Graduation Photos

If you want to keep the graduation pictures your 6th grader brought home yesterday, please return an envelope with payment.  If you do not want them, you must return the pictures to the office no later than Friday, May 12.  Lifetime will pick up the returned pictures, and the orders with payment at the same time.

Thank you.

This entry was posted on May 9, 2017, in General.

May 2017 Parent Teacher Conference

Can you believe it is already almost the end of the school year?  Neither can I!

Come see what your child has accomplished during this last trimester of school and learn how you can help your child stay up to date, and prevent the summer slide, at our May parent child conferences.

Your child will present their portfolio to you at this time, please be sure they are present during this time. There are individual and group times available.  If you sign up for a group time, it is an open house format.

Please sign up for a 20 minute conference spot May 22-24 at the following link.


Expert Project Presentations – 6th Level and Rising 6th Level

A reminder that your child’s Expert Project Presentation is tomorrow, Wednesday, April 26 at 6 pm.  We will be meeting in the library.  Please invite friends and family for this evening of presentations from our class.

Students need to arrive at 5:30 in order to get settled prior to presenting.

If you are the parent of a 5th level student and would like to attend the presentations with your child in order to get a preview of the project for next year, please join us at 6 pm.

See you all tomorrow.

Planetarium Field Trip – Sixth Grade Only

If your sixth grade child is going on the field trip tomorrow, they need to be dropped off at the Ogden Front Runner station no later than 7:15 tomorrow (Wednesday, March 29) morning.  They need to be picked up at the Ogden Front Runner station at 3:00pm.  Please pick up students from the field trip before picking up others at MMA.

Your child should bring:

  • a lunch that does not require heating
  • a coat or other weather appropriate clothing, we will be walking outside
  • if desired, cards or other quiet activity for the train ride

Your child should not bring:

  • electronics, including phones (not even for pictures)
  • candy or other foods that do not adhere to MMA’s health and wellness policy

I look forward to our trip tomorrow!

This entry was posted on March 28, 2017, in Fieldtrip.

Week 32 – SAGE Testing Schedule

Week 32!  What?  I have no idea where the time goes.  This year has absolutely flown by, faster than any of the last three years I have been in the classroom.  Even the students have commented they can’t believe the year is nearly over.   We have just ten short weeks left with so much learning in store.

SAGE Testing Schedule

Our annual summative testing begins after spring break.  With that in mind, it is important that your child rests well, eats healthy meals and comes to school on time in order to do his/her best.  These things are important for your child every day, but are particularly important during testing in order to eliminate anxiety that can come with taking an exam.  We have regular conversations in the classroom that this assessment is simply an opportunity for students to show what they know, and to demonstrate what they have been working so hard on all year.

Although SAGE is only one measure of your child’s progress, it is important to enter into the test with an attitude of working hard and doing their best.  (When would we ever encourage a child not to do their best?)  Students often reflect what has been discussed at home, if you model a positive attitude toward the test, your child is likely to do better when test time arrives.

  • Wednesday, April 12 – Writing
  • Monday, April 17 – Language
  • Tuesday, May 9 – Math
  • Monday, May 15 – Science

If you have any questions about testing, please let me know.