Eleventh Week Recap and Tidbits


1 – Early release Monday, November 5th. School will be dismissed at 1 PM.

2 – This week is red ribbon week and we have an in-school field experience with author Gary Hogg. Because of all the extra actvities this week, we will be compressing our instruction and our work cycle into less time. It is important to practice spelling at home this week as there will be less time for in-class practice.

3 – Picture Retake Day is coming up on the 15th. Please let me know if you want your child to have their picture retaken so that I can send them to the gym at the appropriate time.


This past week we started two new things: new work plans and daily handwriting practice. The new work plans made an immediate and positive difference in our classroom. I’m so pleased with how everyone adjusted to them and they are helping us stay on task and move through our work so much better. Plus, since we use the same plan for the entire week instead of needing a new one every day, they’re also helping save paper! We discussed expectations for work completed last week and starting this week, I will be sending home work plans on Fridays for parents/guardians to see what their student is accomplishing during the week. I will explain more details about this in a coming blog post.

As always, thank you for all you do!

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