
Ogden Nature Center Field Trip

Just a reminder that our field trip to the ONC is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10.  You will be meeting at the center by 9am (preferably ten minutes early) and picking your children up at 2:30.

If you have made carpool arrangements with others in the class, please touch base with them today in order to clarify plans.

Because the weather will be chilly in the morning, please make sure your children are appropriately dressed with a jacket and pants.  Please pack a lunch for your child that does not require heating.  There will be no microwaves in which to warm their food.

Thank you for supporting our field trip!


5th Annual Gala

Good Evening!

Our 5th annual gala is fast approaching and we need your support.   This fundraiser is crucial to funding technology advancements, field trips and supplies for your children. Please show MAPA how much you appreciate all they do throughout the year by purchasing a ticket (or 2, or 3….) for this annual event.  You won’t be sorry you did.

Gala tickets are now on sale to purchase online!  This fun, adult only evening includes dinner, entertainment, raffle, silent auction and live auction, and is anticipated each year. 100 percent of proceeds go to the school to support your child’s experience.

The Gala will be held Saturday, March 21st at The Hub in Riverdale. Click on the link below to purchase your tickets.

Hope to see you there!


IXL login Reminder

Just a few reminders regarding IXL.   In the event that you don’t have the current link for IXL bookmarked, here it is again.

If you are using the IXL app, your child will need to enter their entire username. Username is firstinitiallastname@mariamontessori

Please let me know if you are having logon problems.


This entry was posted on February 24, 2015, in General.

February 23 – Updates

Good Morning!

I can hardly believe we are through the month of February already.   Science fair is over, and we are heading into the month of March with a  new book report coming up.   The book report genre for March is mystery, adventure or science fiction and the report type is student choice.  I would love to see the creativity they put into their last choice reports shine through again this time around.  Book reports are due March 27.

6th level students have a state study that is due this Friday, February 27.  They have had some time in class to work on this project, but will need to finish up at home.  The criteria for the state study was handed out at the end of January.  If you have not heard about this from your 6th grade child, please ask them about it.

Last week we started IXL homework assignments again.  Because of the craziness of science fair and things happening in my own life, I did not post the assignment to the blog.  The students should have written the homework in their planners, however.  This week there is a new IXL assignment which will be posted on the blog and in class for your children to record.  Please talk to them about their homework.  It is important that they are spending at least 20 minutes a night on the homework.  If they need extra help, please have them ask in class.  The goal is 100 points.  If your child is spending longer than 20 minutes on each section and still has not acquired at least 80 points, this means they need additional help on the concept.  Please have them make note of this and Ms. Kari and I can help them during class time.

Our 5th grade maturation program is coming up.  Permission slips were sent home a month ago.  If you have not received a permission slip from your child, please ask them about it.  We need these signed and returned no later than tomorrow.  I am still missing a couple.


Parent Teacher Conference, Book Fair and a Valentine’s Day Celebration

As a reminder, parent teacher conference is next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  As such, there is early release on all three of these days.  Please make arrangements to have your student picked up promptly at 1:00 pm.  There is no school on Friday, February 13 or Monday February 16.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for a conference time.  The link to sign up is on the sidebar of the blog.

As usual, MAPA is hosting book fair in the library during conferences and for each purchase you make a portion of the proceeds go to support our parent organization.  MAPA uses these monies to fund field trips, technology advances and various other activities and improvements for our school.

Because Valentine’s Day is on Saturday this year and we have no school on Friday, we will be having a small holiday celebration on Thursday, February 13.  If your child is planning on bringing Valentine’s, they must bring them for everyone, not a select few.  As per school policy, treats must remain sealed until your children bring them home.  A class list will come home with them on Friday.
