Week 6

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Hello Everyone!


  • The MMA Cafe is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please see my last post for prices.
  • Pizza money is due Wednesdays in a sealed envelope.  $1.75 a slice
  • I will be making and sending out our Black Island Farms permission slip this week!  They are due to the office 24 hours before we go.  If your child doesn’t turn in his or her permission slip, that child will not be able to go and will spend the day at MMA in Ms. Jill’s classroom completing their work chart.

Upcoming week & Volunteer opportunites!

The 2nd graders will be going over nutrition for their cultural this week.  On Thursday 10/1 in the afternoon (starting at 1pm), if anyone would like to help the 2nd graders make a simple nutritious snack, please email me and let me know if you would like to help out.  No more than 2 volunteers for this one.  If you are interested and want to plan the snack yourself, by all means, please!  They will make the snack for themselves and the rest of the class.  I would also like the 2nd graders explain where the ingredients in the healthy snack falls in the food pyramid.

This week I am introducing the students individual spelling lists.  Last year, every Thursday, it took me and Ms. Emilee all morning to get through spelling lists.  My hope is that I have you guys, who want to help, come in on Thursdays to give spelling tests.  3 volunteers would work out great, but if only 1 or 2 of you want to come in, it still helps us out.  Email me if you would like to help give Spelling tests this Thursday or if you can/willing to come most or all Thursdays.  Spelling tests start in the morning, but if you can only come in the afternoon, I will assign you a spelling group and just let that group know they will taking it in the afternoon.

Misha and Anna’s grandmother are going to come in Thursdays/Fridays to help prepare some reading homework for our kiddos who need extra practice.  We’ll send home their reading group sight words to practice and some reading works.  Misha if you come Friday, we start studio in the morning.  If you want to come in Thursday afternoon, I can show you how to work the printers.  If anyone can donate some gallon sized Ziplock bags, we could use a box to send home the student’s work in 🙂


This year our IXL account was not renewed (for our class).  However, have no fear you IXL lovers, a new program has come our way.  Friday the lower el teachers were trained in a program called MyOn (myon.com).  It is an online, Netflix-like, program that gives students an online library based on their reading level.  What is even better is that it doesn’t require an internet connection, so if you don’t have internet at your house, but you have a smart phone, iPad/Kindle etc, you can have your child still use it!  This program is very similar to the free reading, Netflix-like, app called Epic!  Though similar, MyOn is much more beefy.  It gives students comprehension questions about the books they are reading and tests them every 2 weeks or so.  It also allows me to make reading, writing, and comprehension assignments and projects.  Our logins are coming very soon and then we as the lower el team will take some time to set everything up.  Expect some home and in class assignments after our 1st conferences!  3rd graders will especially benefit from the assignments as it will help their typing and language test prep.  I’m pretty stoked for it.  We’ll ease into it since it is a very new program.

Past Week:

In group lessons this week:

Level 1s: “I can___ ” handwriting, 3 kinds of triangles

Level 2s: Straight & right angles intro, Dictionary intro, cursive practice (d,g,t,a)

Level 3s: Comma practice, Dictionary defining, 2 step word problems, cursive practice (d,g,t,a, Names)

In cultural: History

Level 1s:  Timeline of their life

Level 2s: Lifecycle of a star

Level 3s:  Timeline of Life

Friday: Monet introduction and water lily project


Have a great upcoming week!

Ms. K

MMA cafe!

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Starting on Tuesdays and Thursdays the MMA cafe will be open during lunch time to sell items.  They are starting off slow and will add more items.  Here is what they plan on selling until October:

Chocolate Milk  ($1.00)  Capri Sun ($75 cents)  Microwave Mac n Cheese ($1.50)  Pancakes (chocolate chip or blueberry 3 for 75 cents)  Fruit Snacks (50 cents)  and Fruit/Nut bites (25 cents)
Please have your child keep their money in their locker, so no money  goes missing or is misplaced! 

First Grade Homework!

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I tried putting this in the last post, but when I go back to edit, my post won’t show up…technology…


First graders are going to work on a timeline of their life this week.  If you could send in pictures Tuesday (they will begin Wednesday, so if you send them Wednesday, then there is some wiggle room if you forget) for every year of their life, they will be learning what a timeline is this week in History.


Week 5

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Hello Everyone!

Past week and reminders:

Please make sure your child has slippers/inside shoes.  There are a few that do not.  If you can’t get your child slippers, please email me.  Inside shoes are part of dress code.  In addition to shoes, remember PE is on Mondays, so please make sure your child has some sort of athletic shoe to run around in.

This week’s lunches went better!  Please remember to pack your child utensils and things that DO NOT take a few minutes to heat up.

If you would like your child t get pizza on Fridays, please submit money in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, teacher, and amount you want to pay for.  Pizza is $1.75 a slice.  Money is due on Wednesday mornings.

Group lessons this week:

Level 1s: Rainbow boxes, golden beads/stamp game (for some), Alphabetizing intro., Syllable train (for some), Geometric solids review.

Level 2s: Acrostic name poem, alphabetizing review and dictionary intro.,  cursive (a,d,g,t), types of lines review

Level 3s:  Acrostic name poem, what is a noun review, plane figures, alphabetizing review, cursive (t,a,d,g), commas (in dates and separating cities and states)

In cultural: Botany

Level 1s: Lifecycle of a plant, importance of plants

Level 2s: Parts of a leaf, veins in a leaf

Level 3s: Parts of a flower

Science: Scientific Method with a milk experiment

Coming week:

Friday the 25th is an early release!  Please make sure to pick your child up at 1pm.


Have a good upcoming week!


Ms. K


Week 4

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Hello Everyone!

Week 3 and 4:

Everything went well while I was away.  Your child worked on a Zoology project while I was away.  If you came across an animal report, brochure, or 3D paper plate animal creation, could you send that back to school, please.  Some kiddos took theirs home by mistake.  I would like to save those first projects as a portfolio piece.

When I returned on Wednesday, I started easing the students into their work charts.  They were SO excited.  I have been going over with them that I want them to take their time on what they are working on, so there is NO set number of works to accomplish in the morning.  This helps Ms. Emilee and I pin point those who are making individual work choices and who might need extra help in making choices.  So far, everyone has enjoyed that.  For instance, those who have been with me and just have been dying to get back into their math works, got that chance and did a page and a half of dynamic multiplication problems with the checkerboard work.  Remember, I have worked extra time in the afternoons to have students work more on their work charts in the afternoon.

I am diligently working on seeing where kids are.  The reading specialists at our school have done DIBELS (a fluency reading test) with the whole school.  Ms. Emilee has done the UURC (reading level/comprehension test) with our new students.  We just have 1 more to do.  I was able to put together reading groups.  They will start this coming week.  You lovely parents who want to help with reading, as soon as normalization is over, you will be beckoned!

I am also finishing up a Math test with 1st graders.  This week, Ms. Emilee and I will get 2nd and 3rd graders tested.

In level lessons this week:

Level 1s: Easy CBM Math testing (Algebraic Operations and Geometry)

Level 2s: Alphabetizing introduction and 3 letter words

Cultural: Geography

Level 1s: Where is Earth and what is a Globe?, Longitude & Latitude, Zones of the Earth

Level 2s: Parts of the Earth

Level 3s: Size of the Sun, Parts of the Sun, Day & Night

Science: Scientific Method foldable

Volunteer Opp:

I have a HUGE stack of lamination.  They are works for the pink, blue, and green reading series.  Our junior high mentor, Brannock, and some of our students have been helping Ms. Emilee and I cut them out.  If anyone would like to cut some out for me, I will send a little stack home.  I do need them cut as soon as possible, so I can’t start sorting them and have our beginning readers get on those works.  Please email me if you would like to help!

As soon as normalization is over (Oct. 1) I would love to have a parent come in to copy some sight words and printable take home books for those students who need to work on reading.  I’m thinking this would be person(s) who can come in on certain Fridays and put them together for those children.  Email me if that sounds like you would like to do.  I’m thinking this will be a bi-weekly job, so students have a few things to work on.

Lunch Time:

I get a lot of students who need spoons, forks, and sometimes, knives in order to eat their lunch.  Please pack your child the utensil needed to eat their lunch, as we don’t always have those items.

Ramen Noodles, EasyMac, lunches that require 3:00+ mins to heat up, take awhile to cook.  Your child may have to wait awhile to heat their lunch up, and then when they do, it takes awhile to cook and then cool down in order to eat.  By the time they start eating, lunch is almost over.  Lunch is 30 mins.  I know a lot of you tell your children to eat all their lunch, but sometimes they just can’t because of heating up their food.  If those items can be cooked at home and then put in tupperware, it makes heating up and eating more successful.  If your child comes home with most of their lunch, they either didn’t like that item, were taking too much at lunch and not eating, or were waiting too much to heat up and eat their food.  Ask your child about how lunch was if you notice those things.  It will make lunch time more successful for everyone 🙂

Upcoming week:

Please make sure your child has some sort of comfortable athletic sneaker for Mondays!  Monday afternoons, right after lunch, is PE.

The weather this week is supposed to be cooler and rainy.  Please have your child dress accordingly for recess time.  We go outside if it isn’t pouring.  We stay inside when it is pouring and when there is thunder and lightening.  It may rain when kids are dismissed this week, so an umbrella might be advisable while they wait to be picked up 🙂

Have a great upcoming week!


Ms. K

2nd Week

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Hi Everyone!

This Past Week:

This past week we began the 5 Great Lessons.  We got through “The Birth of the Universe,” “Timeline of Life,” and “Timeline of Man.  Everyday after the lesson, I would present the students with activity choices.  It was great to step back and see who is following what choice and what students needed help making a choice.

Friday we started our first class meeting, science, and Library.  In the afternoon we had a great time making our galaxy art shirts!  Thank you Lori, Kristie, Sarah, and Elene for helping out!  Sorry if some of your kids came home with very colorful hands!  Ms. Stephanie loved the project and is making possible decision to let any classroom shirt project be an acceptable MMA approved T-shirt.  Stand by on that.  As soon as I find out anything, I will let you know.

Everything else is going pretty swimmingly.  We are working on grace and courtesy towards each other and when a teacher is talking.

We started cultural lessons as well!  Cultural will slowly work its way into morning lessons, but as we work into transitioning into work cycle, it is in the afternoon time.  Every week we rotate the subject.  The rotation schedule is: History, Zoology/Physiology, Geography, and Botany.  This week we started with History.

Level 1s: Intro. for the year, Months of the year, Months by seasons, Making a Sept. calendar

Level 2s: 3 forms of matter, Cohesion, Centripetal & Centrifugal forces, Friction

Level 3s: Life on Earth, Clock of Eras, Rope timeline with labeling of eras

Upcoming Week:

Monday begins PE and Music in the afternoon right after lunch.  Please make sure your child has some sort of athletic shoe for PE every Monday.

I will present the last two Great Lessons Monday and Tuesday: “The Timeline of Language,” and “The Timeline of Math.”  Wednesday I leave for my trip and will be back in school the 9th.  Our class will take some breaks and do classroom team building games with Ms. Jill’s class

Pizza Friday is going to begin very soon.  I got an email saying it will begin Sept. 4th, but the flyers didn’t go out.  It may still happen on the 4th, so, if you would like your child to get pizza on Fridays the instructions are for you to,  “The forms ask parents to send in the money or check in a sealed envelope for either the week, month, semester, or year.”  Forms must be SEALED, with child’s NAME, TEACHER, and AMOUNT OF $.  Teachers will not be handling the forms this year, the 6th graders are.  ALL MONEY IS DUE ON WEDNESDAYS BY 12:00 NOON!

HOMEWORK! While I am gone, students are going to be working on animal related projects.  Here is what each level will need:

Level 1s: 3 magazines that have examples of living and non-living things in them.  On Wednesday they will make 2 posters: 1 for living things and 1 for non-living things.  1st graders will then be asked to write a sentence or 2 about what a living thing is and what a non-living thing is.  Thursday, 1st graders will choose 1 living animal choice.  They will make a paper plate 3D pop up project on this day.  Students will write 3 sentences about their living animal.  One sentence will explain why it is living, one will be a small fact about that animal, and the last sentence will be why it is not a non-living thing.  If a student has a great animal book at home, send it with them Thursday.  Ask them Wednesday night what alive animal are they thinking of doing!  

Level 2s:  If your 2nd grader has any animal books, please send a few with them for Wednesday and Thursday.  They will making an animal brochure.

Level 3s:  If your 3rd grader has any animal books, please send a few with them for Wednesday and Thursday. They will doing an animal report and make their own non-fiction fact book.


* Reading help will begin after normalization is over (Oct. 1)

Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week.  When I get back, I will post another blog entry.


Ms. K


1st Week!

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Hi Everyone!

Can I just state how amazing our group is this year!  It feels good to see everyone and their excitement.  Our returning students are begging to start work.  I joked with them saying, “I want to recored each of you saying that so, that when you get grumpy at me in a few months, I can go back and play it.”  They thought that was funny.  I shared with them the changes in work cycle this year, what their work chart is going to look like, and some expectations.  They will get a chance to do some projects this upcoming week and next week.

Great Lessons Start!:

This coming week is the start of Great Lessons.  We will spend Monday and Tuesday on: “The Birth of the Universe;” Wednesday, “Timeline of Life,” Thursday, “Coming of Man,” and Friday, we will do some reading, science, Europe studies, and some art.  The following Monday (Aug. 31), we will do “History of Language and finish our Great Lessons on Tuesday, Sept. 1st with “History of Math.”  For each Great Lesson I give, there will be a few choices of activities for each lesson that students will get to choose.  It is their chance to start easing into work.

Cultural lessons will also being this coming week.  I plan on using the afternoons to introduce our first cultural lesson, History.  As I introduce lessons in the morning, cultural will start working its way into morning work.


I have heard from a number of you about wanting to help out in our classroom.  If my memory serves me, here is who I have:

  • Lori- reading
  • Misha- anything
  • Tammie- writing and reading
  • Michelle- typing up projects and books for students
  • Anna’s grandfather (I didn’t catch a name!  Katie, if you could please email me his name and contact, I would love for him to come in a do some art!)- art

If you signed up on the volunteering sheets at Back to School Night, Heidi Bradley is copying those, so when I get those back, I will see who signed up for what.

Do I have anyone who is in the science field?  Do you have anyone in your family who works in a science field?  Has anyone every been to Europe and would love to share facts from their trip?  Do you or someone in your family love to cook and come do some cooking?  I would love to have more guests this year!   Email me if you or someone wants to help.

Friday August 28th Art Help!

I am looking for some helpers for this coming Friday!  I want to do some galaxy art!

Galaxy art project

This project involves a black shirt.  If you would like to purchase your child a  100% cotton all black t-shirt for Friday, please have them bring it in Friday.  NAME PLEASE ON LABEL!

If you do not wish to get your child an all black t-shirt, would someone like to get our class 1 yard of 100% black fabric?  It will get cut into pieces for those students to have.  Email me ASAP if you would like to get our class 1 yard of black fabric 🙂

I’d like to do this activity in the afternoon after their recess (1pm), but I can adjust to move it to the morning if need be.  Email me if you would like to help out and I can base the activity’s time on who’s coming.

Flagging writing/coloring supplies volunteers!  Ms. Emilee and I would like help putting small pieces of Duct tape on each student’s writing and coloring supplies.  We are using the lime green Duct tape to “flag” each supply with their name on it.  If you can email me if you would like to come in this coming week (week of Aug. 24th) or next, please let me know.  Having volunteers will make that job go faster.

Room Mothers:

We have a dynamic duo for our Room Moms!  Jaida Ryan, is our planning room mother this year.  Sarah Boudreaux will help Jaida in class and be her right hand woman 🙂

These ladies will be helping me out with class parties/events, class needs, reminders, and some organization

  • Our first big event will be our Fall Class Party on Oct. 30th (a Friday).  I will email Jaida and Sarah more about it.
  • Our first field trip is on Oct. 21st to Black Island Farms.

Out of Town:

I will be going out of town on Sept. 2nd and will return the following Wednesday, Sept. 9th.  This is over Labor Day weekend.  That is 4 school days that I won’t be in class.  Ms. Emilee will take over for those days.  Mrs. Chris Lemmon, will help on Sept. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.  Mrs. Melinda Montgomery will help out on Sept. 8th.  Ms. Chris is Ms. Anna’s (Anna in the office) mom and Ms. Melinda in on the MAPA committee and helps out with Junior High.

Any students with sensitive to change will be notified so that it isn’t a big surprise to them.  If you are parent to a student who has a sensitivity to transitions, help me by talking to your child in advanced.


Our snack sign up is going great!  Please email me if you don’t get an email update.  We have spots available for later in the year, so if you want to take a look at the sign up and see what is left, there are still sign ups available 🙂

School has Begun! IMPORTANT UPDATES!

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Hi Everyone!  Lots of information below, so please read everything and carefully.

Updates & Protocols:

It has been a busy busy busy week!  I want to thank you for those who came to Back to School Night, wrote me about their child, or just stopped in to drop off supplies!  You as parents and guardians are crucial members of my team.  I need you guys as much as you need me.  Please, at any time, if you have questions, email is best way to get a hold of me.  I check it all the time, but if you write me after 5pm, I will more than likely see it the next morning.  If you write about a concern, email can only go so far to solve the issue.  I prefer we talk in person about any concerning issues face to face rather than exchange a multitude of emails.  Mondays and Tuesdays are my longest days at the school where I attend and run certain meetings.  Wednesdays-Fridays will be the best days to meet with me for anything.

Blog Check!

This blog is super important to check.   If you look over to the right side of this page, you will see a section where you can subscribe to the blog.  Click it and follow the instructions.  Be sure to check your email inbox, as it will ask you to click a link to confirm the subscription.  Once you have done that, overtime I make a post, you will be emailed the post I make.

As we start the year, I will add pages and information to this site.


Snack is so critical for our students.  I am going to try a new sign up system that will email you a reminder when it is your turn.  I will be setting that up, so when it is ready, you will see it also to the right of this page at all times during the year.  If I can’t get it up and running this weekend, we will need snack for this coming week (1st week of school).  Please email me if you are willing to send healthy foods for our kiddos.  We will be doing a group snack the 1st (maybe 2nd) week back only.  After the 1st/2nd week, snack will individual and will end at 11:00am.

Volunteers & Room Mom:

It seems like this year I have a group of you who want to help read, do laundry, cut lamination, work in the garden, etc.  I can’t tell you how great it feels to have a lot of you wanting to help.

Right now, we could use our rugs that we work on washed.  They were washed last in the middle of last year.  There is quite a few of them, but I know a few of you signed up to help.  Please email me if you can take them ASAP.

We are still in need of a Room Mom!  Jaida Ryan was our Room Mom last year and did fabulous things for our class.  Jaida, if you would still like to be our Room Mom, Sarah Boudreaux is willing to help you out.  If you can’t, anyone who loves to plan things for our class parties, send out reminders for field trips and events, you are the person we are looking for.  Sarah is willing to come into the class and help out, but would like help with the planning aspect.

School Supplies:

A good chunk of you have dropped off school supplies.  Ms. Emilee and I and your child will go through the supplies Monday.  It will take us some time to get things in order, so there might be some need for volunteers to help us out.  I will let you know when we cross that bridge.  Please have your child bring in their school supplies Monday.


There is not going be a lot of things coming home (for those new parents who are used to homework, worksheets, etc.)  We are working as a school to reduce paper usage and finding ways to conserve.  Your child will be doing a huge percentage of their work in their binders, journals, and possible workbooks.  When normalization has had its time to occur, for most of the children, (Oct. 1st) you are more than welcome to set up times with me to come observe our classroom in action, or if you want to meet with me to see your child’s work.  Know that I am meticulous at keeping track of your child’s work and every year I make new changes to better my tracking system.  I’ve made some curriculum decisions and changes to further enhance Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of “Follow the Child.”  Every student is going to be at different levels in their education.  I have made myself a Utah Common Core pacing guide of the standards that is organized by what I need to achieve monthly.  I have passed this onto the other Lower El teachers as well.  I use the Common Core standards as goals and as guidelines for how I will then use the Montessori materials to achieve those goals.  This guide, I hope, will also help answer the famous question, “How far behind/above is my child in _____?”

What I can offer you at this moment is our weekly/daily schedule.  It is subject to change and need adjusting, but I think I have it where it won’t much change.  To my parents who have a child with a special need or have a love for knowing the schedule, I would print this out as a resource for your child and of course, you! 🙂

2015-2016 Schedule

Work Charts & Classroom Work:

Your child will follow a work chart in my class.  A change I have made this year is that I am not setting a set number of works your child needs to get done by recess.  That may scare some of you, but know that I will be using the Utah Common Core Standards AND Montessori curriculum to keep your child on track (at their pace!)  If a child is avoiding certain subjects, that is where Ms. Emilee and I will ask your child why they might be avoiding that area that they need to work on.  It might be that they find it too hard, too boring, or need a different way to learn that subject. As a Montessori teacher, I will be looking for quality of work, not quantity of work.  If you want to know what our work chart looks like, please click on the link below.  You can use it as a tool to ask your child what they did that day.

Work Chart 15-16

Green is 1st grade, Blue is 2nd grade, Red is 3rd grade.
Some students may need a modified work chart.  Should your child need a modified work chart, we will inform you of what that will look like and involve you in the planning process.

First Couple of Weeks:

1st Week of School– 1pm dismissal everyday!  We will go over grace and courtesy and classroom procedures/expectations/rules and do team building exercises everyday this week

2nd and 3rd Week of School– The 5 Great lessons will be introduced with activities to follow.  We will be talking about scientific theories during this time.  Please note, the Montessori philosophy offers your child different theories from science and history.  At no point in our school’s curriculum will we tell your child that this is the only theory you should believe or practice.  Our job, in this environment, is to give your child different perspectives so that they see other points of views and learn more about our world and societies.  I will always appreciate your family’s beliefs and values.  What I do care about is that your child respects all the differences we will have in our classroom.  I don’t tolerate any bullying, whether that be physical or emotional.  Kids do joke and make statements, so please let me know if your child is unhappy at any time because some kids will not bring it to our attention and then it can fester into more of an issue.

Our class’s cultural curriculum will also be introduced during the 2nd week of school.

4th Week of School– Your child will be slowly introduced to more of their work chart and materials related to the Common Core Standards and Montessori curriculum.

Upper El Partnership:

This year, we will be working with Ms. Stephaney’s Upper El classroom.  Both our classes will get together frequently to do activities, reading, and go on a field trip during the year.  Thursdays will be our time to get together to do reading and other activities.


Phew!  That was a lot of information to soak in.  If you have any questions, please email me 🙂


Ms. Kaley

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!

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Hi Everyone!

Welcome back for another fantastic year!  Ms. Emilee and I are very excited to see you all in the next few weeks!

August 4th is our school’s Pool Party at North Shore, which is located right across the street from our school.  It will be 7-9pm.  Come meet me and Ms. Emilee!

I have the classroom school supply list ready to go!  Please click on the link to open up the PDF file.  I have asked for specific supplies in order to last your student as much, if not, the whole school year.  We have found through the years what works and lasts best, so if you have any questions about anything, please do not hesitate to ask!

School Supply List 2015-2016

Our class roster is still going through its last bit of finalization, but for our new parents and students please feel free to read my About Ms. Kaley tab.  It would also be a great wealth of help if our new families (incoming 1st grade and new to either 2nd or 3rd) could write me an email telling me about your student (disabilities, need extra help in an area, excel in a certain area, allergies etc.)  The more you can help me out, the better I can plan these last weeks to prepare your child’s work plans.  If any of my returning families would like to update me as well, please do!  I know some of you were having your child do some tutoring in math or reading and that would be great to hear how it is going!

A couple of you came to me at the end of last year expressing that you could help with reading and or typing (Tammie and Michelle), but if there are any other parents who know they can come help in either reading or writing, please email me and let me know so I can plan you into our schedule!

I update our blog frequently, so please subscribe to our blog and you will get direct emails of the posts I put up.  As we get into the school year, I post weekly, so it is your “homework” to keep updated on all the fun we do!  Thanks!

– Ms. Kaley

Scholastic Reading Challenge- Summer Reading

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Hello Everyone!

Our school is participating in The Scholastic Reading Challenge over the summer.  Please read the below information from Scholastic and use your child’s login to record books they read over the summer.

Dear Parent,

Did you know that when kids don’t read over the summer they are likely to fall behind when they head back to school?

These learning losses are often called the “Summer Slide,” and our school has made it a priority to keep our students’

skills sharp by encouraging them to read all summer long.

Our class has signed up to participate in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge, a free online reading program that

invites children to log their reading minutes to help set a new world record for summer reading. The goal this year for

schools around the world is to break last year’s reading world record of 304,749,681 minutes! With your help, we can do it.

I’m excited to share that the theme of this year’s program is Power Up & Read; as kids log their reading minutes, they

will unlock stories written by bestselling authors. Plus, throughout the summer, kids will earn digital rewards and learn

about great new books to read. You’ll also find free articles, activity sheets, and book lists for parents on the Scholastic

Summer Reading Challenge website.

The fun begins on May 4, 2015, and ends on September 4, 2015! The school that logs the most minutes will win a visit

from a bestselling children’s book author and will be featured in The 2016 Scholastic Book of World Records.

I invite you to learn more about the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge at scholastic.com/summer. If your child

forgot his or her summer reading username, please contact me directly or contact Scholastic at 1-800-SCHOLASTIC.

Have a wonderful summer!


First name Last name Username Password
Stevie A fangsrising13 lone749
Ashley L volcanosafe14 parakeet514
Ty O cutedancer44 pig289
Arianna O sprinklesmagenta14 diplomat630
Ethan P ridermaster19 dress940
Dustie R sourhistory3 dinosaur56
Lucy S arrivingturtle17 green0
Gabriel W toenailsbitter3 buttery891
Alexis W eyesyellow26 scientist472
Aiden B earsdancer3 dance372
Ian H pumacommander16 mellow678
Bridger H danceraccoon7 standing551
Sophia K astronautteeth14 gorilla411
Reagan P spicyporkchop3 watermelon476
Tiffany S medaldetecting19 crest899
Nicholas T ambassadorbitter2 calm965
Kennedy L cutegoat27 pizza799
Jaycee N skatingsprinkles14 admiral819
Amira P flipflopsafternoon3 panda986
Jorden H topazriding12 witty747
Leyla H kittendodger17 gopher331
Payton M sparklydirector15 cheeseburger845
Asher M cobradownpour45 ears487
Tanner P athletewhirlwind14 sledding585
Brook P turkeyflippers20 science678
Brenna T cyclonekangaroo20 hamburger46
Brynley W jumpingsmart11 cloudburst31