
Red Ribbon Week – Classroom Volunteer Opportunity

Next week is Red Ribbon Week.  In addition to an assembly and a variety of activities our school is having a door decorating contest.  The classroom that best exhibits this year’s theme “Respect Yourself Be Drug Free” will win a pizza party.

The time I am planning to set aside for this is 10:30-12:00, Tuesday, October 27.

If there are any crafty, creative parents with a brilliant idea who would like to organize small groups of children for an hour and a half on Tuesday morning to decorate our classroom door, please send me an email.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Important: Natural History Museum Field Trip Tomorrow

Don’t forget our trip to the Natural History Museum is tomorrow, Thusday, October 22.

Please be sure your child meets their prearranged ride at 8:25.  Rides will be leaving at 8:40 tomorrow in order to make sure we arrive at the museum on time.  Any child whose ride has not been arranged tonight (most of you have done so, , thank you!), will stay at school with another upper elementary teacher.

Bring: Lunch that does not require heating, jacket, camera (stand alone camera only please)

Leave home: Electronics, toys, large back packs, phones

We will leave the museum around 1:00 to return to the school for the last hour of the day and students will be picked up from the school at regular release time.

Thanks to the parents who are joining us on the trip!  We couldn’t have done it without your help.


2nd Trimester Review and Fall Festival Update

Thanks to everyone who made it to parent teacher conference!  I hope you have been able to decompress a little and unwind with your kids (even those of you who still had to work) during fall break.  I know I needed the rest, yet I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks of school!

Work Expectations

Each day your children are responsible for planning their work, and have done a great job so far.  Tomorrow I will be introducing a new step in planning the day.  This will include an expectations sheet with specific work required each week.  It will be up to your kiddos to plan and complete the work required.   This expectations sheet will likely undergo a few tweaks over the next couple of weeks as we work out the bugs together, but the format and use of the sheet will remain consistent.

Ask your children about it tomorrow after school, your interest will encourage them to utilize this tool to help them plan work that is appropriate for their ability level.  It will even serve to push those who need just a little nudge.

I am so excited to have received new measurement materials for our classroom!  They are cut and ready to be used!   Your children have taken to measurement like ducks to water.  They love weighing, measuring, filling and all things associated with measurement.   Last week we had a “walk off” to test which was further, a kilometer or a mile.  Ask your child which is further.

Book Reports

I have had several of you ask about book reports this year.  My focus so far this year has been on reading non-fiction in the classroom, and because your students are so engaged with their Scholastic magazines, I have not assigned any book reports (that isn’t the only reason).  I really want the reading they do during silent reading, and at home for pleasure, to be just that – pleasurable.  My experience last year with book reports were both positive and negative.

The experience was positive when the students were really excited about the particular book and type of book report that was associated with the book at the time (you have some really creative kids), but negative when the students could not find a book that excited them or when they had a great book, but didn’t like the style of book report.  It is partly because I’m wrangling with just the right way to go about it that I am delaying book reports.   In addition, we have international festival in December (don’t worry, assignments have not gone out for this yet) and Science Fair immediately following in January.  I do not want your children to be overwhelmed with home projects, particularly when the about of research they will be doing at home is going to be increasing very soon.

Fall Festival


And finally, the Fall Festival is this week! Mark your calendars for Friday October 23 from 4-7pm. We are in need of 12 volunteers, between mine and Ms. Holly’s class, to help run the Goodie Walk game and the Batman Obstacle. The volunteer slots are for one hour increments. We need 2 volunteers at the Goodie Walk per hour and 2 volunteers at the Batman Obstacle per hour. Please click  to sign up for a one hour slot. Remember this goes towards your 40 hours of volunteer time the school requires.

Thanks again for all you do to support your kids and our school community!




Important Update 6th Grade Parents

On Friday, your sixth grade child should have brought home a copy of the intent to attend the 6th grade field trip to Alliance Redwoods.   This information was initially provided to 6th grade students and their families on Thursday, September 3rd during our first meeting.   The date on the paper stated it needed to be returned September 25th.  Because of my own oversight, I sent it home on the day it needed to be returned.

If you intend for your child to attend the field trip, please return this form at your earliest convenience.   Please note, the individual contribution, which includes transportation to and from California, meals and accommodations, is $200.  This payment is due November 20th.

If you are personally interested in attending the trip as a chaperone, please email your interest to Stephanie Speicher no later than October 1st.   All details included in the information your child is bringing home can be found at this link:


We Can Do Hard Things

The transition from lower to upper elementary is an exciting, yet daunting one, for our 4th grade students.  Your child might often feel as though he can’t possibly fulfill the requirements in the upper elementary classroom, yet I see it time and again, as soon as he understands the expectations and has time to normalize, he finds he can do hard things.

Fourth grade is a big step.  Not only are students leaving the comfort of their classroom, they are leaving beloved friends, and teachers, behind as well.

As our sixth week of school comes to an end,  our 4th grade students have grown so much.  Unsure what to do when she enters the classroom, she now begins her day by making a plan.   Nervous about making new friends, she confidently explores new games on the playground.  Excited to learn new things, she now shows her progress by helping those who may need an extra lesson.

My third year of teaching brings insight, experience and joy as I see how far my students, your children, have come in three years.  The growth between 4th and 6th grade is phenomenal.  Once timid and unsure, sixth grade students are confident and ready to lead.

The “end of normalization”, by no means, draws a definitive line between not-knowing and knowing, but it is a time when we can stop, take a deep breath, and celebrate how far we have already come.

Please make an appointment to hear your child’s progress, see personal goals, and discuss any questions you might have October 12-14.  You can sign up for a 25 minute conference at the following link.

Happy Autumn Equinox!