Willard Bay Field Trip

The Junior High is taking students on a field trip to Pelican Beach located at Willard Bay on Tuesday, August 23rd. The students will arrive at 9:00 am, and be picked up at 2:30 pm.  The goal of this field experience is to facilitate team building in advisory house, learn how to support each other in an outdoor classroom, and explore the ecological systems of Willard Bay. Students will receive permission slips on Monday, August 15th in their advisory classes. If you are in need of a ride to Willard please sign up on this wejoinin.

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7th Grade and New Student Orientation

MMA Jr. High staff are excited to invite 7th graders and new students to MMA to join us for a Back to School Orientation on Friday, August 12th. It is MMA’s goal to provide our students with an opportunity to get to know their classmates and teachers in their new community before school starts. It is an important opportunity for your student to attend.  There will be information that will help make their transition back to MMA a successful one. All MMA Jr. High new students and 7th graders should come from 1:00 – 2:30 pm. When you drop off your Junior High students they can walk directly to the portables. We ask that you do not get out of your car to walk your child into the school. This will assist in encouraging your child’s independence, which is a hallmark of the Montessori philosophy. Please be prompt with your drop-off and pick-up so we can assure that your child has a successful orientation.

We look forward to seeing your child on Friday.

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Back School Night

Back to school night will be held on August 18th from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm.



6:30-7:00 Montessori 101

7:00-8:00 Classroom Visits/Walk throughs/Meet and Greet Teachers


Junior High:

6:30-7:00 Core Beliefs and Practices of MMA’s Adolescent Program

7:00 –8:00 Parents follow students schedule with student if present/Meet and Greet teachers

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Jr. High Family Letter/ Supply List

Welcome to the 2016-­‐17 school year at Maria Montessori Academy (MMA). This year promises to be filled with continued growth and development for the students and our MMA community. Enclosed in this letter, you will find a variety of useful and important information. We encourage   you to play an active role in your child’s education by providing guidance and support in their success during their adolescent years.


At the beginning of the week a letter was sent out to each student with the attached letter and their schedule. If you have not received this letter by the end of the week please contact the office to receive a new one. In the letter is a supply list as well as any other information you may be looking for. If you have any other questions or concerns please let us know.

Revised JH Letter 16-17 (1)


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Annual Playground Service Project

Our annual service project of staining the outdoor playground equipment is coming up on August 6th. Students will be applying new stain to the playground equipment to help keep the equipment beautiful, and usable for our school. We will be meeting at 9:00 am by the playground equipment. Come in clothes that you don’t mind getting a little stain on them. If you have any questions please contact the lead teacher Ms. Jessi at jleavell@mariamontessoriacademy.org or myself (Ms. Jessica) at jatwood@mariamontessoriacademy.org. We look forward to seeing you there.



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MMA Annual 5 K Family Color Fun Run

Run, walk, scoot, or stroll…whatever you do come and join us for the MMA Annual 5k Family Color Fun Run! It will be a blast with our DJ, Photo Booth, Chick Fil A and the Cow, also Great Harvest Bread is coming to serve bread to racers! We will be raffling off some fun prizes and much more!!! You don’t want to miss out on this exciting race; we have fantasitc sponsors, great swag bags, and awesome prizes. Your race entry and other donations will raise money for our amazing school! – See more at: https://www.raceentry.com/race-reviews/mma-annual-5k-family-color-fun-run#sthash.w8R29q0N.dpuf


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