Archive for the Classroom Category

Week 19 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Grace and Courtesy, Home Projects, Montessori Philosophy, Peace | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

This past week a lot of our students began the journey of recording their own work progress in their planner.  I am so proud of them.  They really lived up to the expectations and they feel a sense of pride of taking it over.

Even though the students did not have school on Friday, we were able to talk and learn about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. throughout the week and also discuss fairness- January’s character topic.  For Dr. MLK, each language group read the same passage and our Antelopes language group did listening and tracking while I read and we would stop at certain vocabulary and discuss what they meant.  Words such as segregation, color, violence, and fairness were some of the words that we went over.  The Badgers language group read the same passage, but they completed some sentences that were missing a vocabulary word.  They had to figure out which word fit the sentence and then for the last question they got to pick which one they wanted to use in their own sentence.  The Crocs group read the passage and completed the fill in the blank vocal page the Badgers had, but also there were story questions responses they were asked to complete.

The students also went over fairness.  The students left off their conversations regarding fairness about how fairness is about equality.  The students also discussed how fairness to them meant that everyone gets the same because that is equality- you get what you want and someone else gets that too.  We replaced the sentence “You get what you want” to “You get what you need.”  I showed them this picture:
This was a powerful picture to the students.  It lead to our discussion on how everyone is on a different path and has different needs, so some students or people may need a different approach then the person next to them.

Home Project: President Report- Up top in the Projects tab, I added the links to the President’s report pages.  I also sent home a physical copy this past week.  January’s home project is due Jan. 26th.

Past Week:

In cultural this past week: History

Level 1s: Learning that clocks have an hour and minute hand and what does that mean. Began telling time to the hour (A great lesson to practice at home on digital and analog clocks!)

Level 2s: The Sun and Mercury facts

Level 3s: Permian period and Mesozoic Era overview

Each grade level worked on their Geometry lessons this past week:

Level 1s: Endpoint/vertex, line, line segment, ray

Level 2s: Identifying angles given to them (right, obtuse, and acute)

Level 3s: Perimeter


Upcoming Week:

This coming week each level will work in different math areas.  Level 1s will work on fractions, Level 2s will go over time, and Level 3s: will do fractions as well.

We will do Zoology/Physiology this week

Thursday- We have a lockdown drill


Have a great extra day off and rest of your week

Ms. Kaley

Week 18 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Grace and Courtesy, Home Projects, Montessori Philosophy, Peace | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Happy 2018!  Hope you all had a wonderful break. The students came back ready to work and did a great job despite it being a short week.  Our construction team for the new junior high building is busily growing and they delivered the new Early Childhood playground on Friday.  Once that playground is put together then our students will have a chance to play on it until the new big playground is complete.

Home Project- January’s home project is a report on a past president.  Students are to begin researching which president they want to choose for their project and then I will provide a handout for them to record their research on.  Students will need to write facts about their president based on the questions that are on the handout.  For a visual, your child may do a poster, puppet, paper doll, model, diorama etc (again, this is the creative part that the student gets to pick). Due Jan. 26th

There is no school on Friday because of an all day teacher development.  That following Monday is MLK Day which is a no school day as well.

We have the COW (computers on wheels) this Wednesday afternoon

Past Week:

On Friday, we usually have out classroom meeting in the afternoon.  We began discussing fairness and what do the students believe it is.  I gave 5 scenarios and students had to decide whether they believed the situation was fair or unfair.  When there were differences in opinions we heard why those students thought that way.  It was pretty powerful.  This coming week we will continue the conversation of fairness by learning who Martin Luther King Jr was and what he stood for.  As the rest of January continues we will continue our fairness learning in understanding that fairness is equality, but how equality can look different, especially when it comes to people who learn differently or who are differently abled.

Another large part of our class meeting on Friday was the choice to take over the responsibility of planning their own planners.  About 2/3rd of the class were truly interested, so this coming week will be a new lesson in learning how to record lessons from my lesson plan and continuing the independent work they do.  This is a great practical life lesson, especially for the 3rd graders, as they will be going into 4th grade knowing how to take care of a planner and knowing that they need to plan their work from their teacher and for themselves.

We got a chance to do Botany this past week.  Ms. Rachel came in on Wednesday and held her monthly lesson.  On Thursday we had Botany in our leveled groups.  We are back to History this coming week.

1st grade parents: Your 1st grader has so far been introduced to the penny, nickel, and dime coins.  Most are working with adding pennies and nickels.  By the end of 1st grade they should know: pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.  1st grade students should know their name, worth, and know some simple adding with these coins.  Coin counting and conversations at home would be great practice for them.  Also, we using the rest of year in History talking about telling time.  We will go over parts of the clock this week and begin to learn how to tell time to the hour.  They will get to practice their time during work cycle next week.  Use any opportunity to you can find to have your 1st grader practice their time to the hour on an analog clock and digital.  Continue the great sight word, nonsense, and letter work at home.  It is showing. Reading at home for at least 20 minutes in each night shows dramatic improvement in a child’s reading growth.  In our classroom, it is best homework they can do

3rd grade parents: the 3rd graders goal are to work on their multiplication facts.  Please check in with your child often and take a  few minutes of each day practicing flash cards or counting objects in groups (if they need a visual).  Most are where they should be, having completed times tables of 5s and are beyond that.

Upcoming Week:

We have rain in the forecast this coming week.  Keep providing warm attire to wear outside.

Tuesday- specials in the morning

Wednesday- COW in the afternoon and Ms Misha has to leave at 12 noon

Thursday- Ms. Misha has to leave at 10am.

Friday- No School


Have a great upcoming week and rest of your Sunday!

Ms. Kaley

Week 16 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Holidays | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

This past week our class took their mid year DIBELS reading assessment with the reading specialists.  The 3rd graders will do the second part of their assessment after we get back from Winter Break.

In cultural we did Geography this week.  Thursday Ms. Misha wasn’t there and the kids worked on unfinished work in the afternoon while waiting for our fire drill, so we missed out on some cultural time that afternoon.  We will circle back to what we didn’t get back to Geography in January.

Level 1s: The compass and learning directions on a simple map

Level 2s: Earthquakes

Level 3s: 7 weather elements, weather fronts, and kinds of precipitation

Friday we had studio and then in the afternoon we visited the library and then did our class meeting check in with going over what Random Acts of Kindness are and what does that mean.

Upcoming Week:

This coming week will be a lot of fun, but also very busy!

Monday– will be our classroom feast.  If you wish to come help set up the tables and chairs, please come at 11am.  The kids go outside to recess at 11:30 and I’d like all the food and set up to be ready to go by the time they come in and are ready to eat.  Since we will be having a Holiday luncheon, you do not have to send a lunch with your child on Monday.  Please make sure you visit our sign up sheet to bring something for our feast and if you plan on attending.  If you are providing food, please make sure it feeds a crowd.  I will be making chili and will bring some bowls.

Tuesday– we will still have early morning recess and then will do morning cultural before the students go off to specials until lunch time.  In the afternoon the Junior High will be in the gym to share their International Festival projects.  We will visit at some point in the afternoon during their 1-2:30 time frame.

Wednesday– Upper El’s International Festival will begin at 9:00am.  We will spend the morning visiting their projects.  In the afternoon will be our class Christmas party.  The set up can begin at 11:30am.  The festivities will begin after the kids eat lunch.  It is also Box Tops Day on the 20th.

Thursday– in the morning we will get our room ready for Lower El’s International Festival and get all the projects set up.  Ms. Stef’s class will join up with our class to make Christmas cards and paper ornaments.

Friday– No School- Winter Break Begins.

Week 15 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Holidays | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Holiday Feast Approaching- Sign Up 

Our Classroom Feast has been reserved for December 18th beginning at 12:00 noon and going to around 1:30.  If you would like to come help set up, please come at 11:00am.  Here is the sign up to bring food/supplies for our luncheon:

Holiday Feast Luncheon Sign Up

After we are done eating the students will present their research on how other countries from around the world celebrate their December holidays.

Box Tops:  I have been told that The Box Top Store will be Dec. 20th

Construction for New Junior High Building:

As you can see, the construction for the new junior high building is underway!  Since the playground is being torn down, we have figured out how to accommodate recess.  Recess will be held out back where the tether ball and basketball hoops are.  Since it is a smaller space, we arranged to have only 4 classes outside at a time during certain times.  Our classroom will still go outside at 11:30am, except on Tuesdays which is still first thing in the morning.

International Festival:

Remember that International Festival is approaching!  Projects on South America are due by Dec. 21st.  Please visit the Projects tab up at the top for additional project how to details 🙂

EPIC! Online Library

The online library program Epic, can only be used while at school 🙁  Home access can be obtained for a monthly fee of $5.99 right now.  We will add Epic to our repertoire of programs for when students need to do at school research, or would like to read.

Past Week:

Ms. Nikki began her in class co-teaching with us this past week and gave lessons on handwriting, adding/subtracting, and addition/subtraction math games.  Ms. Misha is beginning to take on more lessons as well, so we have a nice schedule going on where many students are being seen for lessons, reviews, check ins, and extra support from the teachers.

We had the COW Wednesday afternoon and we worked on Zoology/Physiology in cultural lessons this past week.

Friday we had our classroom meeting time to discuss kindness.  We did an activity with toothpaste.  I had students break into 4 groups and they all were give some toothpicks.  I squeezed out some toothpaste onto to some paper for them.  The toothpaste represented unkind words that we some times say and how it can be a challenge to take back those words.  For most people, unkind words hurt and some can leave a mark on us.  The students had the task of putting the toothpaste back into the tube of toothpaste using only toothpicks.

Friday we also read a book A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree and the students made a bird seed treat to bring birds to one of your trees at home.

In cultural this past week:

Level 1s: Amphibians learning and lifecycle of a frog

Level 2s: The ear and how we hear

Level 3s: Flat and roundworms (Platyhelminthes and Nematodes)


Upcoming Week:

Nothing too much is going on this week.  Thursday will be a Fire Drill.  Level 2s and 3s will do Geometry in leveled group lessons and Level 1s will do money. Geography will be up for cultural lessons.


Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!

Ms. Kaley


Week 14 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Holidays, Home Projects, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!


I have some dates to edit!  School will go until December 21st.  I marked until the 20th.  The International Festival will begin on December 19th with the Junior High, December 20th will be Upper El, and December 21st will be Lower El’s presentation day.  The RED paper that went home this past week has all the information regarding the International Festival.  If your child misplaced it, please visit the project tab up top and then click on the link to review the information.  Remember that the project is due by Dec. 21st!  Thanks!

Our Holiday Classroom Party will then be December 20th in the afternoon still.  Our room mom, Katie, will email you with any details she might need for the party 🙂

I am also rescheduling our Class Feast date.  I am moving it to Monday December 18th.  It will begin at noon.  We will have a sign up sheet to bring food to share for this event. After our lunch we will have the students share their research on December holiday/Christmas traditions from around the world.  They all chose their topic this past week in class as part of their December writing prompt assignment.  this week they will begin reading the research and learn to write responses based on what they read to share with you on feast day!

A Note from MAPA (MMA’s parent committee):

Maria Montessori Academy Parents Association (MAPA) is very excited to announce that effective December 1, 2017 we will be using Track it Forward to schedule and record volunteer hours.
We feel that using track it forward will help us provide the most positive experience possible when signing up for and recording volunteer hours. This program will allow families to track their hours on their own electronic devices, send out reminders for sign ups and help us become a more centralized Montessori family.
Families are asked to donate 40 volunteer hours a year per family to the school. As a member of MAPA (all parents are automatic members) the MAPA presidency is trying to provide as many opportunities to complete this act of service yearly and Track it Forward will allow families to sign up to volunteer.
In sending your children to a Montessori school you are taking the initiative towards bettering your children and families. MMA’s mission statement is “Education for a better world” and by volunteering you are providing opportunities to help make this a better world.
The reason I volunteer is to provide my children with opportunities they may not get at other schools. “Only a life lived for others is worth living.” — Albert Einstein. By volunteering you are giving of yourself to your children and the children of others. Volunteering does not have to be a big sacrifice of time away from the family or money spent, many teacher at the school offer opportunities to volunteer at home and MAPA has opportunities to volunteer where you can bring your children.
Ways you may be volunteering and not even know.
· Attending a MAPA meeting
· Room mom calls and asks you to cut something out or bring something to the class
· Coming into the school and reading with children
· Bringing in food for an activity
MAPA in cooperation with the MMA is trying to say “thank you” to those that have sacrificed time and volunteered this year by giving those families with 10 service hours completed an “act of service.” The details are still in the works but we want everyone to know that we appreciate and value all of those that have volunteered.
How Track it forward works:
You can sign up in one of two different ways. On the website or email mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.orgwith your family’s last name and the names of your children and we will send you an invite. Once in you can track your family’s hours and sign up for volunteer hours.
Again we appreciate all that our wonderful MMA families do!!!

Past Week:

We welcomed a new student this past week, her name is Stevee and she is a first grader.
Fraction lessons were reviewed this past week and next week will be Geometry for Level 2s and 3s while a fractions follow up lesson will continue with first graders.  Level 1s will begin to learn identifying fractions using pictures.  Level 2s and 3s will do their own independent follow up work on greater than and less than with fractional parts this week as well.
Ms. Rachel came in on Wednesday afternoon and presented her monthly Botany lesson
All students met with me throughout the week in their language groups and chose a December holiday or how they do Christmas in that country.  They will be learning informational writing by reading about their topic and then learning to take that information and write about it in order to present it.
In cultural this past week: History
Level 1s: Past, present, future review, what is a century and decade?, What is a timeline
Level 2s: Universe overview/review and The Sun in the solar system
Level 3s: Working on our timeline booklet.  We got up to the Carboniferous Period
Upcoming Week:
The beginning of our week is going to bring a chill!  Please make sure your child has warm attire to wear outside.  This will be especially true for Tuesday morning’s early recess to accommodate PE and Music in the morning during their regular recess time.
Ms. Misha will not be at school Thursday
Friday will be an early release day!  Please remember to have your child picked up at 1:00pm.
Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!
Ms. Kaley

Week 12 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hi Everyone!

Past Week:

This past week the kids learned about Veterans Day.  Group Geometry lessons also took place.  The school hired an official music teacher so we are back to having our Tuesday schedule.

1st grade parents- I can tell who is working hard at their sight words and working on their reading skills. They are making some great progress!  After Thanksgiving break I am going to do a letter and sound check in to see the progress growth.  This group of 1st graders are really driven and are doing lots of works in the morning.  Continue working with them as they are making great strides!  My 2nd and 3rd graders who are practicing their sight words at home are also making progress and are getting to new sets on their tracking sheet.  I am very proud of all their hard work and dedication!

This past week I gave out a neon green paper with November’s project details.  Please click below if you haven’t seen this paper as the project is due Friday.  It isn’t a long project to conduct, but will need your input since it is a family project.  Friday the students will share in the afternoon.

Nov home project

In Geometry this week:

Level 1s: 2D vs 3D

Level 2s: Kinds of angles and their naming.  Perimeter review

Level 3s: Perimeter review and parts of a triangle

In cultural this week: Geography

Level 1s: Continents and oceans, maps

Level 2s: Faults and folds

Level 3s: Weather elements and what layer of the atmosphere has weather


Upcoming Week:

Tuesday we have PE and music and then in the afternoon we will be teaming up with Ms. Stef’s class to make decorations for the school’s Gratitude Feast on Thursday

Wednesday we have the COW all afternoon

Thursday is the school’s Gratitude Feast (this isn’t a personal class feast.  Ours will be in December)

Friday is studio and November’s project is due


Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!

Ms. Kaley

Week 11 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Grace and Courtesy, Home Projects | No Comments »

Past Week:

1st graders worked on pennies and nickels for a money lesson this week. We also talked about the names of dimes and quarters and how much those coins are worth.  If you are a 1st grade parent that would be a great home check in with any coins around the house or while you are out.  Have them count pennies and nickels right now.  Most 1st graders are on counting pennies, but some can count by 5s with nickels.  2nd graders did graphing with bar graphs.  We looked at word problems and had the 2nd graders identify which graph was the correct one according to the data in the problem.  3rd graders worked on some perimeter practice this past Monday and then we reviewed fractions equivalency during our lesson time together.

This coming week will be Geometry for all levels

Tuesday we had the students check out a potential music teacher.  In the afternoon we had our Halloween party.  Thanks you to all the parents who donated supplies and their time to help support our party.  Our next class party will be a Christmas party.  We also do a Holiday Luncheon in December.  More on that to come

The Chili Cook off got rescheduled this past week to Jan 30th, so it will NOT be this coming Tues.

Wednesday we had the local fire department come and talk to the kids about fire safety.  The students also had the COW and their monthly Botany lesson with Ms. Rachel in the afternoon.  She talked about composers and decomposers

Friday we had studio and then in the afternoon we had a classroom meeting

In cultural this past week: Zoology/Physiology

Level 1s: Fish parts and characteristics

Level 2s: The eye and sight

Level 3s: Jellyfish review

Upcoming Week:

We will do Geometry with all the levels this week.

Friday is an Early Release- 1pm

Now that it is November, we will will begin a new prompt.  Our new prompt is, “How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”  Students will write detailed instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  On Friday the students will switch their instructions with a partner and test out the instructions.  Any instructions that are needed will need to be revised.  Students will then make revisions next week and try out the sandwich instructions again.

Friday we will also go over the November project.  I will be handing out the template to take home then.


Have a great upcoming week and rest of your weekend

Ms. Kaley


Week 10 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Holidays, Home Projects, Peace | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

Thank you for a wonderful field trip this past Thursday!  We had the most chaperones we’ve ever had for the particular field trip.  The kids had a great time!

This past week was Red Ribbon Week, an anti-drug national campaign.  We had a speaker come in Monday and he presented on loving yourself and taking care of yourself and to be a good friend to yourself and others.  Tuesday the kids received a red wristband to wear as a promise to themselves that they will never do drugs.  Wednesday an owl coloring page was distributed for the kids to color and submit for a coloring contest.  Thursday we missed out on due to our field trip, but it was tie a red ribbon to the fence day.  Friday we decorated our door superhero themed.  Our door reads “We’re too SUPER to do Drugs!  Each kid made a superhero for our door.  We didn’t win the door decorating contest, but we sure made an awesome door.

Each level received Geometry lessons this week.

In cultural this week: History

Level 1s: Days of the week/months review, made a calendar for November, Identifying past, present, and future

Level 2s: Constellations all week

Level 3s: Pre-cambrian and Cambrian life and we began writing facts on our timeline booklet

Friday we worked on getting as many projects as we could presented.  We worked on our door decorating contest in the morning and we began presenting at 9:30.  We have a handful more to do throughout out this coming week. If your child brings in their project this week they still can get some credit for doing their project.  The presented projects will hang up in our hallway to have others read.  I’ve already seen older students stop by to look and read their projects when I hung them up Friday afternoon.  The projects, so far, are wonderful!


Upcoming Week:

Tuesday is our Halloween Party!  Here is the sign up for a few more items we need for our party!

Halloween Party Supply Sign Up!

Tuesday morning we will still have early recess, PE, and then our kids are going to check out a potential new music teacher!  Ms. Rene asked if our class could be the demo class so Rene can see her music lessons.  For the Halloween party, it will be in the afternoon.  Lunch is from 12:00-12:30.  If you are coming in to help and set up, please come at 11:30am to set up.  We can eat out in the kiva while set up is happening.  I will try and reserve the kiva space for any other activities.  We can begin our activities at 12:45 when the kids are back from cleaning up their lunch and we will stop around 2:30 to restore the room.

Wednesday we have the COW and Ms. Rachel is coming in for monthly Botany lesson at 1:50.


Looking at November!

Our school does a Chili Cook off every year.  It is coming up on November 7th.  Some classrooms and individual families like to participate.  If any our families would like to participate, the chilis are submitted that evening in a crockpot.  It begins at 5pm.  Our class and Ms. Stef’s class will be cooking that afternoon on our entries.  If any of you would like to help oversee, we could take a few volunteers to help with the food prep!

The school’s gratitude feast is November 16th.

November’s Home Project focuses on family.  Each student will take home a form for you all to complete as a family.  Students’ presentations will be about their families and us celebrating the similarities and differences in each of our families.  DUE NOV. 17th.


Take care!  Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week

Ms. Kaley

Week 9 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Field Trips, Home Projects, Shared School | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

Past Week:

Thank you for a great Fall Parent Teacher Conference!  Our early outs were busy getting in as many lessons as we could before Fall Break began.  We were able to get everyone’s Fraction lessons, math facts, and everyone’s language group in.

I checked in on our October writing prompt: Tell me a time you were scared.  1st and 2nd graders are writing and 3rd graders are typing on Utah Compose.  Utah Compose can we worked on at home as well.

1st graders got an introduction to numerators in a fraction, 2nd graders identified the fraction through a word problem, and 3rd graders began identifying fraction segments on a number line

We got our one day of Botany in on Tuesday morning.

Level 1s: Plants through the seasons.  They drew a tree going through it’s transitions through the 4 seasons.

Level 2s:  Simple and Compound leaves.  A simple leaf is a a single leaf and a compound leaves are multiple leaflets

Level 3s:  Solitary and Inflorescence flowers.  A solitary flower is one flower that grows and inflorescence are when multiple flowers are grown off one stem

Upcoming Week:

This upcoming week is Red Ribbon Week.  It a national recognition educating students on how to say no to drugs and be a healthy you.

Monday morning we will have a speaker.  Lower El’s time will be 9am-9:40am.

Tuesday: We will go over 2 more peacemakers when the students come back from PE.  We will go over, briefly, on Gandhi and the Dalai Lama.

Thursday: Back Island Farms field trip!  Please remember to meet at Black Island Farms at 9:30am.  The chaperone cost is 4 dollars.  All our students are covered.  Please make sure your child is dressed for being outside.  They can wear jeans and non collared shirts on this field trip.  They should have comfortable shoes, a back pack, water bottle, lunch, and sweater/jacket.  For those needing to return to MMA, we will be leaving at 2pm.  If you have your own child with you and you are not needing to drop another student back at MMA, you don’t have to return to the school.

Friday- No studio this day.  We will share the October peacemaker projects.  Throughout the morning and afternoon we will decorate our door for Red Ribbon Week.

Classroom reminder:  Ms. Misha and I have seen multiple students with holes at the knees in their pants.  If a child has hole on their pants, they cannot wear those pants to school.  Please check your child’s pants and if they can be repaired with a patch or sewn, then they can wear them back to MMA.  If not, please do not let them wear them to school.  Also, a lot of students need a water bottle.  This reduces our students needing to leave the classroom and to have their water needs nearby.  We keep our water bottles in our kitchen and we only have a few of them there.  Please make sure your child is using a refillable water bottle.  Thank you!

Class update: we will be getting 2 new 1st graders!  We are expecting one of them to begin Monday and the other Nov. 6th.  This will put us at 30 students.  We moved our large table outside our our room on Wednesday afternoon and rearranged some desks and shelves around to help accommodate more floor space, but also the need that some students either want or need a more personal space.  We will also be able to spread out into the kiva a bit more with our table outside our room.  This will help when it’s math facts time for a group, or when we need to cultural lessons.  Ms. Nikki and her assistants can also have the space to work at when she’s servicing students.

Thanks everyone!  Have a great rest of your weekend and upcoming week!  Looking forward to seeing some of you at our field trip.

Ms. Kaley

Week 8 Recap

Posted in Classroom, Conferences, Home Projects | No Comments »

Hello Everyone!

A reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences begin Monday afternoon.  Monday-Wednesday are early outs at 1pm.  Please make sure you have signed up as well.  Students do not have to come to ours for this conference round, but if they come with you they can sit out in the kiva or choose to join us.

I have printed out Nonsense words and Letter names/sounds fluency practice, as well as sight words up to 3rd grade and multiplication practice to give out at conferences.  You will receive a packet to take home if your child needs to work on these items at home.  Even a few minutes a day working on reading and math skills can make a drastic difference in your child’s learning.

Past Week:

Wednesday we tried out having the laptops all afternoon.  I checked in with 3rd graders on Utah Compose and then everyone worked on Prodigy Math.  The students are really enjoying the game!  There are parts in the game where your child will come across an item to buy.  This isn’t necessary at all and doesn’t effect the assignment I give them that they are accomplishing.  Your child should just X out and continue in the game.  A few minutes a day on the game helps and allows me to see if anyone needs any extra support.

Thursday we had the Utah Rotary Club come and give the 3rd graders their dictionaries.  We also had our Fall Trash Pick Up community field trip.  Thank you thank you for those parents who came to chaperone.  The kids really had a good time!  Our kids were still even looking for trash on the playground after we had gotten back to the school.

Friday we went over tattling vs an needed comment to the teacher.  We also learned about Mother Teresa.  Some students mentioned who their peacemaker is going to be.  Peacemaker projects are due Oct. 27th.  We don’t have studio that day, so we will share projects that morning.

In cultural this week we did Geography:

Level 1s: Continents and zones of the Earth

Level 2s: Tectonic plates

Level 3s: Earth’s Atmosphere

Geometry was the focused leveled math lesson this week.

Level 1s: Types of shapes (circle, triangles, quadrilaterals, curvilinear shapes)

Level 2s: Introduction to angles: their parts and acute, obtuse, right, and straight angle

Level 3s: Angles in triangles

Upcoming Week:

We will focus on work cycle in the mornings.  As far as I know, we still have PE Tuesday morning. We still don’t have a music yet.  Therefore, on the progress report, you will not see music filled out.  If other areas are blank on your child’s progress report then we have not gotten to it yet.

Our progress report is on a 1-4 grading scale.  4s are absolute mastery.  The child not only knows the content, but applies it on other areas of learning, can explain it, teach it, and have gone beyond the expectations.  Most students are in the 1-2 range for this time of year.  Please don’t read our scale as 1s=poor,  2s=satisfactory, 3s=good, and 4s=exceptional.  The way to view the scale is based on how much you child can do/remember the work by themselves and show the learning through independence.  Our scale is on the report and if you have any questions, please ask at our conference time.

We will get one day of Botany (Tuesday morning) to get our cultural in.  Fractions will also be the math subject of the week for each grade level.

There is no school Thursday and Friday.

Friday Oct. 27th is also our annual Fall Festival!  Here is a note from MAPA:

Join us for our Annual Fall Festival Friday, October 27th from 4-7pm. Watch for volunteer sign ups after the upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. This is another great way to get those hours in :).
Don’t wait in line at Fall Festival!! Purchase tickets before the event and walk right in. We will be pre-selling Fall Festival tickets and wristbands at a discounted price on Monday, October 16th from 1-7pm at Parent Teacher Conferences in the school lobby. If you miss us that day, we will also host a drive-through ticket pre-sale on Monday October 23rd from 3-4pm. Drive through the East end of North Shore parking lot, pull up in your car and purchase your tickets!
Price Details
  • Wristbands – allow access to bounce houses, dunk tank, and climbing wall – provided by Custom Events
  • Tickets – allow access to all other events and goodies, including haunted house, root bier garden, cotton candy and more
Pre-Sale Individual Prices:
1 wristband for $7
4 tickets for $1
Pre-Sale Bundle Prices:
1 wristband and 16 tickets for $10
24 tickets for $5
Prices at the Door: 
1 wristband for $8
4 tickets for $1
Hope to see you all there!

Take care!  Have a great rest of your weekend and I’ll see you this week!

Ms. Kaley