
Valentine Exchange Activity

Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year right in the middle of a 4 day weekend.  Because of this fact, our class will have a small Valentine’s exchange activity on Thursday, February 11.

This year, like last, we will incorporate math with our exchange.  Attached you will find the Valentine project directions (to be made at home), grid paper to create box, and the rubric the students will use to rate their project during class.

Guide lines for participation:

  • Participation is not mandatory, but if your child chooses to participate, they must bring a Valentine for everyone in the class.
  • If your child wants to participate in the exchange, they must follow the guidelines for the Valentine’s Box construction.
  • No candy.
  • Have fun!
  • Class list has been emailed to you.

Reminder: Early out 1:00 pm Tuesday-Thursday, February 9-11.  Please make arrangements to pick up your child at this time each day.  Book fair during PTC

International Festival and Quick Reminders

Just a quick reminder that the International Festival is on Wednesday, December 16 from 9am-11am.  Your children should bring their projects in tomorrow to give them an opportunity to practice their presentation with their peers before presenting to the rest of the school.

A quick reminder: Though I know Star Wars Fever is abundant, please remember no characters or logos on your children’s clothing.  This policy minimizes distractions for all of our students.

Science Fair

We had a great discussion about science fair today during class.

For our 4th grade students, science fair is an opportunity to experience the scientific process (perhaps for the first time for some) and what it is like to present findings to others.  5th grade students are using their experience from 4th grade and building on that from a simple “experiment” to a more complicated design process.  Our 6th grade students are using everything they learned from 4th and 5th grade to design, test, redesign, retest and put it all together into a presentation and research paper worthy of middle school standards.

Your students will be bringing home a “Background Research Plan Worksheet” to help them with their research.  This worksheet is designed to help your children design a plan for gathering the background information needed to complete a successful science fair project.  This plan is due November 11 (next Wednesday).   If your student still has not decided on a topic and a question they plan to investigate, this is due at the same time as the research plan.

A really great resource for helping your child with their project is Science Buddies.

I have adjusted our classroom’s science fair time line slightly.  Upcoming Science Fair Project due dates are as follows:

Research Plan: November 11

Hypothesis and Variables: November 30

Materials and Procedures: December 18

Data and Graphs: January 29

Research Paper (6th Grade Only): February 12

Final Report (4th and 5th Grade Only): February 16

Display Board: February 17-18


We will discuss each of these items in class as the time approaches.

October 26 Update – International Festival, Original Works and Cooking Studio

Good Evening!

Tomorrow our class will begin discussing country reports in order to get ready for the International Festival in December.  This home based project has been a favorite of the students and faculty since MMA opened in August 2010.  During this time, we have learned a lot and continually make changes in the hopes that this festival will continue to improve year after year.

In order to avoid 50 Germany or 15 Australia reports we have divided the country options up equally among each upper elementary class.  I will do my best to allow students the continent of their choosing, however the country they desire may not be available.  In this case, we will simply draw straws in order to avoid hurt feelings.  The reason for this method is to highlight the many countries that are overlooked each year for the more “popular” countries.   Rubrics and expectations for these reports will be going home on Friday, October 30.

If you have a student Cooking Studio, Ms. Kirsten has made a sign up sheet for the supplies needed in order to make your student’s cooking experience the best it can be.

We’re using VolunteerSpot (the leading online Sign-up and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming Sign-ups for the Cooking Studio Friday class.

Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.

Lastly, if your child has a piece of artwork they would like to submit to Original Works, the deadline has been extended until 9:00am tomorrow, Tuesday, October 27.

What is Original Works? For 26 years, this company has been coordinating with schools to turn children’s art into keepsakes. You can choose from one or more of the following: key chains, magnets, mirrors, coasters, notebooks, tiles, mugs, tote bags, water bottles, cell phone covers, night lights, T-shirts, quilt block, mouse pads, note cards, pillowcases, journals, pot holders, matted prints, and decorative flags.

Who benefits from this fundraiser? When you order, the profit goes directly to your child’s classroom!

What should I do if my child completed more than one piece of art? Each piece of art needs its own order form. If you want to order multiple pieces of art, please get additional order forms from Rachael Bush.

What should my child do with their completed packets? Return the art, order form, and check payable to MMA to the school. There will be a table at the entrance ready for your orders.  PLEASE do NOT give money and order forms to teachers.

We ONLY accept checks! Please make them out to MMA and include them with your completed order form.

When are order forms due? By October 27th. Look for the Original Works table in the school’s entrance!

When will orders arrive? Original Works art keepsake(s) will be sent home on December 2nd.

What if my child didn’t finish their art at school? Your child can complete, add to, or even replace their art at home. Use 8½ x 11″ plain paper and color or paint. Please no glitter, pipe cleaners, googley eyes, or anything else that makes the art 3-D.

What if parents don’t want to order? You keep your child’s art!

If you have additional questions, please contact

2nd Trimester Review and Fall Festival Update

Thanks to everyone who made it to parent teacher conference!  I hope you have been able to decompress a little and unwind with your kids (even those of you who still had to work) during fall break.  I know I needed the rest, yet I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks of school!

Work Expectations

Each day your children are responsible for planning their work, and have done a great job so far.  Tomorrow I will be introducing a new step in planning the day.  This will include an expectations sheet with specific work required each week.  It will be up to your kiddos to plan and complete the work required.   This expectations sheet will likely undergo a few tweaks over the next couple of weeks as we work out the bugs together, but the format and use of the sheet will remain consistent.

Ask your children about it tomorrow after school, your interest will encourage them to utilize this tool to help them plan work that is appropriate for their ability level.  It will even serve to push those who need just a little nudge.

I am so excited to have received new measurement materials for our classroom!  They are cut and ready to be used!   Your children have taken to measurement like ducks to water.  They love weighing, measuring, filling and all things associated with measurement.   Last week we had a “walk off” to test which was further, a kilometer or a mile.  Ask your child which is further.

Book Reports

I have had several of you ask about book reports this year.  My focus so far this year has been on reading non-fiction in the classroom, and because your students are so engaged with their Scholastic magazines, I have not assigned any book reports (that isn’t the only reason).  I really want the reading they do during silent reading, and at home for pleasure, to be just that – pleasurable.  My experience last year with book reports were both positive and negative.

The experience was positive when the students were really excited about the particular book and type of book report that was associated with the book at the time (you have some really creative kids), but negative when the students could not find a book that excited them or when they had a great book, but didn’t like the style of book report.  It is partly because I’m wrangling with just the right way to go about it that I am delaying book reports.   In addition, we have international festival in December (don’t worry, assignments have not gone out for this yet) and Science Fair immediately following in January.  I do not want your children to be overwhelmed with home projects, particularly when the about of research they will be doing at home is going to be increasing very soon.

Fall Festival


And finally, the Fall Festival is this week! Mark your calendars for Friday October 23 from 4-7pm. We are in need of 12 volunteers, between mine and Ms. Holly’s class, to help run the Goodie Walk game and the Batman Obstacle. The volunteer slots are for one hour increments. We need 2 volunteers at the Goodie Walk per hour and 2 volunteers at the Batman Obstacle per hour. Please click  to sign up for a one hour slot. Remember this goes towards your 40 hours of volunteer time the school requires.

Thanks again for all you do to support your kids and our school community!