December Home Project/ International Fesitival

Dear Parents,

The Annual International Festival is approaching. This is the time of year when each student has the opportunity to present a country from the continent we are studying. This semester we have been learning about Europe. This is their December home project. They need to have their project done and at the school by Monday, December 18th.  The International Festival will be December 19th-21st.

The International Festival is a way to explore other cultures from around the world.    Each student will research and explore their chosen country and find a creative way to share what they have learned with the whole school. Students will need to have a display of their country.  This can include pictures, artifacts, clothing, music, and food from their country.  If you are using a poster board, I would recommend tri-fold board to help prop it up. During the festival students will have the opportunity to visit each classroom and experience all of the continents and countries throughout the world as they view the presentations prepared by their schoolmates. Parents are invited to come and enjoy the festivities. I will get back to you with details on times and the day lower el. will present. Each student is expected to participate in the festival.  All of the children have a specific country to present in Europe.   I will provide the list below so you know which country your child needs to research.

Here is a link to help with country reports:

Russia: Morgan, Calvin

Germany: Jude, Breanna

United Kingdom: Alya, Micah

France: Elijah, Avery

Italy: Eva, Emma

Spain: Ethan, Porter

Ukraine: Landon

Poland: Ryley

Romania: Tenlie

Netherlands: Dallas

Belgium: Jonathan

Greece: Carson

Czech Republic: Cannon

Portugal: Ashland

Sweden: Eden, Iyla

Hungary: Sianne

Austria: Emily

Switzerland: Gabi

Ireland: Teyla

Iceland: Kyrah

Slovenia: Alex

Finland: Aislin

Norway: Jaxon

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