Parent Teacher Conference

Good Afternoon! I hope you all are enjoying this sunny winter weekend.

Follow this WeJoinIn link to sign up for the latest round of parent teacher conferences. These conferences are child led which means your kids get to show you what they have been working on since the last time we met.  Because the conference is child led, there will be two sign ups available at each time slot.  Hopefully this will enable you to get your preferred time.


Happy New Year

I hope you all had a relaxing holiday season with your family. I know I did.

Here we are back at school, it’s 2014, and there is so much work to do. We started out the new year talking about goals and resolutions, both academic and personal. The children started compiling their portfolios for the upcoming parent teacher conference. Each child is working on writing goals for each of our major content area with a specific, measurable method for attaining these goals. In addition to goal writing, some children began working on a resolution mobile that we will hang in our classroom.

We chose specific countries to accompany the continent study the students have been working on. This assignment was given the beginning of November, and while the students have been given some time in class to work on them, these are long term at-home projects and are due January 30.

At the end of this month, level 5, students will be attending JA Biztown in SLC Monday, January 27. Each student will apply for a job within one of our two class businesses. They will experience a real job interview, learn how to write checks and balance a checkbook. In addition, they will become registered voters and vote for mayor, treasurer and United Way Director. In order to make this happen for our class, we need at least two parent volunteers who can spend the entire day with us in SLC. We will also need parent drivers (with background checks), to drive our students and pick them up. If you are interested in volunteering as a chaperone, driver or both, please email me as soon as possible. There will be a small fee for this field trip.

Have a wonderful weekend!


A Big, Fat Thank You!

As we head into the new year, I want to give a big fat thank you to Ms. Lacey, our room mom, for volunteering her time with the students.  She has been such a blessing.

Also, a big thank you to the other parents who have offered their time to make our class strong.

From both Ms. Kari and myself, thank you for all the kind gifts you and your children bestowed upon us. They were all so thoughtful and sweet.

Finally, have a wonderfully relaxing, and peaceful holiday season with your family and loved ones. We will see you all next year.



This entry was posted on December 20, 2013, in General.

Holiday Fever

Last night the spaghetti dinner talent show was a great success. Thanks to all of you who helped make it happen.

Next week we will continue with our regular morning work cycle, Monday through Wednesday, with a slightly modified afternoon routine. Thursday morning is our pancake breakfast. The children wrote persuasive essays regarding “free time” Thursday afternoon. A couple of them were quite convincing, several suggested making a goal in order to have free time, and one even opposed free time. I love seeing their individual personalities come out in their writing.

At 10:30, Friday, we will be performing at our annual holiday program. Please have your children wear clothing that would be appropriate for performing in front of a crowd.

As always, thank you for supporting our efforts in the classroom. Keep practicing those math facts at home, and if you haven’t started, please do. I cannot stress how important it is that your children can quickly recall their multiplication facts.


Utah Write – Level 4 and Level 5

A new assignment for Utah Write has been added to the website.  Please continue to have your student log on at home, nightly, and practice their writing.   We also have class time to work with the website.

I have printed the last submission your students made for the previous writing assignment and will be reviewing them with your child in the coming week.

Thank you for your patience while I work out all the bugs for our class.