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Week 3- Work Cycle has Begun!

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Hello everyone!  Hope you are having a good weekend.  Ms. Anna and I are both under the weather with the infamous “back to school cold.”  Something is going around our school, so please help us by reminding your child to wash their hands often and use tissues.

Before I dive into our week I need some volunteers to come into school.  I have been staying at school to build language binders, but some sections need lined paper put in them, however, I need some extra hands to finish the language binders. The student’s math binders need to be built as well.  Their math binder needs binder dividers and lined paper.  If anyone can help out I would greatly appreciate it.  I will have to check with the office to see if they will let parents in their workroom to make copies for the language binder.  Let me know what time and day you would like to help.

Believe it or not we NEED more binder dividers.  If anyone would like to help me out in this area I have pegged it to be about 2 more packs PER student.  This will cover everyone.

I am leaving for a weekend trip back to Maryland on Friday the 13th.  I will be there in the morning to teach the first week of Lower Elementary Studio, but will need to leave at noon.  Ms. Anna will take over the afternoon.

This week we started work cycle!  All new students are placed and are learning new lessons.  First graders have gotten a new lesson every day this past week.  They will see new lessons in small math, reading (rainbow reading), and spelling this week.

For all students I want to stress the importance of reading.  Every student in our class should be reading 20 minutes every night.  

For those students who are new or need more practice in reading, our wonderful curriculum specialist met with us this week and will be giving each of those students a baggie with a book in it.  This book is to be read EVERY night and it will be changed out every week.  To also help with reading, we will be doing reading groups. Some students will be grouped with other students in other Lower Elementary classes.  Their group may also be overseen by another teacher, so it will give your child an opportunity to meet other children and get to know other teachers.

This week in group lessons (leveled lessons):

Level 1s: sight words, big book reading, geometric solids and the triangle drawer (Geometry), Fraction family labeling (Fraction insets A i.e.: “This is the whole family, “This is the halves family…”), golden beads addition (large math)

Level 2s: Intersecting and perpendicular line review (Geometry), introduction to addition fraction cards (Fractions)

Level 3s: Formation of plane figures and two-dimensional shapes (Geometry), introduction to fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division cards (Fractions)

We started Spanish this week!

In Cultural this week:

History- No School Labor Day


Level 1s: Vertebrates and invertebrates

Level 2s: Male and female (Physiology)

Level 3s: Introduction to Poriferan (sponges)


Level 1s: Introduction to the globe

Level 2s: Parts of the Earth with clay

Level 3s: The Sun: its features and energy


Level 1s: Lifecycle of plants sequencing

Level 2s: Parts of a leaf overview

Level 3s: Parts of a flower overview

Friday: Acrostic name poems, Introduction to Oceania, What is a hypothesis? with magnetism experiments


Have a good rest of our weekend


Ms. K