“Grind” Week!

This week has been what many students affectionately label as “Grind Week” because it is the week before the end of the quarter. Our teachers have given deadlines to get all late summative work turned in so that students are not failing classes. For more information about that, please review the Junior High Handbook. You may also find the information quickly in last week’s MMM. You may have your students log in to Canvas with you to look at grades and to see if any summative work is missing. Teachers will usually label an assignment with an S to note the differentiation. Please contact your child’s teachers if you have any questions. The end of the quarter is Wednesday, October 15th.
We also would like to welcome our new math teacher Mr. Craig. He comes to MMA with over 20 years of teaching math for Davis School District. We are so lucky to have him here!
Starting next quarter, we will no longer allow students to reassess during Advisory. The reassessment is the process by which a student may seek a better grade on a summative assignment. Students have been unwilling to come in after school for this, however, this is not going to be an option. Advisory is not a time for reassessment and is considered part of the school day and is included in the instructional hours students receive at school. Therefore, as do other area schools around us, all reassessments will be taking place after school only. Teachers do hold office hours weekly, please contact your child’s teacher for that information.
Lastly, we had our first stomp on Friday evening. Ms. Dore’s Advisory was in charge of organizing it. A big thank you to her 8th grade council as well as to a few other 8th and 9th graders who stepped up to see this through. Unfortunately, there were many misbehaviors that took place during and after the stomp. We will be discussing this as a junior high community this coming week.
Don’t forget that Fall Break is next week, no school on Thursday and Friday!
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