
Spring Has Sprung!

The birds are singing, the pollen and pollinators are are flying, and warmer weather is right around the corner.

I hope you all have taken the opportunity to spend lots of time outside when the weather allowed, and lots of time engaging with each other inside when the weather was a bit less conducive to being out.

School starts again Monday, April 8 and we have a lot on our plates.   In order for your child to do their best, they need lots of rest and a predictable schedule.  Please help your child get back on a school schedule this weekend so they can be their best selves.  The expectations for work and behavior in the class have not changed, and we will begin our day Monday reviewing the rules and practicing grace and courtesy.

With the passing of Spring Break, we enter RISE testing season.  Although, as a teacher, I understand end of year testing is but one piece of the puzzle that shows student growth and progress, it is a very important piece.  Rushing through or guessing because he/she wants to have “free time” does not benefit your child.  In fact, it makes it more difficult to evaluate what they know and don’t know.

Within the classroom Ms. Kari and I try to maintain a relaxed approach to these exams.  This does not mean we do not take the exam seriously, nor does it mean we expect your child to do less than their best.  Please make sure you have a serious conversation with your child about doing their best on these exams.   Support your child with healthy meals, plenty of rest and opportunities to talk about what they are doing in the classroom.  The more opportunities you take with your child to apply what he/she is learning, the better understanding they will have.


Thursday, April 18 9:00-12:00 – Science

Monday, April 29 9:00-12:00 – ELA

Wednesday, May 1 12:00-3:00 – Math

Thursday, May 9 9:00-12:00 – Writing (5th grade only)


Last Three Weeks

I can hardly believe we are already approaching summer at this breakneck speed.  It truly feels as if the school year has just begun.

We will continue working hard each day until the end of school.  It becomes increasingly difficult to keep student attention the closer to the end of the school year we get.  Please help your child remain engaged by maintaining a regular sleep schedule, meal schedule and arriving on time each day.

We will be taking our final SAGE exam Tuesday, May 8.

Important Dates 

May 14- Crazy Sock Day

May 15- Crazy Hat or Hair Day

May 16- Pajama Day

May 16- 5th grade meeting for Alliance Redwoods (5:30 pm MMA Library)

May 17- What do you want to be? (Dress up as your future occupation)

May 18- Field Day

May 22-25 – Early Release 1:00pm

May 22-25 – Student Led Teacher Conference (sign up here)

May 23- Upper Elementary Bridging Ceremony (10:30-12:00 MMA Gym)

May 25- Last Day of School


Rising 6th Year Students and Families 2018-2019

Next week your child will be receiving a packet introducing next year’s Expert Project. This year long research project begins this summer!  We are asking your child to spend some time this summer thinking about possible topics, reading about them and starting a bibliography of books  to refer back to in the fall when the final topic selection is made. The project culminates with an evening reception where children will present their project.

Students can choose any topic they have an interest in.  This year the 6th level students researched Bats, Gymnastics, African Savannah, Vikings, Baseball, Asthma, and Lego.  The range of ideas is limitless and your child has already brainstormed a list of ideas.

Please watch for the paperwork to come home and help your child keep track of them by purchasing (or using an existing) 2-inch, 3-ring binder.  Additional copies of the paperwork will not be provided, but can be printed directly from the blog through the Expert Project tab at the top of the page.

We will discuss this as a group in class, and again during parent teacher conference.

Rising 6th Year Students and Families

Next week your child will be receiving a packet introducing next year’s Expert Project.  This year long research project begins this summer!  We are asking your child to spend some time this summer thinking about possible topics, reading about them and starting a bibliography of books  to refer back to in the fall when the final topic selection is made.  The project culminates with an evening reception where children will present their project.

Students can choose any topic they have an interest in.  This year the 6th level students researched The History of Basketball, Battle of Vicksburg, Pugs, LUA, Prosecution and the Courts, Emotions, Venomous Snakes, and Cars.  The range of ideas is limitless.

Please watch for the paperwork to come home and help your child keep track of them by purchasing (or using an existing) 2-inch, 3-ring binder.  Additional copies of the paperwork will not be provided, but can be printed directly from the blog through the Expert Project tab at the top of the page.

We will discuss this as a group in class, and again during parent teacher conference.