Items being brought to school/Playground Behavior

Posted on Monday, November 24th, 2014 at 10:25 pm

This past Friday, we sat down for our class meeting.  We discussed things being brought to school and playground behavior.

It has been noticed that some students are choosing to bring items to class from home.  The students then share those items and say to students they can have them, but then ask for the item back and the other student or students get mad because it was given to them.  We’ve had issues such as Pokemon cards, tiny magnets, gemstones, erasers etc.  They are causing disruptions and upsets in the classroom.  We talked about it as a class, but please help me enforce this at your home.  Thank you!

At recess, our class likes to play a game called tag/tackle.  Since we are a multiage classroom, some students are older and bigger and when the younger or smaller students are playing, they are getting hurt from the roughness that is occurring.  We discussed as a class that the game of tag/tackle is to no longer be played at recess.  Students are getting hurt physically and emotionally.  The students and I thought taking a break would be beneficial and that later in the year, we would revisit the game and come up with posted rules that would need to be abided by.  Until then, it is no longer a game that can be played.

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