Homework Update and October Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

Good Morning!

Thanks to all of our parents who volunteered for our field trip to the NHMU.  It was a great success and the kids had a great time.  The level 4 and 5 workshops were really fantastic!  I will definitely plan this field trip again next year.

Because your children have a book report and their science fair question due next Tuesday, September 30, there will be no new IXL homework this week.  They should continue working on the previous IXL homework if they have not already completed it.

We have been learning about what makes a complete sentence, and this week we are focusing on all the parts of the sentence that make a Great sentence.  As such, we have studied strong verbs and how and when parts (aka prepositions).  Your children will have homework tonight that will help them understand  Dead Verbs (weak verbs and “be” verbs).

Our first Parent Teacher Conference is coming up October 13-15.  Please sign up for a 30 minutes slot.  The sign-up is available on the right-hand sidebar.
