Welcome April!

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Hope everyone is enjoying Spring Break!

Tuesday is our Science Festival!  We will start at 1pm and go until around 2:30pm. Please have all projects in by Tuesday.

The 3rd grade math test has been changed to May 12th.  It will still be in the morning and run until noon time, however, students are not timed on either the language or math test.


Would anyone like to help with the 3rd grade breakfast for April 16th? If you would, please sign up!  Our language test starts at 8:45am.  So that 3rd graders have enough time to eat, if you have a 3rd grader, please have them to school by 8:15am (when doors open).  If you are wanting to help make breakfast, please be at the school by 7:50am.

3rd Grade Breakfast Sign Up!


Happy Easter!


Ms. K

Week of March 16th

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Science Festival:

Have your child continue to work on their Science Festival project. Festival and due date of projects is April 7th.  You are welcome to come and see!

Field Trip:

We have booked out last Field Trip of the year! We will be going to the Dinosaur park in Ogden on May 11th (a Monday).  More info to come.  Mark your calendars!

3rd Grade Testing:

A preliminary schedule has been sent out for our 3rd grade testing dates!  Language will be April 16th in the morning and Math will be May 5th in the morning.  Our classroom does a 3rd grade breakfast for those two dates.  Breakfast starts at 8:15am, since our time for testing begins at 8:45am.  I cook scrambled eggs, but I would love a few volunteers to help out.  We have done in the past, french toast, fresh fruit, juice, and regular toast to name a few to go with the eggs.  After Spring Break, I will have a sign up for helpers and who will bring what item.


We need some families to sign up for snack!  Please check the snack sign up sheet!


Group lessons this week:

Level 2s: Geometry bingo

Mix: Commutative law, Subtraction Algebra


In cultural this week: History

Level 1s: Time to the quarter hour (practice with your child)

Level 2s: Earth, Mars, Jupiter

Level 3s: Cretaceous period and Dinos


Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

Science Festival date moved!

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It has come to my attention that I scheduled the Science Festival over Spring Break, whoops!

The NEW DATE will be April 7th (the following Tuesday)

Week of March 2nd

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Science Festival

Let’s start off talking about science!  This home project is to have our students explore what they love in broad field of science.  Here are some questions that came to me this week:

Student questions:

Q-Can I do a famous scientist?

A- Yes.  Tell about his or her life, but also, just as fairly, what they invented.


Q- Can I make an invention?

A-Yes, but be able to explain how it would be useful and your process in making it.


Q- Can I work with a partner?

A-Yes, but each person must have an equal amount of work contributed to the project.


Q-Are there any prizes?

A- Yes, 3 ribbons will be distributed for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.  I may add 2 more ribbons, a teachers choice one and a student choice one, so other classes and teachers can vote.


Q-Can I type my research, facts, etc?

A- Of course! But who should do the typing? 🙂


Q-Ms. Kaley!  I need help writing,but we talked about parents not doing the project for us.  Help!

A-Parents who’s child needs help writing are welcome to help, however, the child and parent who is helping should act like a team (see question about partners).  Let the child make the ultimate decisions about their project.


Parent questions:

Q-How should I help my child?

A-I had a talk with the students.  I asked them, “Who’s project is it?”  They all answered that it is their project.  If your child needs help or even advice, always ask questions to your child before you offer answers.

Ask what they are doing for their project.

Ask them how they see you helping them.

Ask if they are doing anything that will need an adult’s supervision (example: a sharp knife, using the stove etc.)

Ask what kind of supplies will they need?  Let them make the list and do the research.

Ask if they are working with a partner.


Q-How are they “graded” and why?

A- I will be using a generalized rubric.  I use the term generalized because we will be having projects that are different.  Even though projects will be different, the things that will be scored are not.  Here are the categories that will be scored:

Score on a 1-4 Scale (partners scored together)

Spelling/Neatness: Words mostly or all spelled right.  Are the pictures all glued down and not coming up?

Research:  Is the research not thoroughly done or overbearing on the board?

Knowledgable about their subject/Presentation: Can the student talk about their project fluently?  If questions were asked, can they answer them?  Has done enough practice and research to truly know what they did.

Useful graphics and visuals: Do the pictures make sense?  Are they helpful towards the project or distracting?

Student self scoring:  How did the students think they did on their projects? (will do in class)

*official rubric to be posted this coming week.

When students get to Upper Elementary and Junior High, they will be required to participate in the annual Science Fair.  It is fantastic!  I want my students to start getting excited for that.  It isn’t as in-depth as the Upper/Junior High one because I want them to explore and find what excites them, not just do the project and be done.  Talking with the students this week about resources and topics, they were honestly excited.  My hope is to have that excitement continue throughout the project for the students.


Q-Are parents allowed to come?

A- Of course!  Project due date and Festival date is March 31st from 1-2:30pm.  Come stop by!


In group lesson this week:

Level 1s: Kinds of lines introduction.

Level 2s: Bisecting an angle and finding a missing angle in a 90 and 180 degrees angle.


In cultural- Geography

Level 1s: Landforms

Level 2s: Geysers and what are Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks?

Level 3s: Temperature (how to read a thermometer), atmospheric pressure, anemometer, barometer.

Leve1 3s will start taking SAGE practice tests as part of their work cycle for the next coming weeks.  If your child is on the computer for this practice, it will count towards their morning work chart.  Please continue to do IXL at home 🙂



Ms. K






Week of Feb. 23rd

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Welcome March!

Home Project Month

At the end of this month, DUE MARCH 31st (a Tuesday) we will hold our classroom Science Festival.  Students will be asked to choose something they are interested in learning more about in the field of science, examples: a planet, the whole solar system, a simple machine lever, circuits, etc.

Students will be given the assignment to choose something they are interested in for the festival.  We will go over what would be good choices and students will get chances to research ideas this week.  Projects will be scored off a simple rubric.  We will invite the lower elementary classes and upper elementary classes to come visit our classroom too.  Parents are welcome to come for this classroom event!

Be sure to get your Gala tickets! Gala proceeds help fundraise for our school!  Come enjoy the night out.  

Spring Fever in the Classroom

With the weather being up and down, spring fever is starting to begin its annual return to our classroom. Student become a little more on the rambunctious side and they get a bit moody with one another.  We are taking more time to go over and practice our grace and courtesy with one another.  This week we brought in a tool we used last year, an app that gauges the class’ noise level.  The students set a star goal this week that the app awards them for using their inside voices in the classroom.  They made their star goal +1 extra star.  This awarded them their Dr. Seuss movie and snacks this past Friday.  We will continue to use the app until further notice.

Team building activities/games will also be used 🙂

Ms. Emilee

Ms. Emilee is my new assistant!  She started this past week, but this coming week will be her first full week.  She is getting acclimated and is learning more and more about the works each day.

Sneaking things to School

Some students are sneaking toys into their backpacks and when they go and get their coats for recess, they get their item to bring outside.  We’ve talked with a couple of the students we have seen bring things.  Please help us enforce backpack/pocket checks before your child comes to school.  Thanks!

No group lessons held, besides reading groups, so I could check off students and give lessons.

In cultural this week: Zoology/Physiology

Level 1s: Birds

Level 2s: The nose, The tongue, Teeth

Level 3s: Echinoderms (sea stars, sea urchins, etc)

Friday: Studio, Dr. Seuss movie and snacks


Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

Week of February 17th

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Hello Everyone!

Thank you to the parents who came on our field trip to the Planetarium this past Wednesday.  Also, thank you to all of you who got our kiddos to the train station on time.  It all went very smoothly.

The kids loved going!  We are thinking of including the Children’s Museum as another field trip next year.  As for the rest of the year, nothing is planned, but we are looking into setting up something at The Nature Center.  I will let you know when and if we have any further field trips.

New Assistant

LaVonna’s last day was this past Thursday.  I have found a new assistant for our classroom!  My husband’s cousin has shown great interest.  She came in this week and shadowed all day.  The kids liked her and said they would like to have Ms. Emilee.  So, Ms. Emilee has been hired!  She will be signing on this week, but will start next week.  I am making myself available this week to check off the student’s work charts.  The only group lessons I will be doing will be reading groups.


3rd graders took their writing test this past Tuesday.  As of now, their Language and Math test are scheduled to be in April.

Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

Week of Feb 9th

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Sorry for the late post, I was spending some time with my family.

Thank you for coming to conferences!  It is always a pleasure to meet with all you!  If you didn’t get a chance to have your conference, please email me and we can try and set up a time.  This week might get busy, but the last week of February might work out.

LaVonna is Leaving 🙁

No easy way to explain, but Ms. LaVonna has chosen to resign for family reasons.  We are in the midst of filling the position.

The kids will find out Tuesday.  Her last day is this coming Thursday.

Field Trip

Please be on time to the train station tomorrow.  Make sure your child wears layers.  It will be chillier in the morning.  A backpack, water bottle, comfy shoes, and picnic lunch will be necessary.  There is a gift shop there should you choose to give your child money.


Ms. K

Week of February 2nd

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Parent teacher conferences are this week!  They begin Tuesday at 1:30.

Tuesday-Thursday are early outs!  Pick up is at 1:00pm

Please sign up for conferences.  I will closing the link Sunday evening.  Please email me after Sunday if there is a change.


Field Trip:

I have your child’s permission slip for you to sign at conferences.  There will be a bright yellow sheet for you to take with you that has all the Frontrunner information on it.


Valentine’s Day Thursday

Thursday is our Valentine’s Day festivities! Your child may bring cards for the class.  If you are wanting to give out some sort of goody, it must be wrapped up so the students can take it home and eat it there.


Group lessons this week:

Level 1s: Punctuation, M&M fractions, Lines in art

Level 2s: M&M fractions for new students, fraction dominoes, measuring acute and obtuse angles

Level 3s: Fraction dominoes, prewriting skills, 7 kinds of quadrilaterals

In cultural: Botany

Level 1s: Parts of a plant review and roots

Level 2s: Leaf rubbing art and leaf sewing

Level 3s: The stamen of a flower and dissection.


Hope to see you all,


Ms. K

Planetarium Donation Link

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Hello!  Our school is using our field trip fund towards the Planetarium.  It is NOT required, but if you would like to donate toward our field trip fund, that money will go into generating a sum for more field trip opportunities!


Week of Jan. 26th

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Happy 1st Day of February!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences are NEXT Tuesday-Thursday.  I just sent a post before this one with the sign up link.  Please sign up ASAP.  Sign ups will close on February 8th (Sunday).

Field Trip

I have only had a small handful of parents email me that they will coming with us to The Planetarium.  Please let me know if you are coming.  I will also be asking at conferences just to double check.

We will be taking the Frontrunner.  You will sign your child’s permission slips at conferences.  I will send home permission slips with those children who’s parents are coming to conferences.

Parents of Asher and Ty, if you want your child to attend our field trip, please come by and sign a permission slip!


This week in group lessons:

Level 1s: periods; question marks; exclamation marks, Made a 3D cube, numerator and denominator

Level 2s: Measuring obtuse angles

Level 3s: Utah Compose practice


In cultural this week- Geography

Level 1s: The compass rose 

Level 2s: Volcanoes

Level 3s: The Water Cycle

Friday: Studio, Electricity


Have a great week!


Ms. K