few Dr. Seuss reads and activities too!

Projects are DUE by the end of the week at the very latest for full credit!


Past Week:

This past week we focused on beginning our February writing prompt and also worked on The Problem of the Month in the language and math groups.  In cultural we had Geography this week and in leveled math groups we worked on fractions and measurement

In math:

Level 1s: writing the fraction represented

Level 2s: measuring rectangles at different points on a ruler

Level 3s: fractions on a number line and finding equivalent fractions between the two number lines

In cultural: Geography

Level 1s: Landform unit has begun! Island/Lake and Bay/Cape

Level 2s: What is a geyser and how it works. The Rock Cycle unit has begun!  Igneous rocks and types of igneous rocks

Level 3s: Water cycle review and funny Readers Theater, how to read and tell the temperature on a thermometer


I think that is everything for now!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and hope to see you Thursday night!

Ms. Kaley

Week 24 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Home Projects, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Thanks so much for coming to PTC this past week!

As we round out February we will begin our February prompt on beginning to write argumentatively.  We will also do February’s problem of the month for math in our small math groups this coming week

Past Week:

I’ve been working on types of sentences with the Antelopes language group the past 2 weeks.  They’ve been identifying the punctuation and asking themselves how that sentence is read and how it come across to others.  In the Badgers language group we have been working on learning what Main Idea is and how to create a main idea for small story scenarios.  The Crocs language group continued their practice with plural possessives in their writing.  They do a great job at singular possessives, but plural possessives are tricky.

In group leveled lessons I got everyone’s Geometry in for the week:

Level 1s: horizontal, vertical, oblique, parallel, and perpendicular lines

Level 2s: Angles in polygons

Level 3s: Area

In cultural this past week we were able to get in 2 days, since we usually do those lessons in the afternoon.  This week we got some Zoology and Physiology in

Level 1s: Birds external parts, types of bird beaks, and different kinds of birds

Level 2s: The Circulatory System

Level 3s: Echinoderms family and starfish

We had a great Valentine’s Day Party this past Wednesday.  Thank you for all the organizing of supplies needed and if you came to donate your time.  Thank you Katie for another great party!

Also, thank you for the wonderful cards, chocolates, and flowers.  It made for a great day for Ms. Misha and I.  Thank you thank you!


Upcoming Week:

The Spelling Bee is next week!  I will be taking some time this coming week to see who our top 2 spellers are going to be representing our class at the Bee next week.  I am looking to do this Wednesday afternoon.

This coming week I will have the 1st and 3rd graders do their fractions and 2nd graders will continue doing measurement practice with me.

Ms. Nikki has began a 2nd grade writing group this past week and will continue working with 2nd graders on how to do different kinds of writing.  They began this past week learning fact from opinion.  3rd graders will still work with her on their writing skills too.

Friday- if anyone has finished their Feb. Service Project they can bring them in to share.  I have left some time this Friday

We had the book Wonder donated to our classroom!  We will begin to work in some time at the end of the day to read Wonder.


Literacy Week:

Next Week is the beginning of Literacy Week!  Each day we will be doing a school wide activity.  In our classroom each day will be themed with fun reading activities.  The Spelling Bee is also next week!  Next Thursday, March 1st will be Literacy Night!  Come to MMA for some fun!  There will be different “lands” to visit and lots of fun activities to do!  I will be with Ms. Kirsten from Upper El running Harry Potter Trivia and Wand Making!  Join us from 6pm-8pm.  There are door prizes, Usborne Books usually comes, and lots of games.  Mark your calendars!


Take care and have a great extra day to your weekend!

Ms. Kaley