Archive for the Field Trips Category

Week 25

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!


Thank you to everyone who came for conferences!  We appreciated seeing you all and checking in with the middle of the year.

We kept to a normal schedule on the half days by sticking to our normal work cycle morning.

We didn’t get to any cultural lessons this past week due to our specials on Monday, the Valentine’s Day party Tuesday afternoon, and the 3 early outs.  We will only get to some Zoology/Physiology and a few afternoon group lessons this coming week due to Presidents’ Day and our field trip Thursday.

Upcoming Week:

Tuesday- Lockdown drill in the afternoon.  Our school will practice what to do if we go “into lockdown.”  Our class will sit tightly and silently together until notified.

Thursday-  Field trip to Mrs. Cavanaugh’s in SLC Thursday!  Students will meet at school and we will have a lesson on chocolate’s origins and process.  We ask that if you are picking up your child or carpool, please be at the school at 10:00am.  We will get everyone ready to go then.  Our hope is to leave no later than 10:15.  Our tour starts at 11:00am.  Looking at the weather, there is a potential for some snow.  Should some snow be coming down, we still plan to go, but let’s have all drivers get to school earlier so we can have more time on the roads.  All permission slips are due to me by Wednesday.  

For our field trip, if you would like to make a donation to make sure all students are covered, please click here for the 2.00 dollar donation to ensure future field trips.


Home projects DUE Friday!- The free project choice is due this Friday the 24th.  Students get the chance to pick anything they would like to teach others.  They may present it by using a visual (powerpoint, poster, tri-board, model, report etc.)  We love allowing a free choice to see what kind of creativity and interests they have!

Please check our snack link to make sure our weeks are covered.  Thanks everyone!


Ms. K

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Field Trips | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

The zoo came this past week for 2nd graders and all went smoothly.  Class pictures also took place that afternoon and were completed for the upcoming yearbook.

Field Trip update!:  Ms. Anna and I booked Mrs. Cavanaugh’s Chocolate Factory in SLC for Feb. 23rd (a Thursday).  We will have the permission slips to sign at PTC.  This field trip will require parent drivers.  We will start out at school and won’t leave until mid morning.  During that time, we will learn about chocolate’s origins and process.  At 10:00am, we will start packing up.  We want to leave by 10:15am.  We are due a the factory at 11:00am.  They will have an hour long tour and education on how chocolate is made.  At noon, they will eat lunch there.  After lunch, any parents who wish to come and students can shop in the chocolate store.  We will gather at 1:00pm and then leave shortly after.  Any students returning back to MMA will wrap up with cultural with us and then leave when the bell rings at 3.  Please email Alicia Thomas and also let me know if you can drive and/or set up a carpool with other parents who can’t make it or take their child.  This field trip will require a $1.00 for any parents who come.

Money due from Nature Center:  Awkward to state, but due to all the many chaperones that came to the Nature Center in January, the Nature Center sent an invoice back to our MMA office paying for everyone.  Ms. Jalee forgot that the budget would cover only 3 chaperones per class, so we used more than we wanted to.  The kids are always covered, but we could use budget back from any of the parents who went on the field trip.  If you attended, a $3.00 cover should be dropped off to Melanie in the office. I am also going to post a donation link for the chocolate factory if you wish to contribute $2.00.  I will email out that link and post it when Melanie emails it to me.

PTC sign up: Currently, we have 17 families signed up to come to Mid Year PTC. They are NEXT WEEK!  Wednesday-Friday. Please bring your child with you and we will have them show you a favorite work they are doing and continue making/improving goals for the rest of the year.



Valentine’s Party: Please keep an eye out from Alicia, our room mom, about our Valentine’s Party.  Kiddos are allowed to bring Valentine’s for everyone.  If a small treat is part of the exchange, please make sure it is wrapped.  All treats will go home and will be eaten after school.

Past Week:

I had a few meetings this past week during the school day and with the zoo, a bit of our schedule for afternoon group lessons had to be skipped.

In group leveled lessons:

Level 2s: Piet Mondrian introduction.  He was an artist that worked with only squares and rectangles and 2nd graders are using their angles knowledge to apply his art.  They will begin the art project this Wednesday on their Geometry day.

Level 3s: Fractions on a number line.   3rd graders used IXL and on worksheets to apply their knowledge. Fractions on a number line is something you can help them with at home.  They are working on ordering fractions that come in-between 0 and 1 whole.

In cultural this week: Botany

Level 1s: Roots and parts of the root.  Ms. Anna brought in rainbow fingerling potatoes that were sprouting lots of roots for them to examine and see in real life.  Try it at home!  Take 1 potato and keep it in a dry dark place (pantry).  See how long it take for it to begin using its nutrients to shrivel and begin growing.

Level 2s: Leaf art and parts of a leaf review

Level 3s: Birthday flowers, Valentine flower meanings, and the review of the stamen.


Snack this week: Daxton.  We have an available spot open next week.  Please check our snack sign up link to the right of the blog 🙂


Have a great upcoming week and Super Bowl Sunday!


Ms. K

Week 20

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!


Thank you to all for Wednesday’s field trip!  It was nice that the weather held off and the kids could go snowshoeing.  The students were broken into groups and rotated through a presentation on animal tracks, exploration, about the smallest hawk, and outside snow shoeing.  Everything went very smoothly with drop off and pick up, so we got back to school at a decent time.  Students then did an afternoon activity with one of our student’s grandpa, Mr. Will, a retired art professor.  He had them work on dinosaur tracks.

Upcoming Week and Dates:

Field Trips: Ms. Anna’s dad manages the manages the Mrs. Cavanaugh’s in SLC.  We are thinking of squeezing that field trip into our schedule.  I have to look into it a little bit, but we want to aim for February and make it a Valentine’s Day kind of field trip.  Students would learn about where chocolate comes from as well as how they make their chocolate.  This kind of field trip would require parent drivers.  We would start off a school and then leave late in the morning.  I’ll let you know soon if it will work out.

The Hogle Zoo has been touring around school districts and giving a presentation to second graders.  All Lower El teachers signed up to give our second graders an in-school zoo field trip.  The presentation will be an hour long in the afternoon on January 26th.  That morning of the 26th will be the Internet Safety assembly as well.

January Book Report:  I fell a little short on updating on this, but let’s get back on track!  January is a book report month!  Students will focus on a FICTION (made up) book of their reading ability and choose another project choice from the list provided.  Book’s may be from MyOn.  Projects are due January 27th.  This will allow students to share that Friday afternoon.

Book Report Presentation Choices

*You may only do 1 choice once


___Book cover

___Oral report to the teacher and/or class

___1 page written report

___A wanted poster for a character in your book

___Poster advertising your book

___Design a bookmark

___Make a poem about your book

___Create a picture book about your favorite parts from the beginning, middle, and end

___Create a video about the book

___Dress up as favorite character and tell about the book

___Create a mobile with 5 events

___Write and draw an alternative ending

___Create a timeline with at least 10 events

___Draw a map describing places

___Create a travel brochure

___Make a puppet show explaining your book

___Create a board game

___Diorama of a scene

___Do a 1 page report about the author

___Create a week long journal as if you were the character


Ms. Rachel’s next monthly Botany lesson is this Wednesday!  We have a fire drill in the afternoon and then when that is over, Ms. Rachel will be in.  Wednesday’s afternoon schedule will have to skip over the 2 math groups so that all 3 cultural lessons can happen.

*Second graders are in Physiology this week and will do some introductions on the nose, teeth, and the tongue.  I’m curious if anyone knows a dentist or hygienist to come in and further explain about teeth.  It doesn’t have to be this week.  If nobody knows a dentist, I’m also interested in a dermatologist, ENT, or really anyone who’s focus involves the 5 senses.  Second graders are wrapping that up so we can get into the body systems.  If anyone knows nurses and/or doctors to come in next month who would like to present, let me know 🙂

Past Week:

In group lessons this past week:

Level 1s: Time to the hour

Level 2s: Perimeter practice

Level 3s: Equivalent fractions practice

Weekly writing: MLK

In cultural this past week: History

Level 1s: field trip, Time to the hour

Level 2s: field trip, Mercury

Level 3s: field trip, Mesozoic Era and the Triassic Period


Have a great rest of your long weekend!

Snack for upcoming week: Kanon


Ms. K

Week 19

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello and Happy 2017!  I hope you all enjoyed your holiday and beginnings of 2017

Looks like January is going to be quite the cold snowy and rainy month!  Our office made the decision that when the weather got as cold as it did these past couple of days then the students will stay inside.  Since we are looking at snow being on the ground for awhile, please make sure your child has proper attire to be outside.  Waterproof boots are needed, as well as coats.  Snow pants, hats, and gloves are highly advised!

Field Trip Wednesday Jan 11th!– Last month, I posted that we have a field trip to the Nature Center on 12th street in Ogden.  Wednesday the 11th will be our half day field trip!  Students received their permission slips this past week.  I need them by Tuesday.  Students will MEET AT THE NATURE CENTER.  It is only a 2 hour trip.  We will begin at 9am and go until 11am.  Please drop off your child between 8:30-8:45am.  If you would like to attend this field trip, please email me and let me know.  We will need drivers/carpools to pick up your child to bring them back to MMA!  Once we are back to the school, it will be recess time, lunch, and then we are going to do a class art lesson on printing (since we will be learning about animal tracks in the winter at the Nature Center) in the afternoon.  Ms. Jalee’s class is also attending, so if you know someone in her class to help you arrange pick up for your child, then you may certainly plan for that.  I cannot arrange a carpool or pick up for you child.  If you need help finding a carpool for your child because you are unable to take and/or pick up your own child then please contact our room mother, Alicia Thomas to help you.  Her email is on the permission slip at the bottom (  We will be outside for a good part of this trip, so please make sure your child is wearing winter weather gear as the weather is calling for a mix of rain and snow on this day.

This Friday the students do not have school. It is an all day professional development for the teachers.  Monday is also a holiday 🙂

A skate night as been planned for January 24th!  A flyer will be coming soon for your child to take home.


Past Week (Wed-Fri)

Wednesday, when the students returned, we jumped right back into our schedule.  Even with the 2 hour delay this past Thursday, we switched our day around so that we did cultural in the morning and then had the students do their work cycle in the afternoon.  Friday I read the students the book Snowmen at Night and then we discussed how to do a creative narrative on if they made a snowman and it came alive at night, what would it do first, next, and last?  They turned out amazing!  Since it is our class’s turn to have work shown on the south side hallway hanger, I hung up our classroom’s work for all to see!

Snack for upcoming week- Brett (No snack needs to provided for Wednesday)

Have a great upcoming week!  Looking forward to seeing some of you Wednesday 🙂


Ms. K


Week 17

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Holidays | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Upcoming Week:

With the two days before Holiday Break our upcoming Monday (tomorrow) will consist of visiting the Upper Elementary for their International Festival in the morning 9am-11am.  Students will come back and share some facts they learned and then get ready for recess and lunch.  In the afternoon, after lunch, I have signed our students up to visit three Junior High activities.  We will go to Ms. Shilo who is doing Germany from 1-1:30, Mr. Casey for Jingle Bell Toss from 1:30-2:00, and then to Mr. Rob for Art from 2:00-2:30.  Tuesday will be our turn to present for the International Festival in the afternoon.  Tuesday morning we will prep the room for the projects, have a group snack, add final touches to projects, then finished students will get to choose to make a paper Christmas tree or build a 3D snowflake using geometric shapes.  After recess and lunch, we will begin the Lower Elementary International Festival from 1:00-2:30.  Parents are welcome to attend both days.

This past Tuesday was not the Box Top store, so those who brought theirs should pack them again this week.  They might still have Box Top store, I’m not 100% sure.

If you need another pizza form for pizza Friday, the office should have some.  Pizza is $1.75 per slice and due to me by Wednesday morning as soon as they walk in.

January 11th will be a field trip to the Nature Center. More details to come!  This field trip will need parent drivers.  If you would like to come on this field trip, please let me know.


Past Week:

Thank you so much for everyone who came by or helped support  our Holiday feast, Holiday party, or both!  Both were a great success and a lot of fun!  We couldn’t have done it without your support, so thank you again!

In group lessons this week:

Level 1s: Penny, nickel, and dime lesson, point and lines on 2D and 3D shapes, soup making and learning how carrots are a taproot and celery is actually a special kind of leaf!  It is considered the petiole.

Level 2s: Graphing with pictographs and bar graphs, bread making and what is yeast?

Level 3s: Chocolate pie making and how measuring and equivalent fractions can show up in cooking/baking


In cultural this week: Geography

Level 1s: The compass rose and continent game with the compass dice

Level 2s: Earthquakes

Level 3s: 5 kinds of precipitation: sleet, rain, snow, freezing rain, hail


Have a great rest of your weekend and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Next blog post in 2017!


Ms. K

Week 10

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Home Projects | No Comments »

Thank you coming to PTC this past week!  We had everyone come!

Past Week:

We spent the 3 early out days doing some social skills and some little classroom games that had them working together.  3rd graders were supposed to do their meeting with Ms. Valerie on Tuesday, but she ended up being sick that day, so we are looking to reschedule. On Wednesday we went over how we all can look and sound during work cycle and that we would do work cycle for an hour and I would just observe.  It gave me a lot of feedback watching everyone for an hour.  We’ll have a group of kids, starting tomorrow, who will need more support than others.  Tomorrow, some students will find that they will be able to choose their own work space and will have that freedom.  The others will be around Ms. Emilee and I so we can help support those students with staying on task, how to choose work, and focus on themselves.

Upcoming Week:

Monday will also be the 3rd grader’s first practice SAGE test from 10:45-12:00.  Afterwards they will eat lunch.  Their recess will be before they go into testing.  They will go outside at 10:15 with me.

Wednesday is our field trip!  Please remember we are meeting at Black Island Farms.  Some students are doing carpools with others.  I will be at the school getting the first aid pack and some name tags for our trip.  I am at the school by 7:30am.  I will be leaving the school by 8am to make it to the farm on time to do attendance and start getting everyone on the hayride.  Ms. Jalee’s class is also going with us, so if you need a carpool and you know someone in her class, please let our room mother know.

This week is also Red Ribbon Week!  I haven’t seen a schedule on any guest speakers, but generally there are a few activities such as wearing red, an anti-drug speaker, and door decorating.  It will be a busy week!

Friday’s Class Party!- Friday is our classroom party!  Alicia has sent out a few emails reminding everyone.  Our students eat lunch at 11:30am and then we should be back inside by 12:40ish to go over the activities.

November’s upcoming report!- If you’d like to get a head start, our November’s project is a book report.  The topic is non-fiction.  I am giving the choice between a person, animal, or something of historical reference (example: Gettysburg, Statue of Liberty, invention of the steamboat etc.).  Please revisit your project choices list for a new project.  DUE FRIDAY NOV. 18th.

Pre-Primer-1st grade Reading Homework will resume tomorrow (Monday the 24th).

Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week


Ms. K

Week 7

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Field Trips, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hello Everyone and Happy October!

We are getting a new 3rd grader again.  I want to welcome Calvin to our classroom!  Calvin will begin tomorrow.  Also, Truman started our class about a week ago.  We welcome him and his family too!

Reminders for October:

Fall Festival is on Oct. 14th.  A flyer went home this past week with the wrist band/ticket prices.  There is also a big poster of that flyer on the front of the school on the left sided window.  MAPA will be at school selling these tickets pretty soon.

PTC- Parent Teacher Conferences begin October 17th and go until October 19th.  I will have the sign up sheet posted, hopefully, by the end of this week.

Home Project- DUE when you sign up for PTC!  Your child may pick from History, Zoology (Physiology for 2nd grade), Geography, Botany, Australia, or some of the science we have done.  The project assignment is for them to pick their favorite lesson so far and give a small presentation to you at our first conference.  The presentation can be how they want it to be.  I do expect to see some writing to go along with it, but it can be in any form they want (computer presentation, handwritten, book, etc.).  For example: If you have a 1st grade student, and they really like Zoology the most, we have done living vs non-living, vertebrates vs. invertebrates, and we are starting to get into the 5 classes of vertebrates.  They can pick one of those topics to focus on.  If they liked learning that vertebrates have a backbone, they can pick their favorite animal with a backbone and tell about that animal.  They could do a report on the spine since we learned what a spine was because all vertebrates have one.  On Friday, I will gather what each student wants to do for their project and help explain to them that the project topics and presentations are up to them, but they need to tie in what they learned in cultural.

*You can help your child right now by asking them what has been their favorite cultural subject so far and if they are ready to pick the lesson, have a discussion on what they remember and help guide them to  what would make a good project for this month’s home project.

1st Field Trip Oct. 26th to Black Island Farms.  You will need to drop your child off at the farm that morning.  Drop off at the farm needs to be between 8:30-8:40.  They begin the hay ride to learn about corn crops and pumpkins at 9am.  This time will give our chaperones time to pay at the check in window and get our classes onto the tractors


Upcoming Week:

Reading Homework: Reading at a PrePrimer-1st grade reading level homework will begin tomorrow!  Tomorrow some of our students will be coming home with a navy reading homework folder.  It will have their weekly 1 page homework.  A purple parent letter is in the folder, along with MyOn information.  I have MyOn ready to go for our new students, so if your child doesn’t get reading homework, they will still get their MyOn info.

*Homework goes out Mondays and is DUE BACK FRIDAYS.

Reading Volunteering: Lori Stewart has signed up to help with reading in our classroom.  She will start Thursday around 9:15am.

Junior High Mentors Begin: Our 2 Junior High ladies will begin coming to our classes on their B days.  They will each have 2 students to read with as well as helping out during work cycle.  They start this Tuesday and each have a team building game to teach us, so from 10-11, we will follow their team building lesson plan.


Past Week:

*3rd graders received their dictionaries from the Rotary Club.

*Studio began this past Friday!

*Please remember sneakers for PE on Mondays.


In group lessons this past week:

Level 1s: curved shapes vs non vs both review and introduction to the penny, Ruler introduction to inches and centimeters (we will first focus on measuring to inches 1st).

Level 2s: labeling/naming fractions from pictures, coin review, quadrilaterals family review, time to the nearest 10 mins review.

Level 3s: Morning warm up help with questions they don’t know how to solve, triangles classification by sides

Weekly Writing: Types of sentences, Capitals, Punctuation

Australia: The Great Barrier Reef

In cultural lesson this week: Zoology/Physiology

Level 1s: vertebrates vs invertebrates

Level 2s: nutrition review with intro to reading food labels and plate visual

Level 3s: Cnidarian intro (Jellyfish, Sea Anemones), Parts of a jellyfish/Model, Box Jellyfish close read, Types of jellyfish


Snack reminder for Week 8: Jackson Carlson




Week 33

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Field Trip! April 21st 

This Thursday is our field trip  to Discovery Gateway in SLC.  We will be taking the Frontrunner and Trax again.  The train we are taking to SLC will LEAVE at 8:37am. Please have your child at the Frontrunner station on 2350 S. Wall Ave by 8:15am.  I will be there around 8am.  We will take the same train back to Wall Ave. when we are finished.  We will gather everyone at 1:15pm to take Trax to the Frontrunner station.  We will be back to Ogden at 2:52pm.  Please have someone there to pick your child up on time.

We have a 2 hour workshop that the students will participate in on the importance of bees and pollination.  After the workshop is over by noon, we will go over to The Gateway’s food court and have lunch.  After lunch, the students have some time to explore the museum until it is time to meet up and go home.

Please pack a picnic lunch for your child to take with them.  If you choose to send them with money for the food court then I will leave that up to you.  I don’t know if there is a gift shop at the museum, so that will be each family’s choice to send money with their child.

Have your student bring a sweater or light jacket for the morning.  It is supposed to be very nice on Thursday, but could be chilly while waiting for the morning train.  A backpack is strongly encouraged to carry their lunch, water bottle, and any train entertainment.  I will leave it to each family to decide if they want their child to bring an electronic.  MMA is not responsible for any lost or damaged  items.

Just like with the Planetarium field trip, I have wristbands that allow the students to ride for free.  If you want to come as a chaperone, please email me and let me know so I can make groups for when students go to lunch and explore the museum.

Unlike the Planetarium, chaperones can pay for themselves and any younger siblings when we arrive.

Upcoming Week:

Monday will begin the testing for those who are wanting to participate in MMA’s Spelling Bee.  The top 3 spellers will be found out from each class and then go on to the school wide bee on Friday

Tuesday is the 3rd graders 2nd SAGE test!  They will be taking their writing test.  Like we did with the first test, 3rd graders will stop around 10:45am to get cleaned up and to have brunch and recess so they can start testing at 12:00pm.  We still need a few more sign ups completed for our 2nd brunch!  Here is the sign up!

2nd Brunch Sign Up!

Thursday is our field trip!

Friday is an Early Out!  Those students who are participating in the school wide Spelling Bee will begin with Lower El.  Parents are more than welcome to come.  We will go and watch as a class.


Past Week:

In group lessons this week:

Level 1s: Lines review (geometry) and numerator and denominator meaning in fractions (some 1st graders joined ins graders, wanting to know how to add fractions)

Level 2s: Adding fractions review

Level 3s: SAGE writing review, area and perimeter project, fractions on a number line game and equivalent fraction game

Weekly writing: Debate game. I ordered a writing kit from Scholastic that allows our class to make a classroom book.  Our students decided our book title will be Fictional and Non-fictional Animal Stories.  Each child is writing a story to be a part of this book.  We will finish our drafts and final drafts this week, so we can have it shipped back to Scholastic to be published by April 29th.

In cultural this week: Zoology

Level 1s: All about mammals

Level 2s: Mammal study-Moles, shrews, hedgehogs, anteaters, sloths, armadillos, porcupines, and beavers

Level 3s: What is an arthropod and what is an insect?


Have a great rest of your weekend!


Ms. K




Week 25

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Thank you to all of you for making our field trip a success.  Thank you to those parents who took time out of their day and came with us!  Having that much support made for a smooth trip.  I am happy that everything worked out.  Even though we had to get a different schedule, it really ran smoothly and all the kids had a great time.

Our last field trip will be to the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum on April 21st.  We will be taking the Frontrunner and Trax again.

Past Week:

Due Date Reminders!

-MyOn assignment for Level 1s and 3s- Due tonight (Sunday)

-Favorite food opinion writing due Tuesday.  We had our weekly writing lesson this past Tuesday on opinions again.  The students are writing about their favorite foods and can CHOOSE (not required) to bring in their favorite food to share on Tuesday afternoon.  Some students are making a little paper craft of their food, some just want to bring in their food, and some want to do both.

-Science Fair, for just our class, was talked about on Friday!  We came up with a due date on March 24th.  It will be in our room from 1:00-2:15.  Science Fair topics are due this Friday, March 4th.  The following Friday will be their hypothesis.

3rd Grade Studio Plays!:

* My 3rd graders need to start bringing in costumes, props, etc. for our studio Theater plays!  Ask your 3rd grader what they might need for their theater plays.  We want to start collecting things now.  If you or someone you know is crafty or good at building, we need help making backdrops and scenery for our theater plays.  We know we need a fairly large puppet show stage and a dog house.  Let me know if you or someone would be willing to paint backdrops, help make costumes, props etc.

We are going to perform all 6 plays the last week in March for Literacy Week! Dates TBD.  All props, costumes, etc. should be ready to go by March 25th (Last day of studio).

Group Lessons:

Level 1s: 2D vs 3D for geometry

Level 2s: Grammar/word study story for weekly writing lesson, Drawing angles with protractor for geometry

Level 3s: Grammar/word study story for weekly writing lesson, Area and Perimeter house project

In cultural: Botany and some Geography

Level 1s: Stems of a plant, Scales and Tales

Level 2s: Tree introduction, Geyser experiment, Scales and Tales

Level 3s: Pollination of flowers, Honey Bees, Pollination activity, Scales and Tales


Upcoming Week:

Dr. Seuss week is this week!  March 2nd is the famous author’s birthday and our class will read a Dr. Seuss book every day this week and do an activity or two to go with it!

Our monthly health lesson, with Ms. Julia, will be on Thursday morning.

PE shoes for Monday!  With the weather starting to get warmer, more PE classes will be outside.


That should be everything coming up for this week!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


Ms. K


Week 24: Important Info!

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips | No Comments »


Important Planetarium Information!:

I have some important information regarding the field trip on Thursday 2/25th.  The Planetarium has made a huge error.  When Jalee scheduled our field trip back in August, we got an email that we were booked and everything was set; we would receive our official confirmation email 4-6 weeks before our field trip.  As we got closer, the confirmation was not showing up.  Melanie in our office and Jalee began emailing and calling.  We never heard back.  Jaleel and I called this past week and again, we still had to leave messages.  I said I would go on Saturday to talk to a real person.  Yesterday, I went up to the Planetarium to find out what was wrong, or if we needed to cancel.  I talked to the floor supervisor and she was appalled.  Our information was never book for our field trip the field trip coordinator.  She and I sat down and created a back up plan to try and save our field trip.  If this plan can be squeezed in, I will get a call on Monday telling me, “yes” we can still go, or “no” this unfortunately will not work out.

Things are going to be a little last minute this week.  Melanie has the payment link ready to go for the chaperone going, but we haven’t posted it yet, for both classes, because of this ridiculousness we have been dealing with.

The supervisor and I planned on this makeshift schedule:

9:00ish-9:30am: Check in

9:45am- Educational and interactive planet discussion

A little after 10:00am- Free to explore the Planetarium exhibits

10:50am- Gather in the front

11:00am- Lunch at The Gateway Food Court

11:50am- Need to be back for IMAX movie

12:45pm- Gift shop and more exhibit exploration

1:15pm- Gather for class count and to walk to Trax and then taken Frontrunner back to Wall Ave.

2:5ish/3:00pm- Arrive back to Ogden Station on Wall Ave.


If things don’t go well, The Planetarium owes and and will reschedule (we hope).  Please be on the look out for emails this week that say “yay” or “nay.”

If things are a go- here is important field trip information:

– Students need to be in dress code.  MMA, no collared, approved shirts are still welcomed

– Pack coat/hoodie to wear in the morning. Dress in layers, the morning are usually really chilly

– Bring a backpack to keep items safe

– Pack a lunch with no heatable items.  Water bottle included!

– Wear comfortable shoes!

– Money for the gift shop is up to you as the parents/guardians

– Please double check what your child wants to bring to entertain themselves on the train.  I told my class nothing expensive.  It is not my responsibility for any item lost or stolen.


I really hope things work out.  Even if we don’t go, they are doing a lot of work to recover what originally planned for us. However, things might be a little out of order from our original plan, so please be flexible with us.

Parents/guardians that are coming with us will have a small group of students to manage.  You are free to take your group wherever in the Planetarium, but please bring your group, on time, to when we need both classes to meet.  The chaperones I have are:



– Linda



– Enrique

– Alicia

– Michelle

– Chris

– Mandy

– Ashley

– Janai (I had a question mark next to your name.  Let me know if you can’t go)

* Ms. Emilee and I will have a group or two also.


Past Week:

We continued to work on organization and bettering the student’s grace and courtesy of the classroom.  While there is still improvement to be made, things are getting a bit better.  Emilee and I tried not having work checked off right after your child completes a work.  This has helped Emilee keep students more in task to their work and leave her time to help students.  We’ve made some work turn in areas and have students better utilizing their Math and Language binders.  We gathered our groups of 15 students each on Thursday afternoon and asked each student to prove what they did.  This worked out great.  It left us time to chat with those students about what they are accomplishing and what more they could do or new lessons they may need.

Reading groups have also improved.  We have every reading group reading on Wednesdays and Thursdays and just a few of the groups reading on Tuesdays with Emilee.

I have reorganized group lessons too.  Here is the schedule for when I need just levels

Mondays- All 3 levels of cultural and Level 1 Geometry

Tuesdays- Level 2 Geometry and Level 3 Language/Writing lesson.  Weekly afternoon Writing lesson after lunch with whole class.

Wednesdays- Level 3 Geometry and Level 2 Language/Writing lesson

Thursdays- Level 1 Language/Sentence Writing and Level 3 Fractions + open fractions help.


Upcoming Week:

Monday: We have PE and Music tomorrow, so please remember some PE shoes for your child

Tuesday: School wide drill in the morning

Wednesday: Scales and Tales in the afternoon

Thursday: Planetarium (hopefully)

* With the Planetarium field trip coming up, I am saving Spelling for next week.  We will try out the new Spelling Stars system next week and see how it goes.

Those who wanted reading/math homework will have those print offs/MyOn assignments tomorrow

MyOn assignments for Level 1s and 3s will be posted today!  Students will have a week to complete their at home assignment.


Have a great upcoming week!  Hopefully see a good group of you on Thursday.


Ms. K