Spelling Lists 1/21-1/25

NOTE: If you are practicing spelling at home and your child is in a group where I have written “beginning sound only,” this doesn’t always mean just the first letter. For example, this week the orange group is learning the sp, sk and sm blends. In order to get credit for a correct answer on their test at the end of the week, they will need to write the first TWO letters of the word. Also, this week I am repeating the yellow group’s word list from last week since no one did well on the test. In all cases, this was because they didn’t understand or write the second letter of the beginning sound. For example, many students wrote “qw” at the beginning of words instead of “qu.” Please let me know if you have any questions!

Pink Group (beginning sound only) – fox, can, hose, deer, fan, horn, cow, dice

Red Group (beginning sound only) – cat, hand, chair, cake, heart, chop, coat, hat, chin

Orange Group (beginning sound only) – spoon, skate, smile, smell, spear, skip, spill, smoke, skunk

Yellow Group (beginning sound only) – wheel, quilt, twin, key, whip, quack, twelve, kite, quite, twenty

Dark Green Group – chop, hole, hot, stove, come, hose, joke, rock, rose, some, broke, spot

Green Group – froze, coal, show, stock, coach, lose, Rome, long, oat, row, blow, globe, close, loaf, know, mow

Blue Group – soon, good, cool, could, groom, foot, roost, noon, hook, tool, proof, wool, fool, brook, stool, should

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