7 Oral Reading Tips for Parents

It is essential for children to continue to read frequently as they get older and be exposed to a variety of genres to maintain reading proficiency. Here are seven tips for parents to make reading at home more impactful.


  1. Have your child read aloud to you each night through elementary school.

While not necessary, having a specific time establishes a consistent routine.


  1. Make a reading nook in your home that your child will associate with book reading.

It should be a well-lit area that is free from distractions and comfortable for you both. It can be as simple as bean bags on the floor, a certain place on the couch, or at the kitchen table.


  1. As your child reads, point out significant patterns in spelling and sounds.

For instance, the plural of mouse is mice, “ph” makes an “f” sound, and the “w” sound is silent when in front of an “r.”

  1. When your child skips or mispronounces a word and keeps reading, point to the word, say it, and have your child repeat it.

When your child stops to self-correct how a word is pronounced and gets it right, praise her. Re-read the whole sentence to ensure comprehension.

  1. While reading, pause to ask your child questions about the characters and events in the story.

Sometimes kids are reading, but not fully understanding because they are focused on the mechanics. Before getting to the end of the story, ask your child what she thinks will happen next. Ask her to support her answer with a reason.

  1. After finishing the story or the chapter, ask your child to tell you in her words what happened.

Ask follow up questions if important pieces are missing in the summary. Use the illustrations to ask him to describe what happened.

  1. Ask questions that will help your child to make inferences.

You can ask why a character acted in a certain way, how a character is feeling, and how two characters are similar or different. Your child should answer in his own words, but can look through the story for reference.

January Home Project

I hope you all had a wonderful winter break. The home project for January is a personal interest based project. It still has the same requirements: some sort of visual aide, written information from researched subject, and ready to present to the class. They are able to choose anything their heart desires. I am open to any subject researched as long as they have researched the information to learn from it and be ready to teach the class what they have learned. They can have personal opinion in their writing, but they will need factual information as well. I had a discussion with the students, so they should be aware of what is appropriate and not appropriate. Due to the allergy issue in our school (our classroom has a highly allergic student), we are not able to have pets as a visual aide. But, you are welcome to make a video of you pet to show as the visual aide. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the project.

Winter Break


Winter Break will be December 22 to January 2. School will resume on Wednesday, January 3rd. I want to thank you all for your dedication and love that you show your children. I am so proud of them for all their hard work and the beautiful community we are building together. I have the best students ever!

I wish you a very wonderful holiday!


Ms. Holy & Ms. Sara

International Festival

The International Festival will be held Tuesday- Thursday next week. The junior high will present Tuesday from 1-2:30 pm and upper el. will present Wednesday from 9-11 am. On Thursday, December 21st the lower el. will present from 1-2:30 pm. Come join us in celebrating the students hard work on their home projects. Our classroom is presenting on Europe. Each child chose a country to exhibit. Your child needs to show what country they are doing by stating the countries name; then they can focus on the flag, animals, historical subjects, plants, etc. They can present on a poster board (if that is the choice, a trifold is preferred, but not mandatory) or they can get creative and make a diorama, mobile, modeling clay, and/or any 3 dimensional ideas. They need a written part to show what they have learned and to be able to present. This can be glued to the project or loose paper.

The projects are due on Monday the 18th. If you need extended time to finish and make a beautiful presentation, please let me know.

Have a wonderful weekend!

December Home Project/ International Fesitival

Dear Parents,

The Annual International Festival is approaching. This is the time of year when each student has the opportunity to present a country from the continent we are studying. This semester we have been learning about Europe. This is their December home project. They need to have their project done and at the school by Monday, December 18th.  The International Festival will be December 19th-21st.

The International Festival is a way to explore other cultures from around the world.    Each student will research and explore their chosen country and find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school. Students will need to have a display of their country.  This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their country.  If you are using a poster board, I would recommend tri-fold board to help prop it up. During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates. Parents are invited to come and enjoy the festivities. I will get back to you with details on times and the day lower el. will present. Each student is expected to participate in the festival.  All of the children have a specific country to present in Europe.   I will provide the list below so you know which country your child needs to research.

Here is a link to help with country reports:


Russia: Morgan, Calvin

Germany: Jude, Breanna

United Kingdom: Alya, Micah

France: Elijah, Avery

Italy: Eva, Emma

Spain: Ethan, Porter

Ukraine: Landon

Poland: Ryley

Romania: Tenlie

Netherlands: Dallas

Belgium: Jonathan

Greece: Carson

Czech Republic: Cannon

Portugal: Ashland

Sweden: Eden, Iyla

Hungary: Sianne

Austria: Emily

Switzerland: Gabi

Ireland: Teyla

Iceland: Kyrah

Slovenia: Alex

Finland: Aislin

Norway: Jaxon

Help Keep Parents in the Know


Here are some helpful hints:




Join us for our MAPA meetings, the 1st Friday of every month at 8:45 am


*Here are the links to the school wide blogs and other social media:


MAPA Blog:



School Blog:



Jr. High Blog:



MMA’s Facebook page:



MMA’s Twitter




*Make sure your subscribing to all the blogs, your child’s teachers and the school blogs.  You can also do this by going to http://www.mariamontessoriacademy.org then you can click on the link at the top that says staff & faculty for teacher blogs, where it says schedules & news for the school blog and the Jr. High tab for the Jr. High blogJ


Pizza Party

Our class won a pizza party for best decorated door during Red Ribbon Week. We will be celebrating this Wednesday the 8th at noon. They will only get one piece of pizza, so you may want to pack a little something to go with their slice of pizza.

November Home Project


Your child’s November home project is on a family tree, with or without pictures, that goes back to their great grandparents. Your child will choose a family member, dead or alive, to present a small biography on them. These are fun reports because it helps us get to know your child and their family heritage.

If your child did not get their creative writing done for the October home project, please let me know if you would like your child to finish this in class as one of their works during work cycle.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Ms. Holly


Original Works


I sent home a folder with your child’s art on it. Their art work can be printed on the items in the folder. They can be given as gifts or something you would like to have with your child’s art on it. All orders must be placed no later than November 13th. All the proceeds from the art will be donated to our classroom.

Let me know if you have questions.

Ms. Holly