Week 1

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Hello Everyone!


We made it through the 1st week of school!  We had such a great week too.  We played group games, read books, went over procedures and rules, and got to know one another.

Lunch observations- Some things that I noticed is that a lot of kiddos are not bringing their own forks, spoons, and knives in order to eat their lunches.  We only have back up cutlery.  Please do pack your child some utensils.  The microwave went pretty well this week too.  For those of you who are precooking Ramen noodles, thank you thank you!!

Back to School Night Thank You and Forms!- For those of you who came to Back to School Night, it was so nice to see you!  Thank you for stopping by and picking up your forms.  I will be posting the forms that I handed out later tonight or earlier this week.  I am currently at the school getting all the kid’s warm ups ready for half the year.

This Coming Week- This week are full days.  Dismissal is at 3:00pm.  We will begin our Great Lessons and start slowly working into our work cycle schedule.  I am going to feel out reading groups and do them at the times they will be during our normal schedule.  Cultural lessons will also begin.  History will be first and will last an entire week.  Zoology/Physiology will be the next week, Geography the next, and then Botany.

Snack- I do need someone to sign up for snack!  Ari’s family was nice enough to provide us with this past week’s snack.  We are now going into Week 2, so if you would like to provide snack, please sign up to the right of our blog where it says SNACK.

Have a great rest of your weekend and new week!


Ms. K

Upcoming Week Info!

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Hello Everyone!

This past Friday, 10 of the new 1st graders came for orientation!  That’s a great turn out!  Thank you for giving your child that opportunity to see their new classroom, meet me, and prepare for tomorrow.


Back to School Night!

This coming week we have Back to School Night on Thursday the 18th.  If you are brand new to Montessori, I highly recommend you come at 6:30 to our Montessori 101 half hour presentation in the Library.  From 7-8 will be open house style in our classroom.  I usually give out important handouts that will be relevant for the whole year.  It also gives you an opportunity to see our room and ask Emilee and I questions.  I look forward to seeing new and veteran parents on Thursday!

Can I Help my Child to Your Room?

Now that school is about to begin tomorrow, if your child is unable to carry his/her own supplies, we will have your child drop them off at the front of the school since we are beginning normalization and parents will not be permitted to go back to our classroom.  Please make sure your child’s supplies are bagged with their NAMES ON THE BAG.  Emilee and I will be sorting the rest of the supplies tomorrow after school and it is very helpful if a name is on those things that need to be labeled.

Early Out Week

Please remember that this whole week will be 1pm dismissals.  Please pack your child a lunch!

Snack & Lunches

Our school requires health food options for both snack time and in lunches.  No drinks with colored dyes,   sodas, sweets/treats, or food that needs heating up more than 2:00 mins.  Cup of Noodles and Ramen take FOREVER to get soft.  Your child doesn’t get enough time to eat them.  I understand that they are easy to pack, but they need to be PRECOOKED and ready to go if you choose that food for your child.  Easy Mac isn’t as bad, but it still is a food that needs a little bit of cooking time.  If we have half our class waiting for the microwave, then eating time is very limited.  If you can, I recommend a non-heatable lunch.

Snack time is 2 people at a time.  This coming week we will do group snack for a couple of days, but then begin to practice our 2 person snack pull.

  • IMPORTANT: We have a child with a nut allergy.  Please no peanut butter or nut products this year.  I will give more info as I get more info from the parents.  Thanks!
  • Can anyone bring in snack for the week starting tomorrow? (Email me and let me know.  First come first serve!) I will reset the snack sign up tomorrow after school.

5K Race for the Redwoods Fundraiser

On September 17th, we are holding our annual 5K fundraiser.  This fundraiser helps support the 6th grade field trip to the Redwoods.  This year will be a color run!! Please sign up to race through this link:



Take care and have a great rest of your weekend and last day of summer!


Ms. K

1st Grade and New Student Orientation

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Hello Everyone!


This Friday, August 12th, is a small student orientation for all 1st graders and brand new students coming to the school.  As of right now, the only new students for our class are the 1st graders, but that could change over the year.  I hope to see all 11 first graders come from 1:00pm until 1:45pm.  They don’t have to be in school dress code for the 45 minute orientation.  I highly highly recommend they bring their supplies.  I’ll be seeing everyone shortly!

If anyone else would like to drop off their supplies early, I am here this week 🙂

Please remember that next Monday is the first day and that every day next week is a 1pm dismissal.

Pool Party Reminder!

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Hello Everyone!

Don’t forget that the pool party is this coming Tuesday from 7-9.

Also, if you have your child’s school supplies all ready to go, you can bag them up and drop them off in our room if you want.  I’ve been popping in recently and should be there for a little bit on Monday and Tuesday.  I am going out of town Wednesday morning, so I will be unavailable for a few days.

Hope to see a lot of you at the pool party!

Summer Book Report and Mini-Challenge #3

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I have created the last summer book report and mini challenge!  They are both up and running!

3rd book report due August 5th

3rd Mini-Challenge due August 15th



Ms. Kaley

2016-2017 School Supply List!

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Welcome Everyone!

I have this school year’s school supply list ready for you!

School Supply List 2016-2017   (Please click on this PDF link)

Please let me know if you have any questions about the supplies or need assistance.


New Families!  Please subscribe to our blog!  It is your responsibility to read the weekly posts (once school begins) I make as they pertain to things going on in the classroom.  Look to the right of this blog and you will see the button to click on.  Make sure to check your email after you click as it will want you to verify your email.  Once you subscribe then you will be emailed the post I make.


Upcoming Dates:

July 22nd- Book Report #2 and Mini-Challenge DUE

August 2nd- North Shore MMA Pool Party! 7pm-9pm.

August 5th- Book Report #3 and Mini-Challenge DUE

August 15th- First day of school for everyone.  EARLY RELEASE WEEK! 1pm dismissal Mon-Fri


Take care and see you soon!


Ms. K

Summer Book Report/Mini- Challenge #2 Up!

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Hello Everyone!

Summer Book Report and Mini-Challenge #2 are both up!

Book Report #2

Book report #2 is an animal report.  Your child is to login to MyOn and choose an animal under the ANIMALS category.


  1.  Choose an animal under the ANIMALS category on MyOn.  If your child would rather choose a physical book, that is fine too!
  2. Have your child look at Knowledge Map graphic organizer before they read their book.  Read what this organizer is for.
  3. Print out or draw out the Knowledge Map BEFORE your child reads their book.
  4. Child reads animal book and fills out animal Knowledge Map.
  5. Answer the questions in the Writing Task section.
  6. Make sure child submits works on time.  Due JULY 22nd.

Mini-Challenge #2

Mini- Challenge #2 is posted as a contest!  I made a challenge for each student to complete 60 minutes of reading, by July 22nd, through MyOn.  I’ve never made a contest before, but I think if your child completes it, they get a MyOn certificate or some sort of notification that they completed it!  Fun!

Both of these are due July 22nd.  The last report and challenge will be up also on the 22nd and will be due August 5th.

Continue the great work!!  Very proud of all of you!


Ms. K

MMA Back to School Pool Party is August 2nd at North Shore Pool from 7pm-9pm

MyOn glitch on my end fixed

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A few of the graphic organizers weren’t coming through as complete, but they are there now.  These students are complete for Book Report #1.







Jayce- to finish the 2 graphic organizers.  Finished How was your book?

Kailyn- to finish the 2 graphic organizers (Beginning, Middle, and End almost done) and complete the How was your book section.

Book Reports and Mini Challenge #1 Review and Next Reports

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Hello Everyone!

I want to thank Ella, Jayce, Kailyn, Alden, Kennedy, Nicholas, Stevie, and Tae’Lynn for working on their book report!  Remember, there were a few parts to this first assignment: Choose a book (all of those students did), do the graphic organizers on Character and Beginning, Middle, and End (only Ella, Jayce, and Kailyn worked on those), and then the how was your book response? (Only Alden, Stevie, Nicholas, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn).  I gave feedback to Alden, Stevie, Nicholas, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn because they did the writing task response.  Those students need to go back and go the 2 graphic organizers too.  Ella, Jayce, and Kailyn need to go back and do the Writing Task so I can leave feedback for them.

In the mini challenge #1,  Great job to Ella, Alden, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn.  Ella’s wasn’t officially submitted, but I saw her response.  I wasn’t able to leave feedback for her because of that, but I was able to leave feedback to Alden, Kennedy, and Tae’Lynn.  Nicholas, I see that you opened the challenge, but didn’t complete it.

Book Report #2 and Mini Challenge #2 will be up on July 8th (a Friday) and will be due 2 weeks from then (July 22nd)

Book Report #3 and Mini Challenge #3 will be up on July 22nd (a Friday) and will also be due 2 weeks from then (August 5th).  

Hope you all had a great 4th of July!  Keep enjoying your summer!

Don’t forget about Khan Academy!


Ms. K



1st book report DUE JULY 3rd- MyOn

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There will be a total of 3 book reports this summer! There will also be mini-assignments too.  Doing MyOn assignments and any home project/assignment now go towards your child’s PTC Progress Report.  Please let me know if you do not have access to MyOn.  I will email the assignment to you and you will have your child choose a physical book in order to complete the assignment.
As a side note, if your child prefers a physical book for any reason, they may.  It must be a book for their level of reading.
This first book report is DUE JULY 3rd, a Sunday.
Graduated 3rd graders are assigned the book report too for summer practice!
If you have any questions, please let me know!  I am going out of town this week (A Wednesday to a Wednesday), so if I don ‘t respond right away, give me a day or two.  I am going home to Maryland for my friend’s wedding and will be spending time with family that I don’t get to see often.
Happy reading!
Please do not forget Khan Academy!  I highly recommend each student to practice this summer.  Only a few have done some practice.  Alden, Ella, and Stevie– Thank you for practicing!  You guys are logging in important minutes that will help you gain a better understanding in math and might even get you towards more challenging lessons when we start back up!  Keep it up!  I now challenge you to do even more minutes than last time!
Ms. K