Last Week of School

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The kids had an excellent field day.  We were lucky the weather held up for our session.


Here is what is going on for the last week of school (can you believe it?)

Every day will be an EARLY OUT (1:00pm)

Tuesday May 26th- Store Day and 3rd Grade Graduation

For Store Day, students have been earning Maria money.  Store Day works like a classroom yard sale.  Students may bring toys, games, movies, books etc. that they no longer want, but think others may like.  Some students who do not want to bring items are bringing/doing other goods like popsicles, crafts (Loom), face paint, and doing nails.  Each child will set up their stations and we will divide into 2 groups.  The first group will sell and the other group will buy and then switch.  Using their money that they earned, each student will price their items or services and then the others will use the money they earned to buy.  This will take place Tuesday morning.  Have your child bring some sort of bag to be able to carry their bought goods, but also have something to pack up what they bring or what is left.

At 11:30, the 3rd grade bridging ceremony will start.  3rd grade parents are invited to come watch their child be welcomed into Upper Elementary.  Bring a lawn chair or something to sit on.  We are hoping the weather will cooperate, so be prepared incase of some drizzling or we move indoors.  There will be lunch outside that day as well.  3rd graders may go home with their parent after the event if the parent wishes.  Just sign your child out.

Tuesday’s conferences will begin at 1:30pm

Wednesday May 27th: Movie Day and Crazy hat or hair day

We will have a few activities that our room mother will send in with her daughter for us to do, but the majority of our morning will be for a movie day.  If someone can bring in popcorn and cups, I will make it all up for a snack.  Students may bring in pillows and blankets.

Students may wear a crazy hat, wig, or do something fun to their hair this day

Wednesday’s conferences begin at 1:30

Thursday May 28th: Crazy sock day

We don’t have much planned this day.  I plan on using this day to spray out their desks and their lockers and then I had requests to have a show and teach/talent day.  Students may bring in things to share or share a talent.  Please send a bag with your child for any last minute take home things.

This day is also 6th grade graduation.  If you have an Upper Elementary student in graduation and wish to take your student to it, please let me know and also let me know if you wish to take them home after (please remember to sign out).

Thursday’s conferences begin at 1:30

Friday May 29th: Last Day of School, Dress down/PJ day, Pancake breakfast

One of our moms is doing a pancake breakfast for our class on this day.  If anyone could bring in syrup, we could use some!  We might need some plates and cutlery.

Students who ordered a yearbook will be given their yearbook on this day.  Students will get a chance to visit other rooms and have other students and teachers sign their yearbook.

The Teachers vs. 6th grade Kickball game will be at 10:30.

This day is also dress down day.  If students do not want to wear their pajamas, they may wear jeans.  Collared shirts still.

Dismissal for everyone is at 1:00 and there are no conferences for this day.

Field Day and PTC reminder

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Hello all!

Our field is very wet and in some areas has collected water.  We haven’t gotten any word yet as to if field day will still take place.  So far, I am assuming it will be.  The back up plan, form what I have been told, is that students can wear their pajamas, bring board/card games and/or crafts to do with their classmates.

If you haven’t heard from me or your student about field day going to Plan B, then I recommend packing your student an extra pair of shoes, socks, and possibly clothes to change into after we are done.  We are in the morning, so have your student wear a sweater or light jacket.  A water bottle is also a must 🙂

Please sign up for conferences!!


Fish-sitting for the Summer!

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We have 4 wonderful fish that are in need of a summer home.  If you are able to care for a fish this summer, please let me know.  They are very easy to care for, however you will have to get them food and Beta drops for their water.  Their water only needs to be changed every 3 weeks.  Please email me asap, so I can plan on getting them ready on the last day of school.  Thanks!


Be sure to sign up for conferences!

Student-Parent Conferences!

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Please sign up for Spring conferences!  This last round of conferences will be run by your child.  Each spot will be 20 minutes.  See you all there!


Field Trip, 3rd Grade Party, and 3rd Grade Breakfast

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Hi everyone!

Next week is very busy.  Monday is our field trip to the Ogden Dinosaur Park.  Please remember that your child is to be dropped off at the park by 8:45am.  Pick up is at 2 from the park.  Pack a lunch that they can carry or throw away, have a water bottle, backpack to put their things in, and comfortable shoes.

Tuesday is our 3rd Grader’s Math SAGE test.  They take it in the afternoon, but breakfast will still be provided for them.  I was thinking of doing waffles and fruit this time around.  Please sign up if you would like to help with breakfast.


Thursday is our 3rd Grade Party in the Gym!  We are in need of our room mothers and any other volunteers to help.  Volunteers would need to be at the school to help set up at 12:00pm, help out, and then help clean up which would most likely go to 3pm.  The 3rd graders get their party from 1:00-2:30.  A sign up link will be provided soon.

Week of April 27-May 1

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Hi Everyone!

Dinosaur Park:

Your child came home with a permission slips for our field trip to the Dinosaur Park yesterday.  Our field trip is on May 11th (a Monday).  Parents are welcome to come.  Siblings are welcome to come, but are extra.

The Dinosaur Park is by the mouth of the canyon.  The address is:

Ogden Eccles Dinosaur Park- 1544 E. Park Blvd.

Students will be touring the Stewarts Museum and will do hands on activities.

Please drop your child AT THE PARK at 8:45am.  DO NOT come to school first.  There will not be rides.

Pick up will be at 2pm at the Dino Park.



Teacher appreciation week is next week!  Here is the schedule:

Monday- Best Grace and Courtesy in class

Tuesday- Teacher spirit day: wear your teacher’s favorite colors.  Ms. Kaley likes aqua, green, and pink.  Ms. Emilee likes blue.

Wednesday- Bring a flower(s) for your teacher and assistant

Thursday- A thank you note, card, or picture for both the teacher and the assistant

Friday- Bring fruit or veggie.  This one has been hard in the past because I like strawberries and I have gotten cases of them in the years past and they go bad because my family and I can’t eat them all.  So that no food goes to waste, a few years ago we did a drink for your teacher and Ms. Emilee and I prefer that.  We like flavored waters, and tea 🙂

Upcoming May events!

May 8th- Spelling Bee at 1pm.  Parents welcome to come!

May 11th- Dino Park field trip

May 12th- 3rd grade Math test 12-3pm.  Breakfast that morning.

May 14th- 3rd grade party 1-2:30.  Parents welcome to help.

May 18th-19th- Kindergarten shadows.

May 20th- Kindergarten graduation to Lower Elementary ceremony 11am-12pm

May 22nd- Field Day!

May 25th- No school

May 26th- Store Day, 3rd Grade Graduation 11:30-12:15, Student led PTC, dismissal 1pm

May 27th- Crazy hat or hair day, Student led PTC, dismissal 1pm

May 28th- Crazy sock day.  6th grade Graduation (Lower El does not attend), Student led PTC, dismissal 1pm

May 29th- Kickball game, Yearbooks, Dress down day (jeans), Last Day of school, dismissal 1pm


Week of April 13th

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Hi Everyone!


This Wednesday is our 3rd Grade Language Test!  It will begin in the Library from 8:45am-12:00pm.  Students are not timed and if they go past the noon scheduled time for us, they can continue with me.  Ms. Emilee will watch the 1st and 2nd graders in our class as they do their regular morning work cycle.

If you singed up to come or bring anything Wednesday for our 3rd grade breakfast, please come in at 7:50am.  I would like to have breakfast ready by 8:1ish so the students have time to east before their test.

3rd grade parents: pack your child a snack that they can bring down with them at testing.  No gum, please.

3rd Grade Plays!

Starting this Friday, the 24th, my 3rd grade theater classes will perform their first set of Readers Theaters plays.  I have worked with all the 3rd graders in our school this year on Fridays during studio.  We have learned theater and acting skills throughout the year.  Our last 5 weeks of studio were to put together performances!  There are 6 plays total.  The 1st 3 are going this Friday in the gym at 9:30am.  You are welcome to come and watch!  The last 3 plays will go the 1st of May, the following Friday.

Supply List for Next School Year:

School supply list for next year will be out the 1st week of July.  The students who were here this year have most of the major supplies however, I will be specifying certain kinds of pencils and writing supplies for next year.

This week in level group lessons:

Level 1s: Paul Klee for Geometry, equivalent fractions, review of money

Level 2s: 2D shape review with what kind of angles in them

Level 3s: Parts of a paragraph, research skills review

In cultural this week: Botany

Level 1s: Parts of a plant review, Photosynthesis basic intro

Level 2s: Photosynthesis more in-depth 

Level 3s: Carnivorous plants, The Venus Fly Trap, Planting a seedling


Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

Week of April 6th

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We had a busy week!

Thank you for an AMAZING Science Festival.  The projects were outstanding. We had a lot of Upper Elementary classes visit and the teachers were amazed by out class’ hard work and efforts.  Thank you to those parents who came and supported!

Friday’s game day was a great success.  All students followed the electronic policy and we all had a great time without any problems.  We will most likely have another game day the last week of school during Spirit Week.

This past Tuesday we had an assembly about our school’s 1st Spelling Bee.  Practice lists went out too this week.  Some student have theirs at school and some took theirs home.  This Thursday, students who wish to participate, will do the preliminary testing.  Our top 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader will then go on to compete against other classes.

3rd grade language test is NEXT Wednesday the 22nd. Thank you to Elene, Darci, and Kimberly, who have signed up so far to help with the 3rd grade breakfast.

Breakfast Sign up!

This week in group lessons:

Level 1s: Parallel and Perpendicular lines in the real world

Level 3s: Typing out reading comprehension questions (answering the who, what, when, where, why about a small story).

In cultural this week: Geography

Level 1s: Landforms and landform cookies

Level 2s: Rock cycle and how it works

Level 3s: Weather tools, Weather readers theater, Weather symbols


Have a great week!


Ms. K

SAGE Language Test Moved!

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Our 3rd grade language test has been moved to April 22nd (a Wednesday).  Time is still the same.

If you signed up for our breakfast, please note it will be on the 22nd 🙂

Game Day Friday!

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Hi Everyone!

Our class worked hard on earning a game afternoon before Spring Break began.  This Friday, I have scheduled the time for our class to have some game time.  Your child will bring home a bright orange paper for you to sign, should you allow your child an electronic to be brought.  Please read it carefully, as the school will NOT be responsible should something happen to your child’s electronic.

Students may bring:

board games

card games

ipods, Kindles, ipads, tablets, laptops etc.



We will have stations in the room for each area.  All electronics will stay in one area, Legos on a rug so no pieces get mixed up etc.

Orange forms need to be in by Friday.  No paper, no electronic.  Grace and Courtesy/net safety  rules apply to all internet/app browsing.  If you have any questions, please email me 🙂