
Class Gala Basket

Help our class put together an amazing basket to be auctioned at next weekend’s Gala.   The Gala has become an essential part of MMA’s fundraising efforts.  All proceeds from the Gala directly support your child’s education!

Your children came up with a lot of great themes for baskets, from Star Wars to Nature Lover, but the winning basket was a Read-a-thon themed basket.

You can sign up to donate items at this link.   If you have something that is not on the list that you feel would be a great addition to our basket, please don’t hesitate to send it to school with your child.

All donations must be received by Thursday, March 17.

February 22 – Updates

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful Spring-like weather this weekend.  It was gorgeous.

A few updates from Room 24.

  • Field Trip Tomorrow – February 23
      • Drop student off at the Ogden Frontrunner Station no later than 7:45 am
      • Pick up student at the Ogden Frontrunner Station at 3:00pm. Please pick up your child prior to picking up other children at MMA. 
      • Student should bring: sack lunch, quiet game or book to pass the time on the train, jacket
      • Student should not bring: electronics or toys

      If you anticipate your child will not be attending, please notify me by email no later than 7am, Tuesday, February 23

  • Class Pictures – Thursday, February 25
    • Avoid white
    • Bold colors are the best
    • Dress code required
  • IXL homework to be replaced with Utah Compose and other language centered practice
    • I will not be assigning IXL homework for the next several weeks in order to give students time to practice Utah Compose and other language work at home.  If your child would like to practice IXL on their own, that is wonderful!  In fact, I encourage it; however, there will be no formal assignments until mid-March
  • Testing Schedule – 
    • SAGE Language – Monday, March 28
    • SAGE Writing – Monday, April 11
    • SAGE Math – Monday, May 9
    • SAGE Science – Monday, May 16

January 23 Updates

Important Reminders for the weeks upcoming:

  • See’s Candy order form and money due Monday, January 25, 2016 – Please make sure your child’s name and my name are on the forms and envelope and they are filled out completely.
  • JA Biztown (5th grade and some 6th grade) Thursday, January 28, 2016 – Separate email will be sent with details about chaperones and departure times.
  • Class Novel study groups begin Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 11:00am – We are in need of two more volunteers to help our class with their novel studies.  If you or a family member (grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin) are available to help during this time, please contact me via email.
  • Class photos Thursday, February 4, 2016 – Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for our class photos on this day.
  • Child led Parent Conferences Tuesday, Feb 9-Thursday Feb 11, 2016 – Please sign up for your conference at the link on the left side-bar.  Children will be presenting this round of conferences.

Winter Break Refresh

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for the kind gifts you showered on both Ms. Kari and me.  We appreciate all of your thoughtfulness.

Thank you for the time you have volunteered this year whether it has been to chaperon a field trip, arrange rides, or help us cook pancakes,  you are all appreciated!

I will be taking this winter break to spend much needed time with my family, rejuvenate and reflect.  I hope you all do the same, and in the hustle of the holiday season…breathe.

Happy Holidays!

See you next year!

Annual Chili Cook Off

Hey Folks!  MMA’s annual Chili Cook Off is upon us.  Come join the fun Thursday, November 13 from 6:00-7:30.

Annual Chili Cook-Off

Bring your favorite pot of Chili and enter to win a fabulous prize, or simple come have dinner with friends and family all while supporting our 6th grade field trip.   You can sign up to bring a pot of chili at this link.

This is a perfect opportunity for your 6th grade student, or parents, to complete volunteer hours.